by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -v s- Tyranny The Statue of Liberty The United States of America, a land built by pioneers, free and independent thinkers, men with vision and the understanding of what it means to be free. The United States of America, a land where men of common principles and values, yet holding fiercely differing opinions as how to arrive at the "common good" found the integrity and strength to form a great nation. The United States of America, a land whose founders understood that freedom is not free and that liberty, like a well kept\t garden must faithfully be attended to. The United States of America, a land whose founders left a road map that would insure continued freedom and the individual liberties that brave men gave their lives for so that their own, as well as succeeding generations may be free. The United States of America, a land whose people once understood the value of hard work and that expecting something for no...