Governor Rick Perry Sounding Like "Reverend" Rick Perry...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Governor Rick Perry displaying once again his Fundie judgmental attitude as he essentially trashes his adversary, Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis (D). Whether the Gov realizes it or not his holier than thou attitude gains him more detractors than it does supporters. Well, other than the Fundies that populate the Bible thumping belt. Gov is only a few breaths removed from the fundamentalist Muslims. IMNHO.

Here's the video of Reverend Gov delivering his judgment on Sen. Davis

TPM - Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis (D) responded to Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday, chiding him for using "small words" that tarnished Lone Star state values.

Perry invoked Davis' experience as a teenage mother at the National Right to Life conference in Dallas Thursday, telling attendees that it was "unfortunate" that she "hasn't learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."

"They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view," Davis told the Associated Press Thursday. "Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test."

She also added that his comment was "without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds."

For more on this story go HERE, and HERE.

Via: Memeorandum


Just out. Following is a very interesting article by Jonathan Chait from The New York Times. She makes many valid points and pretty much defines the debate with accuracy. To her credit the article is relatively balanced.

The teaser...

... The immediate liberal reaction is that Perry was "attack[ing] her motives and her experiences," or "dismissing her as an unwed, teen mother." But Perry is not attacking Davis here. Perry is pointing to her life as a success. His comments are tantamount to a liberal arguing that Ted Cruz's family history shows why we need more immigration.

Now, to be sure, Davis would respond that giving birth was her choice, and ought to remain her choice. I agree. But this merely pushes the debate back to irreconcilable moral premises. The abortion debate, at its root, pits differing ideas on the fundamental question of what is a human life. Perry's side thinks that sperm plus egg equals human life. My side thinks the fertilized egg does not approach human status until much later in the process, which means the mother's prerogative supercedes any rights it has.

There's no real resolution to this dispute. Nobody even makes much of an effort to resolve it. Both sides advance arguments that only make sense if you already accept their premise about what a human life is. That's what Perry's doing here. He's saying we should force women to give birth even when they don't want to, because babies born in bad circumstances can be happy anyway. That isn't an acceptable burden to place on women, in my opinion, but it surely is if you think abortion is murder... {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Takes me back to the days with lowbrow cheapshot humorist Molly Ivins wrote endless columns about Perry's hair. Thanks for reporting on something of substance regarding him.

    1. Thanks dmarks. But I must admit that it took all I had not to refer to the Governor as... well you know. :-)

  2. Ivins hit Perry right on the hair. It summed him up to a tee. Nothing but a head of hair. You really don't have to tell elaborate jokes about Perry. He is the joke.


  3. But the people elected him three times, the state is in the black, and they enjoy a good economy, so he can't be all bad.

    And statist progressives are just as 'fundamentalist' in their beliefs, preaching their dogma to us and using the power of the state to cram it down out throats, so I don't understand why a few Christian fundies offends your delicate sensibilities.


    @ Gov is only a few breaths removed from the fundamentalist Muslims. IMNHO.

    You can't be serious. I realize you've dedicated your blogging life to doing an heroic David Frum imitation in the hopes of making some liberals (Who never concede anything) happy, but this is over the top.

    What would those few breath be that would make him just as bad as people who burn girls in their schoolhouses, perform clitedorectomies, take women's rights away and kill them, bomb those who commit blasphemy, and bomb innocent people at events like the Boston Marathon?

    There's enough idiots on the left saying crap like this. You don't need to stain your blog like this for a pat on the head from the likes of Jersey.

    But I do understand the attraction of National Enquirer, personality-driven controversy, pointless as it may be...

    Don't worry Les, the whole nation will be blue in a generation, and conversations such as this will be a distant memory.

    1. "And statist progressives are just as 'fundamentalist' in their beliefs, preaching their dogma to us and using the power of the state to cram it down out throats..."

      You get no argument from me on this. However, after 4 years of watching the conservative republicans I have determined, after blogging as a conservative for 4 years, that republicans and conservatives are as large a threat to our liberties as the liberals are. They just fail to recognize it.

      ...I don't understand why a few Christian fundies offends your delicate sensibilities."

      Well, they don't personally offend me because I could not care one iota less what they choose to believe. But when it comes to public policy, say like a women's right to abortion, a homosexual's right to marry and enjoy the same rights and benefits of heterosexuals, and their attempts to infuse more religious influence into our secular government then I am offended. Further, I am offended by idiotic statements like the one Gov Perry made in reference to Rep. Davis. As all reasonable and thinking people ought to be offended by it.

      "... I realize you've dedicated your blogging life to doing an heroic David Frum imitation in the hopes of making some liberals (Who never concede anything) happy,..."

