The Hypocrisy of the Left...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

It is becoming increasingly clear the hypocrisy of the left equals or exceeds that of the right.

Rush Limbaugh certainly used poor judgement as well a complete lack of common sense and common decency when he referred to Sandra Fluke as a slut and prostitute over her views and testimony to Congress on female contraceptives.

So did Bill Mayer when he referred to Sarah Palin as a c**t and a t**t on his show. The argument that there is a difference is bogus as well as exceeding stupidity.

To argue that Rush is a political commentator and spokesperson for the Republican base somehow makes his comments more egregious and offensive than Bill Maher's goes beyond the ludicrous. Maher the a-hole that he is made his comment specifically to demean a conservative POLITICAL figure who happens to be a women. Mayer may be able to run but he certainly can't hide. He is every bit the misogynist that Rush is.

But to listen to the left Rush should be pulled from the air. If this is determined to be the right thing to do, which to ny thinking person it clearly is not, then so must Bill follow.

The following is enough to question if we are still in America.

(CNN)- Ironically, the misogyny Rush Limbaugh spewed for three days over Sandra Fluke was not much worse than his regular broadcast of sexist, racist and homophobic hate speech:

--Women cabinet members are "Sex-retaries."

--"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."

--The National Organization for Women is "a bunch of whores to liberalism."

--[Said to an African American female caller]: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

These are just a few samples from the arsenal of degrading language Limbaugh deploys on women, people of color, lesbians and gays, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, Muslims, Jews, veterans, environmentalists and so forth.

Limbaugh doesn't just call people names. He promotes language that deliberately dehumanizes his targets. Like the sophisticated propagandist Josef Goebbels, he creates rhetorical frames -- and the bigger the lie the more effective -- inciting listeners to view people they disagree with as sub-humans. His longtime favorite term for women, "femi-nazi," doesn't even raise eyebrows anymore, an example of how rhetoric spreads when unchallenged by coarsened cultural norms.

At least this most recent incident has turned a spotlight back on the vile, damaging statements Limbaugh has been promulgating for years. His sponsors are dropping him; his stations have begun to follow suit. VoteVets, a coalition of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, released a statement by female vets, including Katherine Scheirman, former chief of medical operations in the U.S. Air Forces, demanding that the American Forces Network drop Limbaugh from its programming.

They state, "Our entire military depends on troops respecting each other -- women and men. There simply can be no place on military airwaves for sentiments that would undermine that respect." {Read More}

Yup, if you're a leftist calling a conservative a c**t or a t**t everything is just A okay. But if a conservative calls a liberal a slut or a prostitute, well by the life of Karl Marx everything is just peachy. PLEASE... get a rational grip lefties. At least be consistent will ya?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Remember also that Maher ranted on and on about how handicapped people were not really human beings and should be treated as animals.

    It is not invoking Godwin's Law to point out that Nazi Germany started out this way, and they exterminated the "defectives" before they started on the Jews.

    Compared to this, Maher's hatred of a woman who is smarter and more powerful and accomplished than he is is nothing.

    1. Indeed. Maher is low life trash in my book. It amazes me the left is so defensive and adoring of his misogyny and useless drivel.

  2. .

    "... if a conservative calls a liberal a slut or a prostitute, well by the life of Karl Marx everything is just peachy. PLEASE... " Snivel snivel snivel.


    Trash Lumbaughski is _the_ spokesman for the RepublicanT Party, on nation wide public air-way hate radio, and attacking a private citizen. Bill Mayer is a (questionable)comedian on private cable network, and trashing a public figure. But hey 'conservative' is the the victim. Now really. Snivel snivel snivel.

    Pla ese leave Trash Lumbaughski on the air. It is the highest form of joy listening and watching RepublicanTs and Conservatives trying to come up with ways to defend his hatred of women.

    Do you think the RepublicanT Party will be able to win in November without the 'woman' vote?

    Ema Nymton

    1. Emma - you are the typical lefty, so predictable...and wrong. I have not defended El Rusbo. In fact I was quite critical of his remarks. And yes Emma the GOP needs the women's vote to win. So what's your salient point? Oh that's right, you have none.

      Your hypocrisy smells just as bad as the right's hypocrisy smells. The big difference between you and me, as well as all thinking people, is you don't recognize your own hypocrisy. nOR DO YOU CARE.

      Good day...

  3. Look at who wrote the article and it all becomes clear. Go to snopes and look up Rush's quotes, and many of them never happened, while the worst ones were dug up from his "shock jock" days back in the 80's, you know, the same time period Obama belonged to the hate Whitey club at Harvard Law School.

    Whoever controls the culture controls the debate.

    1. Good point's Silver. But don't expect Ms. Clueless (Emma) to understand the dots being connected. Looking through a murky fog must difficult don't you think?

    2. I actually used to like Maher 10-15 years ago - you know, back when he was more of a maverick and independent. Lately, though, yeah, you're right; a complete and total dirtbag now.

  4. Ema during a load of deception says: "Bill Mayer is a (questionable)comedian on private cable network, and trashing a public figure"

    Actually when he bashed handicapped children, he was not singling out public citizens for his hate speech at all.

    And since when it is OK/defensible for Maher to lie aboutand insult a public figure... just because she is public? Does the requirement to be truthful go out the window? Is sexist hate speech OK just because the woman is a public figure?

    You are defending the indefensible.


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