His True Colors...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The mark of a desperate campaign and it's candidate. Some might even call it despicable.

CINCINNATI — A seemingly offhand utterance from President Obama has turned into a major point of contention between the two campaigns, as Team Obama tries to explain what the president meant when he told a crowd of supporters that “Voting is the best revenge.”

It happened in Springfield, Ohio Friday as Obama was discussing the economic policies of the 1990s. When Obama referred to “a Senate candidate by the name of Mitt Romney,” the crowd booed his opponent’s name — certainly not unusual reaction at political rallies of both parties. Then Obama said, “No, no, no — don’t boo, vote. Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”

It was an ugly and small-minded moment, especially for the end of a campaign when candidates usually try to stress larger, optimistic themes. Romney incorporated the “revenge” line in his speech in Ohio Friday night, saying that while Obama advises revenge, he, Romney, wants people to vote “for love of country.”

As Obama traveled to northern Ohio Saturday morning, campaign official Jen Psaki was asked about the “revenge” remark. According to a White House pool report, Psaki said Obama had been speaking in the context of Romney’s “scare tactics” in Ohio. The Republican is “frightening workers in Ohio into thinking, falsely, that they’re not going to have a job,” Psaki said, according to the pool report. “And the message [Obama] was sending is if you don’t like the policies, if you don’t like the plan that Gov. Romney is putting forward, if you think that’s a bad deal for the middle class, then you can go to the voting booth and cast your ballot. It’s nothing more complicated than that.”

The problem is, the president was actually not speaking in the context of Romney’s highly-controversial ads about bailed-out Chrysler adding production of Jeeps in China. In fact, Obama had not said a word about the Jeep controversy when he said “revenge.” His speech had touched on Hurricane Sandy, on the progress the American economy has made in the last few years, on his national security accomplishments, on the choice Americans will make on November 6, on Bill Clinton’s record — on a lot of things, but not on Jeep. {Read More}

Pathetic indeed!...

Via: Memorandum

UPDATE: Having witnessed he incredible integrity nd capability of President Obama over eight years it became brilliantly clear that I was wrong. President Obama was a fi e president for our time. A man to admire and, in fact emulate.

Unfortunately he was followed by the most narcissistic, dishonest,  untrustworthy, and, ignorant man to ever sit in the White House. An authoritarian who attempted to overturn the results of the free and fair 2020 presidential election.

His attempted coup (insurrection) made it clear he is an enemy of American democracy and freedom and liberty for all. A lying sociopath the Great Orange Turd belongs behind the bars of a federal penitentiary for the remainder of his miserable and pathetic life.


  1. Revenge: an act to get even for an insult.

    There is no bigger insults than the lies and racial slurs Romney and Republicans have said about Obama

    1. "Then Obama said, “No, no, no — don’t boo, vote. Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”"

      Revenge, the mark of a small person.

  2. I guess it's a big person who throws racial slurs, questions his birth rite, claims he's Muslim, and claims he's responsible for the murder of 4 people. That's how sick and thick his enemies are. He's due some revenge.

    1. No it is not, and rational people do not support or advocate such behavior. The President I'm sure realizes this.

      He is the leader of a nation, revenge it not a word he should have uttered in public. My guess is he knows it. Certainly there were better words to express what he meant.

      If he is reelected he will serve another four years. That should give him satisfaction yes.

      What matters is not your views, or really mine. But at the end of the day November 6th the electorate will have spoken, and that is what will matter.

  3. "I welcome their hatred." FDR,

    "Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.

    I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master."

    Didn't hurt FDR one bit.\

    "Go ahead, make my day." RWReagan, that threat meant go ahead, and do such and such, and I'll shoot you.

    What Mr. Obama said is NOT despicable. You and others are just trying to throw more mud and stones at the president at this point. It's not working. No one but the malcontents in the GOP and libertarians would ever consider what Obama said as desperation.

    1. Go ahead make my day is a challenge, so what?

      FDR is synonymous with power lust, perhaps his was only exceeded by LBJ. Laughable you used this. Says much about you.

      Obama and his campaign is desperate, like all politicians he fears losing grip on power and control.

      Did you address the "revenge" comment? Of course not. Evasion is the hallmark of progressivism

    2. "Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. "
      Hmm looks like something was overlooked

  4. Also, Les, the title to your post "His true colors..." is laughable.

    Mr. Obama has been microscopically examined for the past 5+ years, with people looking for miniscule faults to confirm their hatred of the man. To say that this late in his political career--the last days of seeking his second turn, is when he reveals his true self is absurd in the extreme. You're implying by your title that Mr. Obama has been faking it, without a crack in his veneer, for that long and no one noticed until he uttered those words?

    I also notice you're as quiet as a vole over the fact that the CEOs of two major American corporations, Chrysler and GM, have called out Rmoney on his lies about sending American jobs to China. Not a word about that true color.

    But Obama is showing his "true colors?"


