It's Going To Be Close, Brace Yourself For Continued Polarization of America, Especially if Obama Loses...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The race is close, very close, with the momentum shifting to Romney. However, my take is the shift, as significant as it has been, came too late and too little.

Progressives no doubt are biting their nails because as much as they prefer not to acknowledge it, this one is a real cliff hanger. Reminiscent of 2000.

It is true if Obama loses this one progressives throughout the land will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. For them it will be a great undoing of their greatest hopes and dreams. Of course the other fifty percent of America will view it quite differently.

So, as the polls close tomorrow, and the tabulating of the vote goes late into the night, we can be sure of a few thing... The nation will remain polarized, the puppet masters behind the curtains will continue calling the shots, the debt and deficits will continue, no mater who wins. And America will continue to ask why.

Tomorrow, as I visit my polling place and cast my ballot for Gary Johnson I will be wearing a very big smile. Regardless of the outcome of this election there are millions of liberty driven individuals that WILL live to fight another day.

Remember... Vote! It is not only the right of every American, it is also the RESPONSIBILITY of every American CITIZEN to do so.

Politico - A defeat for Barack Obama on Tuesday would be no ordinary loss for Democrats.

It would be a traumatic experience: the death of the dream of liberal realignment embodied in Obama’s insurgent 2008 campaign. And it would be all the more distressing to Democrats because so many of them fervently believe they will win tomorrow.

Unlike Republicans, many of whom have no particular love for their nominee, Democrats admire and sympathize with the president, understanding he came into office at a difficult time. If Obama were to lose, Democrats would suddenly be leaderless for the first time in half a decade and would be forced to confront agonizing questions about the viability of their party’s agenda — health care reform, most of all.

Here’s POLITICO’s preview of how Democrats would try to explain an Obama defeat — including some of the foreseeable arguments and spin:

Obama threw it away in Denver

At the end of September, Obama led his opponent in essentially all credible national and swing-state polling, Mitt Romney’s personal favorability was stuck underwater and the former Massachusetts governor was caught in a whirlpool of controversy around the “47 percent” tape.

And then the first debate happened.

With a strangely passive debate performance, making no mention of the “47 percent” video and even suggesting he and Romney agreed on the the future of Social Security, Obama gave the Republican a massive new opening in the 2012 campaign. Romney’s swing-state numbers leaped upward, his personal favorability surged and in national Pew polling he went from a 8-point deficit to a 4-point lead over Obama.

If Romney emerges the victor on Tuesday night, some percentage of Democrats will say that the reason is really very simple: Obama self-immolated on a single night at the University of Denver. Had the president been the fierce competitor that night that he was in the two successive debates, he could have ended the race on Oct. 3. Instead, Obama barely showed up.

The Obama campaign doesn’t buy this read on the race. It has argued in recent weeks that the movement in polls following the first debate was just a matter of Republican-leaning swing voters coming home to Romney. Those voters, they say, would ultimately have voted for Romney anyway.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I hope it is not close. The party of that "Obama Phone" lady in Ohio who bellowed like Gilbert Gottfried needs to be knocked down a peg. Or two, or three, or four.

  2. Looks like Republicans have succeeded in suppressing the vote, and causing huge lines at the polls. Thousands will not get to vote. A sad strategy for Americans

    1. More progressive BS and preparation should Romney, as unlikely as it is actually win.

  3. We do know one thing for certain. There are going to a a hell of a lot of people with egg on their face, no matter who wins.

  4. Anon said:

    "Thousands will not get to vote. A sad strategy for Americans"


  5. Anyway, "anonymous" is confused and grossly misinformed. The Republicans tried to block voter fraud (fake votes), not actual voters. I don't think it was a success, as the Democrats fought the bad fight and protected voter fraud in so many states.

    1. Please point me to any reputable non-partisan studies showing statistically significant evidence of voter fraud in recent elections.

      In 2004 it was the radical left of the democrat party that wanted John Kerry to cry "Fraud" in Ohio. To Mr. Kerry's credit he refused to rise to the bait.

      Libertarian, but not stupid.

  6. Anon is starting with the whining excuses already, and her messiah hasn't even officially lost yet!

  7. Your headline suggests there will be no polarization of America if Romney wins, or that polarization is the fault of Democrats. Wrong

    1. Your interpretation. If Obama wins, more polarization for sure. If Romney wins polarization is likely and probable. Remember, the more things change the more they seem to stay the same.

