The Formula For Avoiding Poverty

1) Stay in school (go to college or at least graduate high school).............2) Don't have a child out of wedlock.............3) Don't have a child until you reach the age of 20.............4) Don't smoke (a two pack a day habit in CT costs $15 dollars a day/$105 a week/$5,460 a year, increases health-care costs, and reduces productivity).............5) Don't drink heavily (for the identical reasons as to why you shouldn't smoke).............6) Learn to defer gratification, in general.............7) Get a second job if necessary................................................................................................P.S. According to a study cited by the March of Dimes, simply doing the first three will reduce your likelihood of living in poverty by a whopping 89% (64% vs. 7%)....It would really be interesting to see how the OWS movement would put its arms around this syndrome.


  1. Les,
    Great post! I have tried telling something very similar to each of my children and now that they are approaching their late twenties they are seeing that the old man is pretty smart. I only wish they would have listened ten years ago. They would have college degrees and probably great jobs.

  2. Credit for this post goes to Will "take no prisoners" Hart.

    He is the moderate voice at RN USA and blogs at his own site... WILL "TAKE NO PRISONERS" HART."

  3. 8) Don't vote for anyone who will promise to increase your taxes, or will likely increase your taxes even if they promise not to.

    9) Vote against over-regulation, forced unionization, and other factors which force employers to fire people and cut wages.


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