      Wrong Silver, very wrong. Obviously you have misunderstood. You see I am a true fiscal conservative, social libertarian, and actually think independently. So you see I could not care one iota less whether I make somebody or a group of hide bound ideologue somebodies happy or not. Period.

      Silver - "What would those few breath be that would make him just as bad as people who burn girls in their schoolhouses, perform clitedorectomies, take women's rights away and kill them, bomb those who commit blasphemy, and bomb innocent people at events like the Boston Marathon?"

      Well Silver, what you have said is nothing but hyperbole, it offends my sensibilities because I said Fundamentalist Muslims, not Extreme Radical Islamic Terrorists. My statement was merely intended to indicate my disdain for ALL fundamental politicians that would allow religious doctrine to find it's way into government and public policy. Something IMNHO Gov Perry and the Christian Fundamentalists are happy attempting to push. In other words Silver all fundamental religions would be perfectly happy with a Theocracy. Like Iran has. Remember your history and the Church of England?

      Silver - "Don't worry Les, the whole nation will be blue in a generation, and conversations such as this will be a distant memory."

      LMAO!!! Given the conservative and republican tendency towards fascism (Ayn Rand and Leonard Piekoff had it right) my view is that it would be more likely if the nation went totally red (republican) that we would all be goosestepping to the National Anthem, reciting the Lords Pray in the classroom, dissenting opinions as well as discussions will be be deemed treasonous. Adherence to either the Dogmatic Red chorus line or the Dogmatic Blue chorus line is IMNHO the height of absurdity. I'm sorry if you don't see that Silver.

      Extreme partisanship can be damned. And both the Red (right) and the Blue (left)are replete with it. Sad indeed. I'm betting the founding architects of our Representative democracy (Republic) would agree. Today it has become a badge of honor for both the Rec and the Blue to disagree simply to disagree. I'm guessing Silver you may not understand my last statement. Like so many others.

      Thanks for your input, it is appreciated, even in my disagreement.

    2. Of course I understand your last statement. You write very clearly.

      You don't see the same tendency towards fascism in the progressives and democrats as well?

      In the end, this is about people of all bents and ideologies wanting to hijack government for their own narrow purposes to impose their own narrow beliefs upon others. Left, right, corporatists, whatever, every faction is guilty of it.

      I suppose what rankles me is seeing you jump in with the leftist press.

      How many people on the left are demonized like Perry and other rightwingers? And yes, dipwads who make absurd statements about rape deserve a public roasting, but how many idiots on the left get the same treatment?

      I just hate to see people go along with the crowd.

    3. Silver, there you go again. I do not "jump in with the leftist press." I prefer to recognize truth when I see it. Whether that truth is from the right or the left is of no concern to me.

      I have no problem with pointing out errors as I see them from either the Red or Blue agenda. I. do prefer to write more from a libertarian social perspective and fiscal conservative perspective. I can't help it if the Red agenda doesn't often get it "right" in either arena.

      Conservatism is dying a slow death of its own making.

    4. Yes, you are correct both the Blue and Red agenda I about promoting the power of the state. The Blue agenda is just a bit more honest about their intentions.

    5. Texas is a joke, Perry is a joke, and if it wasn't for gerrymandering, the state would be blue and the people would be a lot better off. Texas now is a political $#!%hole and everyone knows it. Anyone who supports Perry looks like a stupid joke too.


    6. And sometimes jmj you can be a joke.

      Do you have anything of substance to offer? Other than the obvious.

  4. Silver has a pretty good point on the fundamentalist Muslims. By and large they want to murder many millions of Jewish men, women and children. They vote for this (consider that most Palestinian voters a few years ago endorsed Hamas and its "final solution", and speak out in favor of it, which makes them different perhaps from the "Extreme Radical Islamic Terrorists" which are "in the field" walking the walk and actually committing horrific violence against infidels.

    I am not aware of such bloodlust being mainstream in the "religious right" in the US at this time. I am open to evidence.

  5. dmarks - "I am not aware of such bloodlust being mainstream in the "religious right" in the US at this time. I am open to evidence."

    You, as Silver has, failed to understand the point I was making.

