Ricky Santorum... The Candidate for the Religous Right

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Ricky Santorum, the hope of the Evangelicals. A man who believes the Judea Christian bible should be the foundation of our nation's ethics and therefore our moral compass.

It matters not to this man of mystical beliefs that our founding fathers went to great length to insure the separation of church and state. While it is proper to recognize the right of everyone to worship {or not} as they chose, it is absolutely inappropriate for elected government officials {especially the president} to give even a moments consideration to faith when determining how to govern.

Social conservatives are coalescing around Ricky Santorum in the hopes of forcing their ultra right wing Christian religious beliefs on the nation. Which in reality is no different than the ultra Islamist belief that they must force Islam on the entire western world.

Individuals like Ricky Santorum present the greatest danger to religious freedom and freedom of speech than anyone on the "left" ever has. You can take that to the bank.

Via The Hill:

A group of conservative activists decided Saturday to throw its support behind Rick Santorum in the battle for the Republican presidential nomination.

Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council and a spokesman for the group of roughly 150 activists, said that a “strong consensus” emerged for the former Pennsylvania senator after a three-ballot process.

“I think it was vigorous discussion of who they felt best represented the conservative movement and who they think had the best chance of succeeding,” said Perkins, adding that he was surprised that the group was able to coalesce around one candidate.

The activists gathering in Texas, a week before South Carolina voters go to the polls in their primary, said their get-together was meant to unite behind an alternative to President Obama and not to “bash” Mitt Romney – the front-runner for the nomination who is viewed with skepticism within some conservative and evangelical circles.

But Perkins also said he did not believe the conservative leaders had weighed in too late to blunt Romney’s momentum, even though the former Massachusetts governor became the first non-incumbent Republican to win both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.

The race, Perkins said, is “far from decided,” noting that Romney had just a handful of the delegates he needed to capture the nomination.

“This could be exactly the right time,” the social conservative leader said, calling South Carolina “a state that is more reflective of the social conservative movement.”

At the Texas event, Santorum got roughly three-quarters of the 114 votes on the final ballot, where he faced off against former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas also received considerable support from the group, Perkins added.

“The group spent a good bit of time praying for unity and for consensus that could communicate the seriousness of the position this country is in,” Perkins said. “We don’t need to just change jerseys. We need to change the way we do business.” {Read More

There is fiscal conservatism based on the founding principles of limited constitutional governance, (which can be supported based on our constitution) and the new age social conservatism based on mystical religious beliefs which can only be supported on faith.

Given all available scientific data it is impossible to support the "social conservative" agenda, Unless of course science and reason are of no concern.

Via: Memorandum


  1. "Social conservatives are coalescing around Ricky Santorum in the hopes of forcing their ultra right wing Christian religious beliefs on the nation. Which in reality is no different than the ultra Islamist belief that they must force Islam on the entire western world."

    THIS member of the religious right is suspicious of Santorum, Les, plus you've over-stated your comparison a bit, due to personal prejudice I assume. I haven't yet seen any attempts by the religious right to blow people up who don't agree with them.

  2. Perhaps, although I rally have no prejudice for or against any peaceful religion. My only prejudice is against any religion in governance. Religion is, as our founders understood a private matter, it has no place whatsoever in government policy. The religious right in general wants to have a place at the table of governance. Santorum certainly has made it clear he fits this shoe. A dangerous mixture.


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