Classical Liberalism Defined...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Consider Classical Liberalism...

Should this not be the plank that conservatives (the true any way) stand on? Perhaps if they had they, and by a principled association republicans, might have retained their relevancy.

Certainly Mittens, Frothy, and Newtie by their words and actions have failed to embrace fully and completely the ten principles spoke to in the video. I find that interesting because they certainly were understood and supported by our founders.

Worth thinking about?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. That was a lovely, flowery description of Classical Liberalism, but you know there's a lot more to it than that.

    You could probably find a thousand good things to say about Classical Liberalism, and easily a thousand bad.

    We should learn from it, as it is full of all sorts of valuable lessons, but it is not some perfect truth we should adhere today.

    As for the neo-classicals - they wrecked this country. And that's the problem with reverting to old schemes - they're still new. Hence the "neo."



    1. I know that Classical Liberalism has a bunch more to offer than what exists today. Sorry for you jmj that you don't get it.

    2. If JMJ were to start on the list of a "thousand bad" things, want to bet that the vast majority of them would either be not characteristics of classical liberalism at all, or actually good things?

  2. LOL! Les, there is nothing here I don't "get." I have studied the subject quite a bit, and not just from the angle of my own ideology.


  3. I'm sure you leave it to yourself what history is. It's all "revised," isn't it? Yet another another subjective derogatory - like we see all over "history."


    1. Without a doubt some are by far worse than others.


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