Lets Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan Already Mr. President...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Afghanistan War Protests
It is time for the United States of America to pull out of Afghanistan and tell the Afghanistan people to go to hell. The overwhelming majority do not want us there nor do they understand, nor care to understand our republic form of governance. They still exist in the 7th century. So let them wallow in their backward and self destructive way of life. It is after all none of our business nor is it in our immediate self interest to dally there any longer.

The American people by a 60% margin believe we should get out of the Afghanistan hell hole right now. This is one area where Republicans (the real conservatives anyway) and Democrats ought to be able to find common ground and presure the President to move now and move fast to pull our trops and support from the corrupt Afghanistan government.

ABC News - Sixty percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan has not been not worth fighting and just 30 percent believe the Afghan public supports the U.S. mission there — marking the sour state of attitudes on the war even before the shooting rampage allegedly by a U.S. soldier this weekend.

Indeed a majority in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, 54 percent, say the United States should withdraw its forces from Afghanistan without completing its current effort to train Afghan forces to become self-sufficient.

The survey was completed Saturday. Early Sunday a U.S. service member allegedly left his base in Kandahar and shot and killed more than a dozen civilians in two nearby villages, an incident certain to raise tensions already inflamed by the U.S. military’s inadvertent burning of Muslim holy books at Bagram Air Base last month. That incident sparked violent protests, including a series of incidents in which Afghan soldiers have turned their guns on U.S. forces.

Against that backdrop, the number of Americans who say the war has not been worth fighting, at 60 percent, is up by 6 points from its level last June to just 4 points from its peak, 64 percent, a year ago. Intensity of sentiment is deeply negative: Forty-four percent feel “strongly” that the war has not been worth fighting. Just 17 percent, by contrast, support it strongly.

Criticism of the war had been assuaged to some extent last year by the drawdown of U.S. forces, a step backed by 78 percent of Americans in an ABC/Post poll last month. Taking another tack, this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, asked if the United States should keep its forces in Afghanistan until it has trained the Afghan Army to be self-sufficient, or withdraw even without accomplishing that task. Given those competing interests, 43 percent favor completing the training effort; 54 percent, as noted, opt for withdrawal regardless.

While the war lacks majority support on the basis of a cost-benefit evaluation for the United States, support is further eroded by the fact that 55 percent of Americans think most Afghans themselves do not support U.S. efforts in their country, and an additional 15 percent are unsure. Just three in 10 think the U.S. mission enjoys majority support. {Read More}

Let America live up to its principles and let the Afghanistan people fend for and decide for themselves what exactly it is they want.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. It is time for the United States of America to pull out of Afghanistan and tell the Afghanistan people to go to hell.

    Amen. I was there. I believed in the mission once. I'm going to stop now because much harsher language than "hell" is screaming to the front of my mind.

  2. Silver,

    The mission was so much more phony and worse and mishandled under the Bush administration, and you know that. It was always a bad mission, and it was handled on the cheap by the Bush administration. But it was a bad mission whatever the case, Bush or whoever, and we all know that now.

    We Americans, me included, were just hot-headed about Afghanistan after 9/11, felt some responsibility because of our history there, and decided to right things. Sadly, we have discovered this is a thing that can't be righted. It's a very bad situation over there. A tragedy. And there's probably nothing we can do about it for foreseeable future. And you know all this very well.

    But when all is said and done, we three, an Objectivist, a Conservative, and a Liberal, all agree it's time to come home.

    I'll add this:

    Let Iran and Pakistan deal with it. Maybe it'll take their minds off their perennial, Arab Street, bogeyman Israel for a change. Wouldn't that be refreshing!


  3. As long as we reserve the right to blast nest of terrorists at will. Without troops on the ground or otherwise putting us in danger.

  4. I can't help but think that Mr. Obama's surge was little more than him having boxed himself into a corner via an ill thought-out and reckless campaign promise (the Afghan War being the good/just one). I thoroughly hope that I'm wrong, obviously.

  5. You may have a good point there, Will. I've always wondered that myself.


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