Obama... Campaigner in Cheif

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

President Obama in a recent campaign appearance decrying the "madness" of his, and his party's rivals. While it is fair game to question the policies of any particular prior administration (GWB's quickly comes to mind) it is indeed "madness" for the President to incessantly play the distant past and the class warfare card to in support of his failing policies.

PORTLAND, Maine - President Barack Obama accused Republicans of clinging to economic policies that preceded the Great Depression and the more recent economic downturn, saying his rivals are showing signs of "madness."

Raising campaign cash in Maine on Friday, March 30, Obama said Republicans want to return to economic policies that would let Wall Street play by its own set of rules and allow insurance companies to roll back health coverage.

"We won't win the race for new jobs and new businesses and middle-class security if we cling to this same old, worn-out, tired 'You're on your own' economics that the other side is peddling," Obama said.

"It was tried in the decades before the Great Depression. It didn't work then. It was tried in the last decade. It didn't work," he said. "You know, the idea you would keep on doing the same thing over and over again, even though it's been proven not to work. That's a sign of madness."
History will be the ultimate judge of this Presidents policies. As it should be. I'm betting future historians won't be kind to his legacy.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. This man is so full of BS, and he knows nothing about economics other than what he's read in Marx.

    When in the hell have we practiced "your on your own" economics? Government is in your face and up your wazoo 24/7.

    And his Wall Street comment is particularly rich, since he has continued the DC-Wall Street orgies his predecessors hosted.

    Obama is a clueless, flailing buffoon who is in way over his head.

  2. "We won't win the race for new jobs and new businesses and middle-class security if we cling to this same old, worn-out, tired 'You're on your own' economics that the other side is peddling," Obama said.

    Um, actually, allow us to disagree, Mr. President. What you meant to say was that we won't win the economic race as long as your government is involved in the affairs of private citizens.

    I am a strong endorser of failure and success, based on individual gumption and effort. Indeed, indeed. This government can- on, nevermind.

  3. Obama is absolutely correct. De- and un-regulated shenanigans on Wall Street and among the idle rich elite are what led to both the Great Depression and the Great Recession. If you do not see this, then you're deluded.


    1. jmj There are SCHOLARS by far superior in intellect to you who would disagree with both you and the Anointed One. So, I guess that make you delusional, Right?

  4. There are plenty of scholars who agree with me, Les - probably more. And nice try with the insults, but I'm no idiot. I happen to have quite a high IQ. Besides, most of the "scholars" you refer here are right wing ideologues, rationalizing greed. It's like citing a study from Exxon on the effects of oil spills. You'd have to be either a moron, or have a conflicted interest.


    1. I o mot doubt your perceived IQ. Never have. I do not appreciate your insults either. And since you persist in insulting me as well as readers at this sight I will no longer comment on your comment posts. If I deem future ones to be intentionally insulting to either the readers here or me they will not be posted.

      Fair enough?

    2. But JMJ, wouldn't it also be a fair assessment to say that the scholars you listen to are leftist ideologues?

      So RNUSA says there are scholars who would disagree with you. You say there are scholars who would disagree with RNUSA.


      The proof is in the numbers, JMJ. And I'm not seeking to be smarmy here. It appears to me you have scholars telling you that 2 + 2 = 5, and even though you know better, you are agreeing with them due to ideology. I hope I am incorrect in presuming this upon you, but come on, man...simple mathematics has shown time and again that spending money while in debt only makes you further in debt. Joe Biden had it wrong.

  5. Jersey: Les was not insulting you. Is is no insult to point out there are people smarter and more educated than you. I freely admit I ain't the smartest guy in the room, and I definitely ain't the most educated.

    And speaking of insults, you're always calling anyone who disagrees with you a moron, retarded or some other insult, so you've got no room to talk. Unlike you, Les is very polite to those he debates.

    Also, Jersey, I'd like to direct your attention to the US Code of Federal Regulation...


    Here are some word search results with # of hits:

    toilet: 11,567
    finance: 262,279

    Un-regulated America? Hardly.

  6. Guys, I do not pay attention to studies from ANY conflicted interests, if at all possible. For example, if I want to buy a car, I go to Consumer Reports, because they do not advertise what they review. For another example, if I want to know more about the modern American economy, I don't really care what various think tanks, and study groups think. I want to see the numbers. The numbers are the key. And they have to be real numbers. Not some arbitrarily assigned value. The numbers that count have the real value.

    Since the Friedman school has dominated modern American economic policy, the middle class has declined, the working class have stagnated and grown, and this new, huge "working poor" class is now running over generations.

    This was in major part the product of the presidencies of Carter and every president since him.

    To be realistic, and pragmatic, you have to realize the incremental steps taken by conservatives over the past two generations have mostly failed.

    There are international economic forces pulling out our republic, and we'd better realize that our unions and working people are the road to us moving away from that, to taking care of our own. When you conservatives produce a president like that, all us libs would dance and sing. It has happened before, ya' know. You just have to remember before Reagan.


  7. You can accuse Obama of a lot of things but taking responsibility for a bad decision is not one of them. When all else fails, raising gas prices because you halted exploration and turned down the XL, blame the oil companies. When unemployment stays high, blame the rich, when your support in the black community is falling, make an issue of a black kid being killed before any facts are known.


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