Attack By a Right Wing Blogger...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Rational Nation has recently come under vicious attack. Because of the magnitude and viscous nature of the attacks this site has been forced to resort to comment moderation, a practice that heretofore I have been adamantly opposed to.

It has been difficult to determine the individual most likely responsible for these attacks because of 1) my trusting nature, and 2) my relative lack of computer savvy. However, following a weekend of investigative work and logical analysis of the evidence it appears to have been a "inside job", a attack plan designed to discredit me and destroy my integrity for the simple and only reason I dared to visit and comment on liberal blogs. In other words I "strayed off the rightist plantation" and therefore must be punished.

While I initially believed the individual harassing and stalking me was a left wing blogger (and it may be so) the evidence overwhelming points otherwise. So, I consider this a lesson hard learned. I shall never again grant posting or administrative authorization to anyone I DO NOT PERSONALLY KNOW. I suggest all bloggers, whether they be right or left leaning to exercise caution as well.

As unfortunate and difficult as it may be be for me to acknowledge this fact I now believe it true, just as Ayn Rand and Professor Leonard Piekoff said, the conservative movement has grown anti liberty, anti free speech, and are as grave a danger to this nation as the uber left is.

There is a reason I self identified as a independent conservative and classical liberal. You all now know why. Especially the conservatives and fundies.

While I had intended to post material I believed of great importance the attack on my site has left me just a bit unnerved. Therefore I shall simply wish all, especially the liberty minded liberals, libertarians, and true conservatives a good evening. I'll be back soon. VERY SOON.  I cannot and will not be intimidated by anyone. Whether they be from the extreme left or the extreme right. Both are a grave danger to our freedom and individual liberties and I shall stand firm against all forms of tyranny.

I should thank you, whoever you are for giving me greater impetus to fight even harder in the cause of liberty. Even if it means I'll be fighting against you.


  1. I'm sorry that you're having trouble. I've linked this post to bring a bit of balance to my recent links concerning liberal "cyber-terrorists." However, you may not like some of what I had to say.

    1. I actually have no problem with what you have to say. Other than my atheism has nothing to do with the issue. Except, the socons and fundies are the most dogmatic and rigid individuals I've ever had pleasure to meet.

      I acknowledged it could be a left wing attack and the evidence that it is a right wing attack is circumstantial, however compelling it may be.

      And yes I do put myself in the cross fire with cross hairs on my chest and back. It is how I am wired, being more interested in reason and truth than ideological dogma. I suppose that is the independent conservative, classical liberal, libertarian, Randian capitalist in me.

      And by the way GRIPER, is anyone who occasionally disagrees with you easily duped?

  2. What sort of cyber attacks have you encountered? Some time ago my blog seemed to be the target of not one, but multiple attackers who didn't like what I had to say. They started impersonating my on all sorts of liberal blogs with awful, vile comments. Then they hijacked my personal email account and subscribed me to literally hundreds of liberal activist sites and eventually porn sites. Not sure what you've been experiencing but I feel your pain. Look at it as an honor!

    1. Thanks Hack. What you describe is quite similar. With the exception of the porn and I don't know about the e-m ail yet, although the amount of spam e-mail has certainly increased of late.

      And yeah, I do sort of look at it as a honor.

  3. "the conservative movement has grown anti liberty, anti free speech, and are as grave a danger to this nation as the uber left is."

    I reject this statement. It's easy to stand in the middle and draw easy equivalencies, but can you give us some proof?

    If you're talking about the progressive politicians of all parties, I'll probably mostly agree with you, but you can't be drawing this comparison between OWS and tea parties can you?

    Please expand.

    As for the attacks, it is true we never really know who we're dealing with on the innerwebz.

    1. Silver, the evidence is all around us, has been for years. Ayn RAND and Professor Leonard Piekoff spoke, and wrote of this years ago.

      No expansion is necessary, one only need look to see.

      And no, I am not comparing the tea party and OWS. I don't believe I ever mentioned either, did I? This is a case of inference on your part. Although, I am guessing there are extremes in the TPM as well.

    2. "The conservative movement" is a capacious label, so I'm trying to figure out who you are fingering. The tea parties fall in that category, as do tens of millions of liberty-loving Americans. I thought you may want to qualify just exactly who you are talking about, as you appear to be smearing literally tens of millions of people who make common cause with you.

    3. It is not a question of "fingering" any particular group in the broadest sense. Rather it is a subset(s) of the broader group that is being referenced. I suspect those who fall into the subset(s) of which I am referencing know who they are.

      By the way, the same subset(s) exists in the left as well. After all Silver tyranny wears many "colors."

  4. Les, I'm so sorry you're dealing with such an awful situation. I had that happen to me a while back. The only thing I can think of is you're doing something RIGHT or "they"(??) wouldn't give you the time of day. I suppose you are some kind of threat to someone. While THAT doesn't help as you sort through the mess it may help to know that by standing firm to your core principles you've gotten under someone's skin.

    If I can help you in anyway, please let me know. In the meantime, hang tough.

    1. Thanks so much Pam! I have always valued our friendship and your encouraging and thoughtful words have indeed been helpful to me. Both in the past and certainly today.

  5. Les,
    "And by the way GRIPER, is anyone who occasionally disagrees with you easily duped?"

    Since this is your question and you have posted it in two blogs I'll answer it here.

    the answer to this question is resounding "nope"

    but will qualify that answer by saying that anyone who finds that question as being a logical question is easily duped.

  6. I write little politics on my site....but have never experienced real shit-for-brains trolling. Good thing. I get a lot of e-mail spam. Big Deal. Just keep hanging in there.

    1. I will okjimm, there is nothing that ticks me off more than the use of alinsky underground tactics.

  7. For every Olbermann, you've got a Limbaugh. For every Hannity, you've got a Schultz. For every Media Research Center, you've got a Media Matters. For every Daily Kos, you've got a Newsmax. For every Fox, you've an MSNBC. For every Nation, you're got a Weekly Standard. For every Savage, you've got a Malloy. Etc., etc., etc.. And I don't even care who's worse any more. I am sooooo frigging beyond it.

    1. You're right Will. But hey, I actually like Micheal Savage. If for no other reason than he calls it as he sees it. That and he is right about blowhard Limbaugh and the Leprechaun.

    2. I like Michael Savage too. He's a braggart and he sometimes goes off half cocked, don't always agree with him, but I love his sincerity, and I enjoy his wry take on life and his commentary.

  8. I'm just dying to know who did this so I too can give him/her a verbal lashing but I understand, Les, that you want to handle it yourself, probably a smart choice.

    1. I'm working it out as best possible. it appears to have become a two front assault.

    2. Good. Let me know how it is going for you and if you need anything.


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