Time for Santorum to Tank...

by:Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Rick Santorum... reactionary, anti-individual, pro big government, poster boy for the Socon's and big "R" statist republicans, and the candidate who obviously loves to pontificate ad nauseum on how one should lead their life.

Frankly I am tiring quickly of his seemingly never ending and self righteous babble. Really the man deserves little to no attention, especially with respect to anything having to do with governance or the highest office in our land.

Were this man not such a frightening religious ideologue and reactionary statist, in other words a potential threat to our individual and personal liberties I wouldn't waste a moments notice on him. But he is. So until he either drops out of the race for the republican presidential nomination, or he is sent packing to where Neanderthals go to retire, all the information I can find that may convince even a few people of Santorum's unfitness to serve I intend to present on these pages.

Three unflattering videos that present Santorum as he really is. Some may take issue with some of the material and how it is presented. I do as well. This is because there is definite evidence of left leaning statism used in the argument against Santorum. But statism is statism, in this instance the main point is to dissuade people from supporting Santorum. Therefore I made an exception.

Besides, all in all they actually make a case to support Ron Paul. If one is paying attention.

Via: Memorandum


  1. Boy, did Santorum ever stink up the stage tonight. Just that "explanation" of his as to why he voted for so much pork alone was nauseating. Congressman Paul was as right as rain in calling the dude a phony.

    1. Santorum sickens me in all aspects of his anti reason and therefore anti life philosophy and existence. He has no center, other than the fear he holds that he might lose his backwards reactionary theocratic beliefs unless he is successful in imposing them on all.


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