  8. Delusional Demarks (Republicans)
    Stop voter fraud (which you can count on two hands) your solution for that means thousands of legal voters will be denied the right to vote. Way to protect the vote. Only Republicans would call that success.

  9. Interesting, RN, that you don't mention the possibility of the conservatives losing this one and that they will gnash their teeth as well, since they've been crowing about sending Mr. Obama back to Chicago since January 21, 2009.

    Mr. Obama has hardly thrown this election away.

    If he were as awful as the GOPers have said he is for the last 4 years, why isn't Rmoney creaming him in the polls?

    1. I didn't believe it necessary. 1) Logic dictates the response I gave to Anon above. 2) I absolutely knew you would bring it up. There is NEVER any surprises with you Shaw, or for that matter from any of the folks across the progressive interweb.

    2. Shaw said; "...why isn't Rmoney creaming him in the polls..."

      Good nickname. Romney realizes it is "our money". Obama is greedy and thinks a lot of our money is his, and he wants to take it.

  10. Anon, I guess only democrat voters are in lines.

    It is almost impossible for Romney to win. It is unfortunate that the media controls opinion and the MSM is completely in the Obama camp. We will have another four years of outrages spending, bold corruption and cover up.

    1. Well skudrunner, I will agree. However, in the event Romney takes this very close race I predict deficits will continue, the national debt ceiling will continue to be raised just as if Obama were elected. And we will continue down the road to a further expanded socialized society. One that will even more closely resemble Europe, just as if Obama iselected. Only difference... The rapidity in which it will happen.

      Which is PRECISELY why I voted for Gary Johnson.

  11. I voted for Johnson and blackened in the oval as dark as I could.

    1. Good man Will, we ned to put Liberty on the march!

  12. Romney was unable to carry any state he's lived in. He lost Michigan, where he was born, Massachusetts, where he lives, New Hampshire, where he has a summer home, and California where he has another home. He was no favorite son in any of his states. Also, Paul Ryan did not carry his home state either.

    This was NOT, as you characterized it, a close race.

    And if there is any gnashing of teeth, don't look for it in the Democratic Party.

    1. Enjoy the glory Shaw, not a problem.

      The next will be interesting. Hopefully the President finds the real centetr.

      And I really do not care that they lost in "their" states. Romney simply had too many positions, it depended on the day which one he pulled out.

      I voted for Johnson as I said I was all along. Couldn't vote the Human Flipper, nor the President.

      Enjoy the win.

    2. "This was NOT, as you characterized it, a close race."

      It was very close. As it was last time. The difference between vote totals is SMALL.

      You'd have to be nuts to claim that a difference of a mere 2.4% percentage points between the two "roughly 50% of the vote" candidates is anything other than small.

      What explains this blunder, Shaw? Did you read something that Obama got 70% of the vote and it got stuck in your mind? Perhaps from the usually fact-free Andrew Sullivan or someone like that?

      2.4%... Geez

  13. Well, the people have spoken. Let's see how bad the wailing and gnashing -- and polarization -- get.

    1. Indeed. The next four will be quite interesting.

      No mandate, just a majority. Time for the President to really find center.

      We'll see....

  14. Wasn't even close
    You Republicans better get your act together, or you will kill off your party

    1. I am glad your happy Anon.

      And yes, the rEpublicans better get their heads out of their dark den, get off the socon express, and reign in the neo cons or the party won't be around for another 100 years.

      Good thing for the Libertarian Party.

  15. "No mandate, just a majority."

    Obama had a bigger percentage win, so far, in the popular vote over Romney than did GWB over John Kerry. And Mr. Obama's electoral win was much greater than was GWB's over Kerry.

    After the 2004 election, GWB announced he had "political capital" that he was going to spend.

    His win was smaller than Obama's. And in a country so divided, Mr. Obama did very well.

    1. The air of superiority fits you well Shaw.

      Enjoy your win...

    2. Spell it "Error", not "Air"

  16. I must admit that Karl Rove was kind of funny last night, kind of like one of those Japanese WW2 soldiers still fighting the well war into the '60s.

    1. I know what you mean Will. You state the problem with the rEpublican party power structure very well. More on this and the reason for the conservative loss later. Although it will be nothing I, and many other conservative/libertarians haven't been saying for a long time.

      Irrespective of what idiots like Steve, RR, and some of the Anon(s), as well as the respectable Shaw would like everyone believe.

      The next four will be VERY interesting. Especially if the country starts a new and deep fiscal and financial descent. I hope for the good of all is does not.

