A Cartel, Unquestioned

There's one aspect to the health-care problem that nobody, NOBODY, is talking about. And that's the fact that medical doctors (M.D.s and D.O.s) have a virtual monopoly on providing health-care to people. I mean, yes, you can see a chiropractor for a bad back, an optometrist for a vision exam, and a podiatrist for bunions but for most basic medical issues you still have to see a doctor............................................................................................So, why is that a bad thing, you ask? It's bad because for the vast, vast, majority of ailments (colds, backaches, etc.) that you're presently going to a doctor for, you could just as easily (not to mention, effectively) go to a nurse-practitioner, a physicians assistant, a physical therapist, a person trained in in kinesiology and exercise science, etc.. This is especially true when these individuals have doctorates and multiple years of patient experience UNDER A DOCTOR........................................................................................I mean, I know that we're conditioned to think that doctors are gods and that only doctors can cure us but, I'm telling you here, I have worked in human services and health-related fields for my entire career and some of the smartest people in the galaxy are nurse practitioners and doctoral level therapists. I would have absolutely zero qualms about seeing either of them for my medical needs. Seriously........................................................................................P.S. This obviously dovetails into another serious medical issue; i.e., the doctor shortage, a shortage that will clearly become even more pronounced once the health-care bill really kicks in. Hopefully the stars will all align some day and officials connect the dots.


  1. My vote goes to massage therapy, chiropractic, and plain old healthy living. Like in no smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, moderate exercise,proper vitamin and mineral supplement, and a active love life.

    But what the hell do I know about health?

    Oh, and two glasses of fine red in daily.

    1. ...that should be two glasses of fine red wine daily.

  2. Fine.
    Where is the viable alternative to deal with what we have to go forward with?

    As Obama said to Democrats, "single payer would be great, if we were starting from scratch, but we are not and it would be to hard and to difficult of an interruption to start that kind of plan now."

    A liberal might say we should start from scratch.
    A conservative might say we should just eliminate such programs (like Medicare).

    I think we both know neither of those sentiments will happen. So then what?

    I do not reject the ideology of safety nets. I blame the Democrats for not overseeing the efficiency, effectiveness, and cost of such programs.

    I reject the Republican ideology, that America and Americans would be better off without such programs.

    Even Romney (possible Republican candidate for President) says he would not favor eliminating SS, Medicare, and other programs that have served America well for decades. Yet his fellow Republicans don't seem to agree. They prefer health saving account programs, privatization, and or elimination.

    As for your advice; sounds great. How's your health doing following your own prescription?

    Thanks for your comment at the Swash Zone. Read their replies. They think I'm nuts.


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