The Truth Behind Obama's Energy Policy

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Obama Holds News Conference On Nation's Energy and Environmental Future

With a struggling economy and millions out of work the Obama Energy Department, headed up by Energy Secretary Steven Chu has come clean with respect to the administration's real plans in regards to energy policy. And it isn't to lower the cost of energy. Irrespective of the financial headships it will place on those who right now can ill afford it rising energy costs are seen as a positive by Obama and Chu.

POWERLINE - Barack Obama came into office as an anti-petroleum crusader. He made no bones about the fact that he wanted gas prices to rise; likewise, his Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, explained that he wanted U.S. gas prices to rise to European levels. In those days, global warming alarmists were riding high, and the Obama administration accepted the idea that to prevent climate change, it should suppress production of domestic oil and gas, thereby raising the price of fossil fuel energy (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil, coal-fired electricity, etc.) so that Americans would not be able to afford as much of it. This was, of course, a strategy for impoverishing the American people, but in those heady times, the administration considered that a minor inconvenience if not a positive virtue.

Now, however, Obama is running for re-election, and the American people have not enjoyed being impoverished on his watch. Moreover, global warming alarmism has been largely discredited. So Obama is pretending that his administration hasn’t spent the last three years driving energy costs up, on purpose. Chu, however, is a true believer. When he testified before the House Appropriations energy and water subcommittee yesterday, he was asked whether the administration’s goal is to bring down the price of gas for the benefit of consumers.

From Politico - Secretary Of Energy Chu's response to the above question.

“I can’t look at motivations. I have to look at results. And under this administration the price of gasoline has doubled,” Nunnelee told Chu.

“The people of north Mississippi can’t be here, so I have to be here and be their voice for them,” Nunnelee added. “I have to tell you that $8 a gallon gasoline makes them afraid. It’s a cruel tax on the people of north Mississippi as they try to go back and forth to work. It’s a cloud hanging over economic development and job creation.”

Chu expressed sympathy but said his department is working to lower energy prices in the long term.

“We agree there is great suffering when the price of gasoline increases in the United States, and so we are very concerned about this,” said Chu, speaking to the House Appropriations energy and water subcommittee. “As I have repeatedly said, in the Department of Energy, what we’re trying to do is diversify our energy supply for transportation so that we have cost-effective means.”


“But is the overall goal to get our price” of gasoline down, asked Nunnelee.

“No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy,” Chu replied. “We think that if you consider all these energy policies, including energy efficiency, we think that we can go a long way to becoming less dependent on oil and [diversifying] our supply and we’ll help the American economy and the American consumers.” {Read Entire Article}

It is looking like the Obama administration might just be responsible for triggering a boom in the bicycle market. It does after all fall in line with the First Ladies' fitness push. Not that the latter is a bad thing.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. This administration provides a textbook example of what not to do to foster economic growth.

    I hope somebody in the GOP is smart enough to capitalize on all of this.

  2. We drill more now than ever. Only a moron wouldn't know that.


  3. Did you guys see how Bill Clinton came out in favor of the pipeline today? Man, do I ever miss him (in stark contrast to his 2 successors, I'm saying) lately.

    1. Yeah, the guy was far from perfect, and a bit too lefty for me although he governed as a centrist. He certainly has it over Obama and... well, we won't talk about GWB...

  4. What? What would be different if the Republicans - even with a President Ron Paul - were in control? Do you think that would be better? Was it? Was it ever? I don't recall it being so.

    Remember the 70's? And you know those gas problems started back when Nixon and Ford were around. But there was the Cold War, and we were driving big stupid cars. Then comes Carter, and prices flatten out. Then comes Reagan, and all his inflation-control policy, and all sorts of prices level out or decline, as do wages. Then comes the 90's... bla bla bla

    We're talking serious macroeconomics here. Think about it. How can you make a serious long-term real plan for the future based on a single limited commodity. The oil business is an extremely important part of our industrial power, why would we squander it now, a limited resource, when we could diversify and save that ever more valuable resource for the future?

    We're ALREADY drilling like crazy. And it isn't working. Prices have flattened up, Jimmy Carter did a better job of it, it's pathetic, and it's because we are not as a people investing in energy.

    And you conservatives scream and moan because some deal went bad with a green company, like nooooooooooooo righty company ever made a crooked deal. God forbid a conservative ever bathes a baby, because that little thing is going to meet the drain.

    It's time to think like grown-ups who care about our countrymen. We have to get off the friggin' oil. It's never going to get better. We should not be focusing on stopping the inevitable. Gas is only going to get more expensive. With China, India, and many other countries, with populations that dwarf ours, coming on line, gas is only going to get more and more expensive no matter how you look at it. That's just reality. We have to focus on diversifying our energy supply, one way or another, no matter what, to offset that INEVITABILITY.

    I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but I just really can't stand to see smart people argue against rock-solid, like rocks falling on your head, like "look man, there's only so much oil out there, so eventually, with your way of looking at things, we'll have to kill each other over the last drop of oil," reality.


  5. Only if you have no argument against anything I just said. I just can't imagine what you'd argue. If you're going to make a point, make it right.


  6. Only if you have no argument against anything I just said. I just can't imagine what you'd argue. If you're going to make a point, make it right, there's no default in reality.


    1. I doubt you'll ever be happy jmj. Your progressive world view doen't allow for it methinks...

  7. Jersey McJones: It's not ONE green energy company that got government funding and failed, try FIVE, that we are aware of: Solyndra, Ener1, Beacon Power, Evergreen Energy and Amonix. These companies have rec'd funds either thru the Stimulus or the Porkulus. BOTH of which were a total waste of TAX PAYER funds and now we're stuck holding the darn bill and they still want to spend their way out of this mess! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results! I'm thinking that more than fifteen trillion dollars in the red they would get the darn hint IT'S NOT WORKING!

  8. I do like the Obama answer to higher gas prices, buy a small car. At least he not saying buy a tire gauge anymore. Sure we need to continue to look for alternate forms of energy but as we look do we need to not seek oil in all places. I am not thrilled about driving a vehicle with a large windmill on top or having to plug in every 50 miles on a 1500 mile trip.
    Obama says he is about helping the middle class at the expense of the "rich" (those over 250k). He stops drilling in the Gulf, denies the Trans pipeline, pours billions into failed companies who are campaign contributors and wants to increase tax the oil companies. Who will be the most affected by rising gas prices, the middle class he says he will help.


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