Birther Theory... It Is Beyond Time To Put It To Rest

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Rep. Chris Stearns (R-FL)

For some the birther issue apparently continues to be worth wasting time on. As much as the birther crowd continues to hope for a "smoking gun" the rest of America has moved on. And, the President will remain the President until he is 1) defeated in this coming November election or 2) he retires from the office of the Presidency in January 2017.

The Hill - Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on Tuesday said he's not yet convinced that President Obama’s birth certificate is legitimate.

“I am, shall we say, looking at all the evidence,” Stearns told reporters in the Capitol Tuesday, comments that come after he expressed similar doubts at a meeting with constituents in February.

Stearns heads the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee. He is leading the GOP probe of Solyndra, the California solar panel company that went belly-up last September after receiving a $535 million Energy Department loan guarantee in 2009.

Overwhelming evidence shows that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a U.S. citizen, but members of what has been called the "birther" movement have continued to dispute his nationality.

In April 2011, the White House released Obama's long-form birth certificate to the public, hoping to put the matter to bed for good. But the issue has popped back up repeatedly — most recently in early March, when Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he had evidence the document was a fake.

Asked Tuesday if he thinks the birth certificate is legitimate, Stearns cited an inquiry by an Arizona sheriff – an apparent reference to Arpaio – and noted he believed there is “another investigation” as well. {Read More}

All I can say is this, PRODUCE the evidence, produce it NOW if in fact it exists, or shut the "f" up.

There are important issues, and valid reasons to defeat President Obama in November 2012. Chasing after a smoking gun, unsubstantiated ghosts, or some other foolish dream that might disqualify him to serve as President has even this man of reason beginning to think there might just be some racism at play after all.


  1. What the hell do these nutballs think they will accomplish with this?

    Even if there were some tear in the fabric of reality and they end up with some supposedly-hard "evidence", what happens then? You cannot pull off an impeachment trial before the election.

    This is a stupid distraction. The man has a record of colossal failure, historically-unprecedented debt and a full-frontal assault on our liberties. Let's go after that.

    1. Precisely Silver. It does seen there is a fair share of "nutballs" populating the republican party these days. Perhaps it should rename itself? The NCP, nutball coalition party, sounds about right. Don't you think?

    2. Silver, no one cares about those things... or haven't you been paying attention? His (s)election has already been chosen. Of course it matters not who the puppet in chief is because they all follow the same policies. Obama is no different than Bush was.

  2. Amazing how much time, effort and money has been spent on an issue that will never amount to anything. It is well accepted, by those who can think, that Obama has a checkered past to say the least. Unless they have pictures of him being born in a foreign land, he and his lemmings will deny it. Give up the chase and get to pointing out how destructive he has been to this country with his division of hate and envy.

  3. If the GOP had a serious issue to stand on, they'd be standing on it. They have none.


  4. I don't think there's any doubt that the birth certificate is bogus, but if no one cares; what does it matter?

    As for the republicans not having a serious issue to stand on, Mr. McJones, the rank and file have plenty of such issues, the problem is that the republican leadership all act like democrats, so nothing worthwhile happens.

  5. Don't these clowns realize that they're harming the Republican brand, possibly permanently?

    1. The damage is already done, Will.

    2. Compared to what? What more harm could the Republicans do to themselves that the last 50 years hasn't done already?

    3. After Barry Goldwater things took a slight downward turn. After Reagan the train started the headlong descent to where the republican party is today.

  6. No, Gorges, the GOP has nothing. There is not one single new idea coming from the GOP field.

    Go ahead. Name a new idea. Name one that hasn't already been tried.


    1. Are you under the impression that either sides of the state coin have ever had any new ideas? The only difference between the socialists and the fascists is the attack plan.

  7. Dumb article. Obama provided the proof by releasing a forged BC. The author is being intentionally dense.

  8. "All I can say is this, PRODUCE the evidence, produce it NOW if in fact it exists, or shut the "f" up."

    What you are suggesting is that the birth certificate that Obama produced should be accepted at face value, no questions asked. Why? Do you trust politicians? Do you trust Democrats? Actually, the press should have immediately subjected the BC to expert forensic document analysis to authenticate it. Have they done so? Why not? They simply took the President's word for it. Did they take Nixon's word for it when he said he was not a crook? By your standard they should have.

    What evidence is it that you want produced? There is all sorts of armchair forensic analysis floating around on the internet, some good, some bad, some by relatively credentialed people, some by not so credentialed people. Where is the expert forensic analysis authenticating it? Actually most of the pro-authenticity stuff I have seen simply seeks to poke holes in the skeptics' analysis and questions their credentials. I don't recall seeing a single pro-authenticity analysis that actually sought to establish the authenticity vs. attempting to debunk naysayers. Have you?

    Where is the paid expert forensic analysis from CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, etc., etc. etc.? It ain't there. Why not? Because they accepted Obama at his word. Do you?

    The press has been deliberately incurious about this issue and they have been aided and abetted by too many on the right who are more interested in avoiding birther taint than they are in exploring the truth.

    For the record, I do not think Obama was born in Kenya. I do think he might be hiding something, and I believe it is certainly within the realm of possibility that his BC (and his draft registration card) is a fake. NO ONE with the slightest curiosity should settle for less than an expert and thorough forensic vetting of these documents.

  9. Conspiracy theories always take on a life of their own. And this one will never end even when Obama leaves office, by whatever means.

    Having said that, it will be interesting to see what surfaces in the next decade or so regarding ALL of his secrecy issues. I find it far better cocktail conversation to speculate on why no one can see his college records and other citizenship records. Is it because he, like so many other Americans, got government education grants and perhaps loans by fraudulent means? If so, it would only be politically damaging to his image among those who already oppose him. For his supporters it would be a badge of honor.

    Just a prediction, and only for laughs, but I think someday it will all come out, and for historians, it will tarnish his already tarnished reputation and legacy. I bet there is tons of embarrassing stuff to be known.

    As to the political advantages today, if all his other unconstitutional actions haven't been enough to sink him, nothing will. The GOP isn't pushing this stuff, they are doing other stupid stuff.

    As to Arpiao, Obama & Co. are out to screw this guy forever, and he is merely returning fire. Ya can't blame a guy for that.


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