Governor Bobby Jindal Making Sense...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

I have previously posted on Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as being one of the forward thinking politicians (and bright lights) in the present rEpublican party. A party that frankly IMNHO is essentially void of new ideas and blind to the reality of changing demographics and national concerns. I was pleased to see Governor Jindal getting the press he needs and deserves from the Washington Post.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will deliver a forceful denunciation of his party’s Washington-centric focus in a speech to the Republican National Committee on Thursday evening, arguing that the GOP is fighting the wrong fight as it seeks to rebuild from losses at the ballot box last November.

“A debate about which party can better manage the federal government is a very small and short-sighted debate,” Jindal will tell the RNC members gathered in Charlotte, N.C. for the organization’s winter meeting, according to a copy of the speech provided to The Fix. “If our vision is not bigger than that, we do not deserve to win.”

Jindal’s speech — and his call to “recalibrate the compass of conservatism” — is the latest shred of a growing amount of evidence that the Louisiana governor is positioning himself to not only run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 but do so in direct (or close to it) opposition to his party in the nation’s capital.

In the speech, Jindal will repeatedly caution that Republicans in Washington have fallen into the “sideshow trap” of debating with Democrats over the proper size of the federal government.

“By obsessing with zeroes on the budget spreadsheet, we send a not-so-subtle signal that the focus of our country is on the phony economy of Washington, instead of the real economy out here in Charlotte, and Shreveport (La.), and Cheyenne (Wyo.),” Jindal is set to say at one point in the speech. At another, he will argue that “Washington has spent a generation trying to bribe our citizens and extort our states,” adding: “As Republicans, it’s time to quit arguing around the edges of that corrupt system.”

Running against Washington — and the Republicans who inhabit it — is smart politics for Jindal. Congress, viewed broadly, is at or close to all-time lows when it comes to approval ratings. In a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted earlier this month, just 24 percent of those tested approved of the job that Republicans in Congress were doing.

Even more stunning, among self-identified Republicans only 39 percent offered a favorable rating for their own party’s representatives, while 58 percent viewed their own elected officials in an unfavorable light.

Jindal is far from the only 2016 Republican hopeful to use his party’s Washington contingent as a foil to bolster his own political prospects. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) rant against House GOPers for failing to bring up a funding bill on Hurricane Sandy – an instant classic — was another prime example of congressional GOPers being triangulated by their party’s future leaders.{Read More}

If the rEpublican party is to avoid complete irrelevancy it will need to listen to, understand, and act upon the message Jindal and others are sending. In as much as the dEmocrat party does not have all the answers to the nation problems it is unquestionable that the rEpublican party has failed to fill the void of leadership.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jindal, Christie, Daniels, Huntsman - these are the people that the Republicans should be parading around, not the likes of Bachman, Gingrich, Santorum, etc.. At least that's the advice that I would give.

  3. "Takes me back to the days when Shaw was on a tear ranting about Jindal being "colored" (which in her mind disqualifie him for a position of power, apparently) and not having the best speaking style."

    dmarks, you are a dirty liar. And I use "dirty" advisedly, because only a "dirty" liar would spread slander about another person on other people's blogs.

    You are also a coward since you present no evidence whatsoever to back up your slur on me.

    I state unequivocally and with absolute certainty that I never, never wrote such a filthy piece of slander about Gov. Jindal. Ever!

    I demand you apologize to me for your stupid and yellow-bellied accusations.

  4. Just for the record: I searched my blog and found what the foolish dmarks may have been referring to: It is a quote I posted on my blog by Ann Althouse from February 28, 2009, and I ridiculed Althouse for posting it.

    Apparently dmarks' can't tell the difference between a quote someone else makes and something I actually said. But that didn't stop dmarks from slandering me, did it. Here's the text from my blog:

    My conservative friend, Gordon, who guest-blogs over at A Political Glimpse from Ireland, has a post up titled "Hearts and minds, or Why liberal bigotry is okay, and the main thrust of the post is what Ann Althouse IMAGINES people think about Gov. Jindal:

    "Bad, bad Bobby Jindal. Quick! Help me think of all the ways Bobby Jindal is just terrible. Ack! Don't look at him! He's horrible! I can barely stand to look at him. When he first emerges from behind a curtain, I moan "Oh, God." This is terrible. This is automatically horrible. A man of color, who is not supporting our side. One look and I am disgusted. How loathsome!"

    I'm waiting, dmarks, for an apology for slandering me.

    1. Shaw, obviously perception in this instance does not match reality then. In this case dmarks certainly owes you an appology.

      I don't agree with you on much. However I have never found your integrity something to be questioned. For whatever that is worth to you.

  5. RN, I make stupid mistakes, and I'm apt to erupt, q.v. "Progressive Eruptions" (my husband refers to me as Mt. Etna--the Sicilian volcano--at times, and I'm guilty in that).

