Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As the Obama Administration continues to play the blame game. Pathetically lacking in honesty and self respect.

{Fox News} - The Obama administration is responding to the recent report that shows a federal agency spent more that $800,000 on a lavish conference near Las Vegas by putting some of the blame on the Bush administration.

“At least we have taken, bold, swift forceful action to hold those responsible accountable and put in place protections to make sure this never happened again,” a White House official told Fox News.

The Inspector General Office’s report last week about the 2010 General Services Administration conference outside of Las Vegas indicates the Obama administration knew about the trip since May 2010. The report was followed by a release of videos.

One video shows an employee performing in the fake music video, which is laced with jokes and references that only federal employees are likely to get.

In the lyrics, the employee sings: "Donate my vacation, love to the nation, I'll never be under OIG investigation."

The report found the Public Buildings Service, part of the General Services Administration, spent more than $840,000 on the conference.

Two House committees now are probing the agency. One of those, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, posted the video of the GSA employees online. { Read More}

Empty suits... The "O" administration claim to fame.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. $840,000 here, $840,000 there, pretty soon you're talkin' real money.

    1. Yeah, I know. Nothing against their trillions in debt that has been racked up under their frugal oversight.

  2. I'm sure the same money-wasting went on during the Bush years, but that don't make it right.

    It's time for Obama to man up and stop blabbering on about Bush.

    1. Indeed! Responsibility, Accountability, and Facing Reality, not something the President always does well. Same can be said of the immediate Ex President. Although I don't recall him being so overtly inclined at plying the blame game at eery turn...

    2. LOL! How short are memories can be! Bush's disgusting cynical blame games back when the Iraq war was going awry make this look like schoolyard shenanigans!

      How short our memories can be!

      Besides, few have ever inherited more to blame on those before them than Obama.


    3. Laughing on line at you jmj. So predictable you remain. So blindingly partisan. jheh, heh, heh...

  3. Bush may have allowed a lot on his watch, but he had a couple of bigger fish to fry. The Joker was all about changing the way Washington did business and fixing the mess. If you run on it then you own it, but we all know that the Joker refuses any responsibility for anything that has happen in his three years in office. We all know it that everything that happened in the last three years is solely due to Bush and Congress because they did not strictly follow the Joker's dictates to destroy this country even faster.

  4. How the heck is Obama "The Joker?" I never understood that. What's the joke there?


    1. Yeah huh? If you seen one crony capitalist statist you've seen em all. Right jmj?

  5. Think the Joker from Batman, laughing all the way as he steals and destroys.


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