CNN Poll Showing Tight Race Going Into Debates...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

While Obama is leading in a CNN poll two days before the presidential debates there remains opportunity for Romney to close the gap. Obama's lead is within the margin of error.

Understanding polls are at best statistical indicators of public sentiment, and they can be manipulated through the process of weighting, I do not place an abundance of faith in polls. I decided to post these results mostly as a realistic reminder to the euphoria the left seems to be enjoying at the present moment.

Polls by ABC News/Washington Post, Politico/George Washington University, and American Research Group indicate a tight race as well. CNN has averaged the results of all four polls as well as a Fox News poll of last week and the results show Obama at 49% and Romney at 46%, again within the margin of error.

It is clear Romney still has a window of opportunity if, 1) he handle himself well in the presidential debates and provides positive and definitive answers as to his vision and plans for how to get the American economy on track and reduce our national debt and balance the budget , and 2) he remains gaffe free.

Given Obama's vulnerability on recent events in Benghazi and his administration's early attempt to cover up the truth, combined with his vulnerability on the economy and stubborn unemployment stats, really offers Romney a very real window of opportunity. It remains to be seen if he is up to the task of turning public opinion to his favor.

Washinton CNN - Two days before the first presidential debate, a new national survey indicates a very close contest between President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the race for the White House.

And according to a CNN/ORC International poll, neither candidate appears to have an edge on the economy, which remains the top issue on the minds of Americans and which may dominate Wednesday night's debate on domestic issues in Denver.

Fifty-percent of likely voters questioned in the CNN survey, which was released Monday, say that if the election were held today, they would vote for the president, with 47% saying they would support Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. The president's three point margin is within the poll's sampling error.

Three other national polls of likely voters released in the past 24 hours also indicate a tight race. The other surveys are from ABC News/Washington Post, Politico/George Washington University, and American Research Group. A CNN Poll of Polls which averages all four surveys plus a Fox News poll released late last week puts Obama at 49% and Romney at 46% among likely voters.

In the CNN/ORC poll, the national horse race stands pretty much where it was just before the two back-to-back party conventions in late August and early September.

"That's a strong suggestion that whatever bounce President Obama received from his convention has, as expected, faded away," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "That's why they call them 'bounces'."

When it comes to issues, the survey indicates that Obama and Romney are effectively tied when likely voters are asked which candidate would best handle the economy. Romney, however, appears to have an edge on the top two economic issues: unemployment and the budget deficit. Obama, by contrast, has the advantage on a variety of non-economic domestic issues such as education, Medicare and health care, and also polls strongly on taxes, traditionally a GOP issue. All of these issues will most likely be debated by the candidates Wednesday night.

The president has a 52%-45% advantage over Romney on foreign policy, which will be the focus of the third and final showdown between the two candidates on October 22.

But debates are not just about issues; voters judge the candidates' personal qualities as well. Among likely voters, Obama's personal favorability rating is 52%, with 48% saying they view the president in an unfavorable way. The president's numbers are basically unchanged since mid August, before the conventions.

The public is divided on Romney, with 49% holding a favorable impression of him and 50% seeing him in a negative light. Romney's favorable rating was at 50% and his unfavorable at 46% in mid-August.

When the dust settles after the debates, it will all come down to turnout and getting out the vote, and the poll suggests when it comes enthusiasm, neither campaign seems to have the upper hand. {Read More}

Indeed the race remains tight. Either candidate can win the race. But for Romney the task is decidedly a bit tougher. For him to pull it off will require stellar performance in all three debates, he must remain gaffe free, he must give America reasons to vote FOR him rather than against Obama, and then hope his efforts will excite enough of the electorate to get out and vote for him.

Editor's Note
: I'll be voting for the alternative, Gary Johnson. So should all liberty minded people who want to see real POSITIVE change in America.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. In the 11 "swing" States, Obama leads in ALL 11 "swing" States.

  2. And with the news media acting as Obama's Praetorian Guard, Romney has an uphill climb.

    The only ray of hope is that over 60% of Americans have woken up and now realize the press is full of shit.

    Were it not for the naive propaganda munchers on the left, the number would be even higher.

