Mittens... the big "R" Statist Establihment Republican ain't Gonna Need a Surge

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As much as principled constitutional conservative/libertarians hate to accept it Mittens is quite likely going to do well in Iowa, New Hampshire, and continue on to the capture the big "R" statist republican nomination to run against the big "D" statist democrat Obama in the general. When it comes to principles apparently "S" for statism will once again win the day, again.

As sad as this is for those who remain (even today) true to the "Classical Liberalism" of our founding fathers, and the constitutional democratic republic they founded, such is life. The will of the people {assumption being they have actually thought it out} is played out on the stage of national politics. Clearly even the republican party, once the party of limited government and liberty, has caved and become the second, albeit smaller party to advocate big government statism.

There will be some who will hold out. They will vote in the caucuses and primaries as classical liberals, true conservatives and or libertarians supporting the real candidate for change, Ron Paul. Unfortunately it will not be enough. The big "R" republican statists will have their way and America will once again be the worse off for it.

That is why, out of the 2012 election cycle a strong third party must emerge. Those who feel disenfranchised by the democrat and republican party's, independents, and other for liberty and limited constitutional government need to unite around the principles that made this nation strong and work to bring it back those principles.

Libertarians actually have an opportunity to become that strong American third party, providing the party focuses on and builds support at the grass roots level. Leadership of the party should begin focusing {like a laser} on the task of building and strengthening state organizations, identifying articulate potential candidates to run in local and statewide races, and identify high profile individuals that have the ability to capture the imagination of the voting public without sacrificing principle in the process.

Perhaps it is too much to ask you say. Well, the alternative is a continuation of the present and immediate past. Certainly something it seems a large segment of the voting population is unhappy with. Or perhaps it's just me. Or perhaps the din of the public is really just words. ????

At any rate here is a take on the republican race as of today by POLITICO . It looks pretty darn accurate from this perch.

(DES MOINES) — If Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses, the race for the Republican nomination is over.

If Mitt Romney comes in second in Iowa, the race for the Republican nomination is over.

And if Mitt Romney comes in third in Iowa, the race for the Republican nomination is over.

Why? Is his message of goodness and decency and American exceptionalism so overwhelmingly persuasive or are his personal attributes so awesomely compelling?

No. It’s because the Iowa caucuses do not pick winners as much as they eliminate losers. And the Iowa caucuses Tuesday are likely to eliminate from serious contention the only two men who might have blocked Romney’s path to victory: Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry.

With those two out of the way, Romney faces Ron Paul, who could come in first, second or third here on Tuesday or Rick Santorum, who could do the same.

But neither of those men has a credible route to the nomination no matter how well they do in Iowa.

Wait. What about this Santorum “surge” I keep reading and hearing about. Is it a fake?

No, just the opposite. It is so real, it is commonplace. No fewer than five Republicans — virtually the entire field — have experienced surges. {Read More}

If the people of this nation are indeed fed up with the past, both with the policies and records of Obama, GWB, and the whole host of things keeping the establishment statism in power then there certainly remains a bunch of work ahead.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Jersey McJones said...

    So, Les, how do you like the Citizens United decision these days?

  2. jmj - I apologize for my inadvertently having deleted your comment. If I have erroneously restated your comment please re-post and correct any error.

    In a most direct answer to your question...

    I do believe I had earlier acknowledged my error in my original support of the decision as written.

  3. Well, then I'm sorry - I missed that. I think conservatives - and especially libertarians and objectivists - should take a very close look at the implications of Citizens United. It is among the very worst decisions in the history of the court.


  4. The picture becomes ever clearer for the Angry Joes. The Angry Joes of the middle are sick of the corrupt business as usual of American politics and are ready to make the jump to something truly different. The problem is that they need a leader and someone to rally around. The leader must be sensible and make sense to those in the middle that worry less about gay marriage and more about national debt. It is always good to have principles and uphold them, but sometimes you need to focus on what is truly important today and that is reigning in the federal government and cutting spending. Even our Founding Fathers were smart enough to know this and put the worst possible issue on the back burner (slavery). So why can't we focus on fixing Washington and hold off on abortion for a later time? I have said it before and I am saying it again the Angry Joes must unite regardless of previous party affiliation and turn this country around. We are American fiscal conservatives first and foremost and anything else second. We believe in the greatness of this country and know that we can solve this mess by coming together to throw the big government bums out. Do we need a third party? Yes, but more so we need a candidate that understands and can lead regardless of party. We need someone that will tap into the anger and feel our pain. We need someone to give it a voice and a face. Do I know who this is? No, but I am looking and hoping such a person emerges. I've always liked Chris Christie's take on fiscal issues, but he won't run now and Daniels as well. I want a fixer that fixes messed up governments and puts things right. I am an Angry Joe and I am ready for real change.

  5. Jersey said: "Well, then I'm sorry - I missed that. I think conservatives - and especially libertarians and objectivists - should take a very close look at the implications of Citizens United. It is among the very worst decisions in the history of the court."

    I looked very closely at it. On the balance, it was an excellent decision. IT overturned an unconstitutional law which punished individuals for daring to criticize those in power. Such speech is now well protected.

    The "corporate personhood" part is bad... but nothing has come of it. Nothing at all. While on the other hand I've noticed that people are a lot more free to speak out, to speak truth to power, since before the decision.

    It was a major victory for free speech.

    If you don't like what people say, even people who are associated with corporations, ignore them. I mean, come on.


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