    1. Obama was never properly vetted, the MSM gave almost anything and everything Obama said or did a pass, you know it, and they continue to do so. Stop making excuses.

      Remember when all you progressives referred to Reagan as the Teflon president? Well, you sure as hell have had your Teflon President for the past 4 years. Laughable Shaw? Your statement surely is.

      Laughable indeed Shaw, laughable indeed!

    2. Shaw, if they said this, they are lying. Obama gave GM and Chrysler many tens of billions in pure handouts, purely unnecessary. Some of this money HAS been used to employ people in China instead of the US.

      Obama is a major outsourcer to China and Romney correctly called him on it.

      Click here for just one source of how GM used Obama's defecit-fueling handout to ship jobs to China.

  5. "Revenge," "Punish you enemies." This is the language of the fear and smear progressives.

    Nothing positive, no new ideas, just whipping up the mush-brain proles, herding them to the polls by convincing them Romney will bring back slavery, take away everybody's birth control, force raped women to carry their babies to term, and bulldoze poor neighborhoods so his plutocrat cronies can build sweatshop factories where deunionized poor people will be forced to work 20 hours a day for 10 cents an hour.

    The Democrat party: Morally, financially, and intellectually bankrupt.

    1. It's a shame really, at one time the dEmocratic party had some good ideas. Now, pander to the fear factor, class warfare, and sell government as the great savior of the people if only we relinquish our individual rights Big Gov, who loves us ALL, will take care of everything for us.

      And the progressive criticize Rand. Ha, Ha, Ha, indeed.

  6. This (Mr. Obama's comment) reminds me of that "Seinfeld" episode where Jerry returned the suit that he bought out of spite.

  7. If D'Souza's theory is correct, Obama has indeed been about revenge all along -- revenge for colonialism.

    Anyway, Obama's use of the word "revenge" and his rants aren't playing well among moderates. People are getting irked and disgusted with him.

    1. Always: That is so misguided. Socialism (including socialist colonialism) has done more damage to Africa and the rest of the third world for so many decades, compared to any damage other colonialism has done.

  8. "If D'Souza's theory is correct, Obama has indeed been about revenge all along..."

    D'Souza needs to think about his own astounding hypocrisy before he attacks a real family man.

    "Go ahead, make my day." --Ronald Reagan.

    Which implied that the speaker hopes to shoot the person he's addressing in the face.

    So was it all about vengence, violence and killing when Reagan spoke those words?

    In the last frenetic days of this election season, you're all grasping at straw men.

    1. Yada, Yada, Yada. Yup, in the last frenetic days of a failed Obama presidency.

      And Shaw, I remember well the blather the progressives spewed about Reagan as well. Oh and I remember a deranged man shot president Reagan, someone with progressive proclivities no doubt.

      Just like some progressives who have made very scary, and threatening remarks on what they intend to do this election cycle. I'm sure you know of some I refer to.

      You're own thin ice Shaw, best keep preaching to the progressive choir.

    2. You're right about D'Souza, Shaw. The fellow is nuts. But the President (who I also voted for in 2008) is also sounding rather small himself these days; the divisive rhetoric, his impoverished view of community (every help that he listed in his "you had help" speech was government), the slandering of his opponent (not that Romney has totally taken the high road, either, I'll admit), etc.. I just don't know how you or anybody else could be all that enthused with the fellow (marginally better than Romney at best).

  9. Lets see, "Voting is the best revenge" is seen as threatening? To whom? Conservative Republicans? Makes sense to me. Barack Obama has always been a threat to the right; that is why the focus has always been on his birth certificate, his "Kenyan roots" and all the attempts to tie him to communism, socialism, and everything that is "un American" to a bunch of old white people.

    Thats why gun sales went up immediately after his election, that is why the secret service has been so busy during his term.

    Sorry Les, all the threats have come from the Republicans this election cycle, in fact fear mongering is one of the favorite tools of the Republicans. Romney even tried the "Soviet Union" one this election cycle.

    Might want to make sure the women folks are defended; the goonies might get to them.

    Nice try, Les, in a rational world, one would realize that Obama was referring to the crowd booing and telling them that booing does nothing but going to the polls and voting is the best alternative. Now that corporations are people and with all the Super Pac money behind Romney, voting is the only "revenge" us citizens have left.

    1. Goddamn! I have been wondering when you would resurface TAO. To what do I owe the "honor" of your presence?

      "... that is why the focus has always been on his birth certificate, his "Kenyan roots" and all the attempts to tie him to communism, socialism, and everything that is "un American" to a bunch of old white people."

      Spare me the lecture as it is not necessary, I have not been one to focus on claptrap of birth certificate, his Kenyan roots, and I recognized and acknowledged awhile back he is not a Marxist. he is a statist, progressive, and has no problem with big gov. So what? Romney fits the same description, even if it is perhaps in a different way. I'll be voting Gary Johnson. You?