    2. I'm telling you, Les. If the best that the Republicans and Democrats can come up with are Rove, Romney, Axelrod, and Obama, I just might never vote for a major party again (I voted Libertarian in the CT Senate race, too - over the former wrestling mogul Republican and mediocre Congressional Democrat).

  17. Ah, the racist has shut his mouth

  18. Just rev up the KKK again you Nazi loving Jew hater

  19. Nice to see this scum bag has been chased off the blogs

    1. You have a pray in hell this will ever happen. You're pathetic. You just keep on keeping on proving it.

    2. What's gotten into Anon? Is he testing out new t-shirt slogans, one after the other?

    3. should read prayer rather than pray.

      Who could possibly even guess what has gotten into Anon. 'It' is one of natures true anomalies. Perhaps 'it' is testing out slogans for new t-shirts dmarks.

  20. "Rational Nation USAWed Nov 07, 06:52:00 PM EST
    The air of superiority fits you well Shaw.

    Enjoy your win..."

    There you go again, Les. I state facts and you call my stating facts an "air of superiority?"

    Is there another tool in your prodigious tool box that isn't mockery when some makes a true statement?

    1. I don't believe it necessary. 1) Logic dictates the response I gave to Anon above. 2) I absolutely knew you would bring it up. There is NEVER any surprises with you Shaw, or for that matter from any of the folks across the progressive interweb.

      Perhaps you are more comfortable with Anon above?

    2. Oh, and if Anon above,m and it's kind are the future you can keep them and your future.

    3. Shaw, I said this to Ema and I'll say it to you - this President has been mediocre at best. On the domestic side, he did the same stupid-arsed crap that Hoover and FRD did in the '30s and Japan did in the '90s when both countries tossed away in excess of a decade. And on the foreign front, no less of a progressive expert as Noam Chomsky has said that in many aspects he's been worse than Bush (surging and sacrificing American lives in Afghanistan, coming up with some sort of a "kill list", and sextupling the drone attacks in going on 4 counties now - that, and he's continuing with rendition). If Mr. Romney is worse than Obama, I'm suspecting that it isn't by a whole heck of a lot.

  21. "Perhaps you are more comfortable with Anon above?" --RN

    RN, what is wrong with you?

    Are you comfortable with the conservative who left porno at my blog?

    What kind of nutty guilt by association are you trying to pull here?

    You like to think of yourself as not part of the "rEpublican" ideology, but you never fail to mock my comments, which have been non-confrontational and polite.

    I am not connected to any anonymous. Your attempt to link me to anything but my own remarks is not worthy.

    Talk about no surprises, RN. You are quite dependable when it comes to mocking anything I post here.

  22. Shaw, what is wrong with you?

    I commented on the asshole(s) that left porno on your blog. Apparently you either missed it or choose to ignore it.

    Shaw you never fail to precipitate the responses I give. Like many progressives and conservatives you miss the point my admittedly unique form of commentary as well as my propensity to criticize both the left and right. Oh well, not for me to worry.

    I am not attempting to link you to anonymous, I merely am wondering exactly what you position is with respect to his lying and slanderous remarks about that he has made on your blog about me as well as here. Your silence is more telling of your values than it is of mine.

    Good Day Shaw...

    1. PS: Shaw, I am not part of the rEpublican party, and I know that is driving you nuts. Why? Because you know I do not support the neo con, socon, fascistic proclivities of the rEpublican power structure yet I refuse to support you and the progressives ideology of dependency on big government and the power of the state.

      Good night my dear Shaw.

  23. pompous piece of shit

  24. "Like many progressives and conservatives you miss the point my admittedly unique form of commentary..."

    Dear gawd!

  25. RN is a member of the Nazi party

    1. Confirming once again your astounding ignorance Asshat.

    2. Hey Shaw, and you think Dondero has a problem? Anon must have been his teacher eh?

  26. Hey Asshat Anon, more posts on the way now that I have a three day break from study and school regimen-after tomorrow. More material for your t-shirt campaign Asshat.

  27. RN, the way to deal with a troll is to delete it. Thersities is still coming to my blog and spamming it. I don't even read his comments. I look at who comments, when I see his name, I hit the delete button. It's so much fun!

    1. Shaw, I have much more fun sending to Spam. That way I can gauge the level of insanity of select idiots like Anon here as well as other progressive trolls. The number of Asshat progressive troll comments is astoundingly high.

      Thanks for the advice though.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


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