    Les in response to Silver's comment - "Well Silver, what you have said is nothing but hyperbole, it offends my sensibilities because I said Fundamentalist Muslims, not Extreme Radical Islamic Terrorists. My statement was merely intended to indicate my disdain for ALL fundamental politicians that would allow religious doctrine to find it's way into government and public policy. Something IMNHO Gov Perry and the Christian Fundamentalists are happy attempting to push. In other words Silver all fundamental religions would be perfectly happy with a Theocracy. Like Iran has. Remember your history and the Church of England?Well Silver, what you have said is nothing but hyperbole, it offends my sensibilities because I said Fundamentalist Muslims, not Extreme Radical Islamic Terrorists. My statement was merely intended to indicate my disdain for ALL fundamental politicians that would allow religious doctrine to find it's way into government and public policy. Something IMNHO Gov Perry and the Christian Fundamentalists are happy attempting to push. In other words Silver all fundamental religions would be perfectly happy with a Theocracy. Like Iran has. Remember your history and the Church of England?"

    and again Les - "LMAO!!! Given the conservative and republican tendency towards fascism (Ayn Rand and Leonard Piekoff had it right) my view is that it would be more likely if the nation went totally red (republican) that we would all be goosestepping to the National Anthem, reciting the Lords Pray in the classroom, dissenting opinions as well as discussions will be be deemed treasonous. Adherence to either the Dogmatic Red chorus line or the Dogmatic Blue chorus line is IMNHO the height of absurdity. I'm sorry if you don't see that Silver."

    That's all I'll say about that.

  6. Les: A woman's 'right to an abortion' is not in the same category as gay marriage. Gay marriage harms no one.

    A woman's 'right to choose' conflicts with a human being's right to not be killed.

    If the pro-abortion people would simply go along with GOP-proposed legislation that puts this practice back into a proper medical setting, performed by doctors with hospital privileges, most of the controversy would go away, and legitimate abortions would be a private matter between a woman and her doctor.

    Instead we have Gosnell horror chambers, with law abiding abortion clinics, saying they can't perform the late-term procedure, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*, but directing poor victims to those lawbreakers who can.

    No, if one is a humanist, not a Christian or Jew, but a humanist, one must see that when we speak of abortion, we address an issue of competing rights. Unfortunately, only one of the parties can defend her side.

    1. Silver to state my position on abortion for you, again... Abortion should be prohibited at the point in gestation when the developing baby can survive outside the womb with or without life support. Therefore I am perfectly comfortable with the 20 week benchmark.

      Why in the hell you invoked The murderer Gosnell in a discussion with me about a women's right to control her reproductive rights is beyond me. I do not now and never have supported late term abortion (live birth abortion).

      I am equally uncomforable with the individyals who imagine a group of cells are a person at one minute, one hour, one day, one week... and would support a personhood amendment that defnes a seconds old unification of a single egg ans sperm as human life.

      Reasonable people are reasonable. Neither Gosnell or the Personhood advocates are reasonable.

      I stand my ground.

    2. I brought it up because you invoked it along with gay marriage. They are separate and distinct issues, as I previously stated.

  7. Okay, I'll give you that one. However it is interesting that as a SOCIETAL sub group the anti gay marriage sub group and the personhood at conception (anti reproductive rights) sub group tend to be the same. Recognizing of course there are exceptions to the norm.

  8. Abortion actually happens after the process of human reproduction has completed. Framing it as "reproductive rights" is due to the success of the abortion industry trying to divert attention and get it to be called anything else other than that which they are selling.

    " Human reproduction is any form of sexual reproduction resulting in the conception of a child, typically involving sexual intercourse between a man and a woman"

    1. I'm not sure what you're getting at dmarks. But irrespective of what is is my remarks are clear... as is my position. I stand by them both.

    2. I know, RN. And if abortions were stopped at the 20 week point as you advocate, that would be progress as far as I am concerned.

      I know you are not WD, who wanted to give abortionists ... the ones who are real Gosnells... carte blanche to unlawfully murder legal American citizens after they have been born, for fun and profit, without any of the due process required for any action against such individuals. A special class of serial killer.

  9. I am far from a fan of Gov. Perry, but in no way was he attacking her. He also was speaking at pro life conference, which as a citizen he has the right to do. There is no way to get around this, upon conception it is biologically human. Certain bird eggs have more protections that humans do in this country. That says a great deal wouldn't you say?

    1. Hey JACG, good seeing you here.

      I agree he was certainly within his rights to be wrong. He has a nefarious agenda which is to roll back a women's right to choose to pre 1972 and a return to back alley abortions.

      At conception the sperm and the egg are not human life. They are at that moment in time two cells that unite and begin a biological process of BECOMING human life.

      My position is clear as stated above. While I respect the right of the devout to disagree with that position I do not respect their right to return us to the dark ages. A majority of Americans agree.

      This is just one of many issues that the republicans are on the wrong side of. It will continue to cost them elections. Until the party adopts actual conservatism, social libertarianism, and sheds it's allegiance to corporatists and crony capitalists it has no where to go but down.

  10. I'm not opposed to certain restrictions on abortion in the 3rd trimester (that it's OK to kill a baby one day before the due date but not to kill it after it's born has always seemed quite bizarre to me) but I do agree with you that this piece of legislation is WAY too restrictive and I probably would have filibustered the sucker, too.


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