    When I read someone attributing racist slurs to me that I never made, that really makes me erupt. Perhaps I was a bit intemperate above in my reaction to dmarks, but think how you, or anyone, would feel if someone misrepresented you as horridly as dmarks has misrepresented me here and at other blogs. I would expect you to be as heated and immediate in your response as I was, and I would not blame you.

    1. Gee Shaw, who would have thought? ;-)

      I knew there was a reason I keep hanging out at PE.

      Nor do I blame you Shaw...

  6. No need to apologize for properly describing one of our racist commenters.

    And no, I did not misrepresent you at all regarding your comments agreeing with the leftist "comedian" who said Herman Cain should not run because he is black. There's no way I'd ever agree with a "comedian" of any side saying that about Cain, Obama, Sharpton, West, or anyone. I am consistently opposed to racism, and would never support such a view.

  7. Jindal is simply jumping on the Christie bandwagon Les. He is no different from the rest of the republicans in that he will say whatever crap he thinks his audience will want to hear at the time.

    Nice try at spinning Dmarks. I'd rip you but I'm an ambassador now so I have to be diplomatic.

    1. I disagree with you on Jindal Joe. Perhaps one day we will have an opportunity to compare notes to see who was right.

      Of course being of the 3'rd or 4'th party mindset these days it is likely I'll be voting for someone who has yet to surface.

      Voting dem. or rEb. is like voting for different gradients for the same slope. With one caveat, the dems are at least more honest with respect to intent.

      Good to hear you've become an ambassador, although I'm betting you'd rather something else. ;-)

    2. I didn't spin, Ambassador Joe, so not even a nice try.

  8. "No need to apologize for properly describing one of our racist commenters.

    And no, I did not misrepresent you at all regarding your comments agreeing with the leftist "comedian" who said Herman Cain should not run because he is black. There's no way I'd ever agree with a "comedian" of any side saying that about Cain, Obama, Sharpton, West, or anyone. I am consistently opposed to racism, and would never support such a view."

    dmarks, you did not address the libel you wrote about me concerning Bobby Jindal. I gave evidence to show you were completely wrong, and like a snake, you slithered away from this evidence, and changed the subject. I also have evidence available to prove I never wrote anything racist about Cain, but rather quoted what other people said and used that as a talking point for my posts.

    You are dishonest, and a perfect example of what's wrong with zealots who have nothing but a hateful agenda to use against people they disagree with. Be careful, sir. This can come back to bite you in your libelous backside.

    I can play this game as well.

    1. I once worked for a boss that aside from one singular statement he made often, was relatively unmemorable. But his statement was nonetheless memorable in its simplicity and good advice.

      He said of situations like this one... "Be the better person and rise above it. People who matter will know the truth."

      He was a liberal.

    2. Back when liberals were tolerant and open-minded, I'm gathering.

    3. Do you have a link to the Cain post with the comedian? I've looked again and again for it...

  9. "Back when liberals were tolerant and open-minded, I'm gathering."

    Tolerant? You mean like the conservatives who've run, for years, on denying people who love each other the right to marry? You mean like the conservatives who fought against the repeal of DADT? You mean like the conservatives who've worked tirelessly to deny girls and women the right to a legal medical procedure that is none of their business? And lastly like the conservatives in Arizona who have proposed a law that would require all high school students to take an oath in order to graduate--an oath that ends with "so help me God," which is forcing non-Christian, Jewish, Muslims, and atheists to swear to a deity they do not acknowledge.

    1. "the conservatives who fought against the repeal of DADT?"

      Until a couple of years ago, the great progressive leader of the liberals in the US, Barack Obama, also fought against the repeal of DADT.

      Yes, I opposed DADT as well. And I realize that Obama's record on this and related issues (he campaigned on opposition to gay marriage) make for the difference between liberals and conservatives to be a lot smaller than you would imply.

      Libertarians probably have a much better, more consistent record on this.

    2. Did I say anything about conservatives being open-minded? If you knew anything about me, Shaw, you would know that I have very little use for the religious right and even less for the neocons.......As for the liberals being open-minded, I suggest that you take a good long look at those hacked emails from Climategate and/or listen to MSNBC (or Mike Malloy on the radio) for even 10 minutes. 'Taint a lot of love and give from your side, neither, sadly to say.

  10. Here's how this works, dmarks. YOU made a libelous accusation about me; now YOU find the evidence to prove it. That's how it works in a court of law. If you can't find it, that's YOUR problem. You shouldn't be accusing people of racism if you can't back it up with proof!

    YOU have to prove that I was the source of what you call a "racist" post, otherwise, YOU are a "dirty" liar. "Dirty," because you wrote the accusations here and at other blogs instead of confronting me directly. You did it behind my back. That's sneaky and cowardly.

    This is the last time I deal with this nasty business. It's not fair to Les to sully his blog with my having to defend myself against dmarks' libelous attacks.