    1. The press gas been full of sh*t for neigh on 40 years Will. It's the way the oligarchs survive.

    2. Yes, but a majority is now realizing this fact, so that gives me hope.

      The days when Walter Krankenhaus and Dan Blather can dictate our thinking to us are long gone, thank God.

  3. Romney needs to do 2 things in my mind. a) Be specific (at least give a couple of examples as to which of the loopholes that he'd consider closing) and b) get under Mr. Obama's skin but not in a manner that's disrespectful. If he can do those 2 things, I think that he can stop the blood-letting and maybe even garner a point or 2.

  4. Replies
    1. A master of congenial comunication and truth. Is it any wonder why the left vilifies Reagan?

  5. Unfortunately, and it is unfortunate that you would support Willard as a centrist Will, Obama is a lot more Reaganesque than his opponent. If a poll such as CNN which claims as many right-wing war-lovers as left-wing war-lovers favors the president, then I guess we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief. It would really be a drag on the economy and the effort for world peace if that maniac Romney became POTUS.

    We all need to hope against all hope that that will never happen and trust in God. (Or Goddess, if you will.)

    Gosh Will. I cannot sufficiently express how disappointed I am in you for supporting Romney. Shame on you.

    Les. We all knew, all along that you would support Willard, never mind your vote.

    Obama is going to win. This election will mark the death-knoll for fascism and corruption in electoral politics for the bright, foreseeable future. Karl Rove is finally put out to pasture. The system of checks and balances which includes judicial review, has more or less precluded a hostile takeover by republicans.

    1. @FJ - From this post... "Editor's Note: I'll be voting for the alternative, Gary Johnson. So should all liberty minded people who want to see real POSITIVE change in America."

      FJ, please explain, in detail if you would be so kind, exactly how the preceding qoute has me supporting Willard.

      In fact my more conventional conservative counterparts are telling me my vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama in reality. Please explain the disconnect, if you can.

      Bottom line.. whether Romney or Obama the oligarchs that play the ends against the middle are going to win. Again. I'll leave it to you to ascertain precisely what that means.

      As to the rest of your comment, which I know was addressed to Will but if I may... All I can say is ObamaBot Mania has overtaken your sense of reason.

    2. My apologies. I guess the word "Reaganesque" used in proximity to Romney just made me shudder.

    3. :) I guess I can understand that FJ...

    4. I don't support Romney, FJ. I, too, am voting for Mr. Johnson, the true anti-war, anti-torture, anti-cronyism, anti-wiretapping candidate. Moderates for Johnson, I've started a chapter.

  6. Romney needs independents. Independents are leery of the tea party, the
    Ralph Reed evangelicals, the Ryan budget, trickle-down economics, voter suppression, superPacs and tax-cutting with a deficit/debt. He is caught between his base and the center. Just my opinion...

    1. BB, Thanks for stopping in.

      I am at times leery of the Tea Party activist as well, perhaps that is why I have not committed full steam to advocacy of their full agenda. However, their desire to return to a more constitutionally limited role for government does have it's positives.

      I am absolutely concerned with the so con's influence in the overall conservative movement. I see their zealousness as every bit as dangerous to liberty and freedom of speech and worship as any other group or religion that believes exclusively in their own self righteous beliefs.

      I am as concerned with the democratic politically driven hyperbole over the "Ryan" budget as I am with the budget proposal itself...

      Trickle Down Economics?... My suggestion, lets just work at getting back to true capitalism, the kind in which the law of supply and demand not manipulated by external government or business interests and influences prevails.

      Voter suppression, isn't that cousin to the progressive tendency for voter fraud at the other end of the spectrum. I'm sure you know that to which I refer.

      Eliminate SuperPacs, eliminate lobbyists, balance the budget, cut unnecessary spending, trim the defense budget, trim foreign aid, simplify the tax code, raise the poverty level, eliminate deductions and exemptions, and I'm sure many more savings and improvements could be made.

      But First we need to tear the curtains the oligarchs who are controlling the agenda and thus the results hide behind. Obama and Romney are but useful idiots in the game of contrl and power the oligarchs are waging against the American people and the international community.

      Of course the above is just my opinion.

  7. An opinion based on shit

    1. Liberal bull mania, I'm loving it actually!

      Dimwits like yourself find all data that supports not the deluded hyperbole of the Obama Hopium Smoker to be sh*t.

      Maybe Savage is right after all...


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