So, Which is it Mr. Frothy?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Rick  (Frothy)  Santorum

I have little to say in response to the recent hypocrisy of one Rick (the Frothy) Santorum. A man whose only apparent conviction it to tell the rest of thinking Americans just what is right and wrong. For everybody.

Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle

There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July.

Rick Santorum says he'll try to unmarry all of them if he's elected president.

Once the U.S. Constitution is amended to prohibit same-gender marriages, "their marriage would be invalid," the former Pennsylvania senator said Dec. 30 in an NBC News interview.

"We can't have 50 different marriage laws in this country," he said. "You have to have one marriage law."

The comments didn't attract nearly as much attention as Santorum's recent invocation of his Catholic faith to denounce government support for birth control, prenatal testing and resource conservation - which, in the last case, he attributed to President Obama's "phony theology."

But his declared intention to nullify past as well as future same-sex marriages has reinforced his position to the right of the other Republican contenders, even though each of them has also voiced fervent support for traditional unions.


Ron Paul opposes same-sex marriage but wants the federal government to stay out of it - no federal benefits for gay and lesbian couples, no federal court authority to overturn state laws like California's Proposition 8 and no constitutional amendments overriding a state's prerogative to decide which of its residents can marry. {Read More}

So which is it Mr. Frothy? Are you a principled limited federal government advocate (so called conservative) who believes the federal government has limited powers to meddle in the lives of free individuals? Or are you a big federal statist that believes the federal government has the right to determine what a free person's pursuit of happiness constitutes? Oh, and about your conservative fiscal positions, what a frigging joke that is as well!

Rick (the Frothy) Santorum... You certainly are the #1 HYPOCRITE!
Via: Memeorandum


  1. That is why a don't support Mittens, Frothy, or Newtie. They are all about big government and not the least bit fiscally conservative. There are millions more like me that believe in a smaller government and serious cuts in spending, but there is only one on the current primary tickets and there will be none on the general election ticket in the fall. It makes me sick.

    1. Sad as it may be Sandy it is entirely true. The one doesn't stand a chance. Why? Because the entire corrupt statist system is rigged thus.

      The beat goes on...

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your "active mind:" comment. I am sure all the big "R" statist Republicans will completely agree with you.

      It is hard to think outside ones cherished paradigms I realize. But unless we do we will lose the war for the sake of a few battles.

      In case anyone has failed to notice it is not 1898.

    2. We do you say so? It is hard to find reason to change one's opinion on four words. He is no conservative when it comes to government spending or government control, so why should "conservatives" vote for him? I have to agree with Les that the Senator wants a government big enough to control the people in a fashion he sees fit and I happen to disagree with that. I also will never vote for someone who believes in earmarks or thinks that principles are something you can put aside to be a team player. If you believe something make a better argument and change peoples thoughts on the subject, but just spouting a few word of derision is not going to win the day and since this is America you are welcome to them but don't expect anyone to be influenced by them.


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