      "Thats why gun sales went up immediately after his election, that is why the secret service has been so busy during his term."

      Perhaps, haven't really followed gun sales or the NRA since I stopped hunting about 25 years ago. However, I suspect, although you likely won't agree, the reason gun sales went up is because people figured Obama would further curtail or restrict gun ownership and they wanted to get a jump on it. Who knows, they may be right if he's reelected. I have better things to worry about though. Not top on my priority list.

      "Sorry Les, all the threats have come from the Republicans this election cycle,..."

      Okay, go with this sing along tune, it ain't completely true and most folks realize it.

      "Might want to make sure the women folks are defended; the goonies might get to them."

      Are you suggesting the Obama camp uses Mafioso tactics? Many are from Chicago, right? :-)

      As I said in response to a comment from the flaming left, it was a poor choice of words, it sounds vindictive, and it really is not presidential. Acknowledging that many people, including some on my own family judge him unfairly (per your observations above) he ought to consider his words more carefully. Being a sucessful businessman I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

      "Now that corporations are people and with all the Super Pac money behind Romney, voting is the only "revenge" us citizens have left."

      Ya got me TAO, voting is the only option a civilized and educated society has. The oligarchs, you know the puppet masters behind the drawn curtains, the ones that ALL politicians dance for (including Obama) are winning while the rest are losing. That my political nemesis is precisely why I shall be casting my vote FOR Gary Johnson, while I sport a GREAT BIG SMILE.

      Thanks for dropping in TAO, I hope all is well with you and yours.

    2. Tao said: "....and everything that is "un American" to a bunch of old white people."

      Why the racism, TAO? Aside from the fact that your generalization is untrue, it is rather racist.

      "Thats why gun sales went up immediately after his election"

      The real reason is that he and his political allies are hostile to the basic human rights as protected in the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

      Tao said: "Sorry Les, all the threats have come from the Republicans this election cycle"

      So many threats have come from Obama and his allies. The latest most outrageous one had Bill Maher command black people to beat up whites who vote for Romney.

    3. "Voting is the best revenge" is not threatening, but it does betray Obama's mindset.

      "Hope and Change" was an opiate for the masses, and you all fell for it, riding a hopium high all the way to the polls.

      Now, there is no hope and change, just Fear and Smear, and "Punish you enemies" and taking "revenge."

      It's a crabbed, craven message your messiah has been reduced to.

    4. Tao lied: " Now that corporations are people and with all the Super Pac money behind Romney, voting is the only "revenge" us citizens have left."

      There's not one thing you said that was true. Corporations are not people (but the people working in them have Constitutional rights, something you strongly oppose).

      All the PAC money is behind Romney? Lets check.

      This article is one of many detailing the massive PAC money on the Obama side, sometimes being spent more than on the Romney side. Sorry, "all" isn't even close to true.

  10. I don't write somebody off just because his personal life is a mess. And hasn't that been one of the Left's memes? Remember Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?

    1. AOW: That wasn't a personal matter. The office conduct of Clinton and Lewinsky was in a public place, and was prohibited by existing White House ethics rules.

  11. Here you go Les, from the news this morning:

    “It’s a dangerous path,” Mr. Ryan said, describing Mr. Obama’s policies. “It’s a path that grows government, restricts freedom and liberty and compromises those values, those Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values that made us such a great and exceptional nation in the first place.’’

    Hmm, Obamacare threatens our judeo-christian, western civilization values....Gee, didn't Jesus cleanse the lepers? Isn't Obamacare an answer to "WWJD?" Its nice to know that when running for office one should choose their words more carefully!

    Yes, voting is our only revenge, and thus Obama spoke correctly! Nothing to apologize for on that one! So you will vote for Gary Johnson, and I have worked very hard to get the Green Party on the ballot here in Kentucky and now I have someone to vote for. I thank the Liberal Bloggers for making me person non grata on their websites for getting me off my ass to make a difference.

    Its good to see, in a state as red as Kentucky, that Obama signs in the yard are as noticeable this year as the Romney signs because in 2008 there were no Obama signs at all, only McCain. Its also noteworthy that there are Gary Johnson signs (I have seen two) and Green Party signs (there are two, not counting my own)....

    As Neil Armstrong said, "a small step for man a giant step for mankind...."

    Lets keep planting trees knowing that it is our children not us who will enjoy their shade......

  12. Irony is always lost on the Right. Here again... The Right is drawn to revenge like flies to a carcass.


  13. Irony is lost on partisans from both parties, bra.

  14. "Gee, didn't Jesus cleanse the lepers?"

    Yes he did. And the early Christian Community pooled their resources and helped the poor, the widows and orphans.

    They didn't use Caesar to shake down others, they did it with their resources and of their own volition.


    Any clear reading of The Bible makes it clear he wouldn't create a bloated bureaucracy that forcibly confiscates people's money, wastes 40% of it and redistributes the rest to favored groups in exchange for their votes.


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