    Sorry, Les.

    1. Shaw, no need to appologize really, but I accept your very gracious statement.

      You are of course right Shaw, and I do not mind you making your argument here as your character and thus integrity were called into question by another on this site. Therefore acting as you have in your own defense here is understandable and justified.

      Court is adjourned having rendered a judgement in favor of the defendant of NOT GUILTY. There will be no appeals.

    2. I did confront you directly on your blog at the time in the involved posts, Shaw.

  11. Anyway... I accept RN's verdict and apologize to Shaw right now.

  12. I want to like Jindal and I definitely like this speech; in fact, I like it so much I printed it out. We'll see how many deaf GOP ears his words of wisdom fall on... I'm thinking he won't make a dent in the "stupid" party.

    1. Jindal has some positions that I hope he will evolve out of with time. Much as Obama has evolved during his political career. I view him as a possibility and if he can put a network together and get the backing he may have a shot. But he will need to sell a very skeptical electorate, and some of his positions are not popular even with rEpublicans and Libertarians.

      And yeah, the 'stupid party' has some thick skull.

  13. Shaw: I get what you're saying about being accused of being a racist. How does having your character smeared feel? I've had it done to me hundreds of times since 2009, as a vocal libertarian-conservative blogger, all across the web. And you know what? I've never said anything racist, held a racist point of view, or harbored any hatred in my heart this whole time.

    Character smears stink and are the lowest form of gutter politics. As a "liberal" I guess you know how it feels now.

    1. Yes Tim, we all have had smears leveled at us and some pretty nasty crap lobbed at us. Calling people racist or other derogatory terminology is deplorable and in the absence of factual proof should never be uttered or printed.

      I still get comments I will not post because they are slander and outright libelous. They all go to spam so one day, when I am old and totally grey I can pull them out and have a chuckle while using the garbage to help teach the grand kids how not to be.

      ... For All ...

      I love politics, or used to anyway. But after 3 1/2 years of blogging and witnessing and being involved in what is going on I've grown to despise politics and what it seems to do to some people. Sometimes myself included.

      It is time bloggers in general, all of us, stick with discussing, debating, and presenting facts (or information we believe to be true based on something other than "it fits the narrative." Opinions are fine, but when those opinions can harm another persons character or reputation it's best to hold back when there is a lack of evidence. Of course persons in the public domain expect a greater amount of garbage thrown at them.

      I know Shaw wishes to speak no more of this, and that should be respected. But just for the record this site views Shaw as a woman of character and integrity. Most visitors here fall into that category. So, lets all keep it above board.

      Keeping the politics above board and clean is what everyone should do.

  14. Apology accepted. And let's not talk about it anymore. We owe that to Les.

  15. According to the WaPo: 2016 Republican hopeful to use his party’s Washington contingent as a foil to bolster his own political prospects

    Hmmmmm....Looks as if the mainstream media is just chomping at the bit to discredit Jindal.

    1. Yes indeed. I actually expected this would be the case. I doubt any conservative or libertarian candidate would be considered suitable for the office by the MSM. With very few exceptions I actually have to agree with the MSM on that.

  16. Stating the obvious (Republicans are stupid) does not make him intelligent, or brave. Especially since he supported Republican stupidity for decades and only sees the light after a loss at the polls, not the proof of their stupidity in the nations balance sheets since 1983.

    1. Ever hear how one "evolves" like President Obama? Or is it that only dEmocrats evolve?

      Chuckling loudly to myself right now!

    2. "not the proof of their stupidity in the nations balance sheets since 1983. "

      Major proof of the stupidity of the Democrat party policies, for sure. As Reagan's tax policies resulted in a massive increase in revenue coming in.

  17. With his kind of misjudgments, its not an evolution, but an indoctrination.

    1. Perhaps, perhaps not. Time will tell. In either case it wouldn't matter as in your opinion, and of course this is just my opinion, there is no good rEPublican or Libertarian in your judgement.

  18. Just because I think Jindal is a sheep, doesn't mean I think all of them are, except in your closed mind.

    1. Like I said before, and I'm reiterating now I ain't going to get into a pissing contest. As to whose mind is the most heavily shuttered, well I suppose we are both right, at least in our own minds. :-)

      Ya have a sparkling day Tuesday!

  19. Never said that to me, but in your egotistical mind, I'm those other guys

    1. Like I said, I am not going to get into a pissing contest or the small stuff. I would however spend a but of time in self reflection, it does the spirit good.

      Now, please have a wonderful evening.

  20. Yes, you need self reflection. Especially when mistakenly grouping some with others. No pissing contest, just the facts. Try it.

    1. Not at all grouping anyone (some) with anyone. I have made that statement more than once for whomever.

      So as I said earlier, have a fine evening doing whatever it is you do in the evening.

      And by the way, I really do have better things to do than joust with you. So, read the above one more time.............................................................................. and then reflect.


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