Zuckerman Exasperated With Obama.

From the desk of: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

The following article is quite interesting. Many are exasperated as well! For those who may have missed it.

WSJ - It's as if he doesn't like people," says real-estate mogul and New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman of the president of the United States. Barack Obama doesn't seem to care for individuals, elaborates Mr. Zuckerman, though the president enjoys addressing millions of them on television.

The Boston Properties CEO is trying to understand why Mr. Obama has made little effort to build relationships on Capitol Hill or negotiate a bipartisan economic plan. A longtime supporter of the Democratic Party, Mr. Zuckerman wrote in these pages two months ago that the entire business community was "pleading for some kind of adult supervision" in Washington and "desperate for strong leadership." Writing soon after the historic downgrade of U.S. Treasury debt by Standard & Poor's, he wrote, "I long for a triple-A president to run a triple-A country."

His words struck a chord. When I visit Mr. Zuckerman this week in his midtown Manhattan office, he reports that three people approached him at dinner the previous evening to discuss his August op-ed. Among business executives who supported Barack Obama in 2008, he says, "there is enormously widespread anxiety over the political leadership of the country." Mr. Zuckerman reports that among Democrats, "The sense is that the policies of this government have failed. . . . What they say about [Mr. Obama] when he's not in the room, so to speak, is astonishing."

We are sitting on the 18th floor of a skyscraper the day after protesters have marched on the homes of other Manhattan billionaires. It may seem odd that most of the targeted rich people had nothing to do with creating the financial crisis. But as Mr. Zuckerman ponders the Occupy Wall Street movement, he concludes that "the door to it was opened by the Obama administration, going after the 'millionaires and billionaires' as if everybody is a millionaire and a billionaire and they didn't earn it. . . . To fan that flame of populist anger I think is very divisive and very dangerous for this country."

This doesn't mean that Mr. Zuckerman opposes the protesters or questions their motives. When pressed, he concedes that the crowd in Lower Manhattan may include some full-time radicals, but he argues that the protesters are people with a legitimate grievance, as the country suffers high unemployment and stagnant middle-class incomes.

It is a subject he has obviously studied at length, and he explains how the real unemployment rate is actually well above the official level of 9.1%, which only measures people who have applied for a job within the previous four weeks. In fact, he says, unemployment has even surged beyond the Department of Labor's "U-6" number of 16.5% that has received increasing attention lately because it includes people who have given up looking for work within the past year, plus people who have been cut back from full-time employees to part-timers.

Mr. Zuckerman says that when you also consider the labor-force participation rate and the so-called "birth-death series" that measures business starts and failures, the real U.S. unemployment rate is now 20%. His voice rising with equal parts anger and sadness, he exclaims, "That's not America!" {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Poor Morty! And he was so in love just a few short years ago...

  2. But as Mr. Zuckerman ponders the Occupy Wall Street movement, he concludes that "the door to it was opened by the Obama administration, going after the 'millionaires and billionaires' as if everybody is a millionaire and a billionaire and they didn't earn it. . . . To fan that flame of populist anger I think is very divisive and very dangerous for this country."

    Yeah, you and millions of us feel the same way, Mr. Zuckerman. Trust me on that. This whole class warfare thing is going to rip this Nation apart, and set our cities ablaze.

  3. Zthuckerman is a whore. He's a democrat because it benefits him personally. If he had any balls/integrity at all, he'd be talking about what an incompetent disastrous fool Brakabama is. His criticism amounts to little more than noticing the Emperor's shoe is untied.

  4. Zuckerman's critique of the President was vitriolic, as was much of the rest of that little rant of his.

    He says at one point, "if you look at the make-up of the stimulus program, roughly half of it went to state and local municipalities, which is in effect to the municipal unions which are at the core of the Democratic party,' which is just a flat-out lie, and a nice picture of where ol' Mort is always coming from.

    On the other hand, he has a point. The Obama administration has been too cold, calculating and strategic. There aims may be quite laudable, but they never found a way to work within the system we have. It's almost like if Ron Paul would in the presidency - would any bill pass for the next for years?

    Obama's problem as Zuckerman sees it, would only serve to prove the Republican party has become too far right to pass bills.

    Here's a way I see it:

    Have you noticed, the more right GOP candidates are in this year's nomination cycle, the less likely they are to come off as competent leaders???



  5. Oh dear ecc102, class warfare! Grab your smelling salts and retire to your fainting couch before you harm yourself!

    It's only class warfare when people protest having Koch Brothers subsidary companies poisioning them and making illegal transactions with Iran!

    If only people knew their place and read your erudite posting on how there were no problems until "that guy" got in the White House.

  6. Jersey: It's true that a massive amount of the stimulus went to union thugs. It enriched them, of course, but it did not improve governmnet (as unions strive to degrade government services) or help jobs (as unions typically force governments and business to hire fewer workers).

    Grung: The Koch bashing is all hoax stuff.

  7. GeG,

    "That guy" is the first American President to desire class warfare, openly and brazenly. Fact.

    The Koch Brothers have nothing on George Soros. They serve as a convenient counterpoint to your America-hating ideals and financiers. Nothing more.


  8. ecc102,

    Fact you don't know what you're talking about. Class Warfare was enshrined in the US constitution.

    Nice Soros!!!! scare comment.

    Ah, yes the first attack of all your ilk, 'my America-Hating ideals', please restrain your buffoonish nonsense to conservative drones who lap up your ignorance.

    I would include a story about BP, and their Whiting Indiana plant which dumps mercury, benzene, and a plethora of other toxic materials directly into Lake Michigan and how during Bush's term the EPA was restrained and BP felt safe to process 16-20 times as much as allowed and how they used the municipal government of Indiana to get a pass while their toxic waste polluted the drinking water of soverign citizens of Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois, who had no voice in the matter but then you would chide me for my America Hating Views in attacking BP...

  9. @GeG,

    Again....*yawn*. Your anti-Capitalist, America-hating, US Constitution ignorance is showing. Tedious. Soooo tedious.

    You're simply part of what ills America.

  10. It's funny how Les' righties here offer nothing of substance in reply to Gene.

    And just how much stimulus did the unions get Dmarks? What happened to all the concessions the UAW made to help save Chrysler and GM?

    The problem, at least it seems to me anyway, is the left is upset with Obama for making too many concessions to the right. The fact is the right are the ones not acting bipartisanly. How many concessions have Boehner and cantor and McConnell made?

  11. What's to say to Gene? He's an irrational lib driven by feministic emotionalism and much foot-stomping, I'm sure.

    We've been around the block more than a few times. We've seen her kind before. Nothing changes.

  12. Taken from ecc102's site of hatred, bigotry and ignorance:
    In my world, I am the Alpha Male.  In my world, liberals are basically whiny, perpetually-menstruating women.  If you’re a “man” who says he’s a liberal, you are simply a woman with a penis.  You liberal “men” have failed and have abdicated your masculinity in favor of being more in line with the Oprah Ideal.  Worthless.  Absolutely worthless.  You have more than earned my contempt.

    Anyone who declares themself an Alpha Male is most assuredly not, it's like those liars (conservatives) who entreat their duped supporters by declaring themselves 'serious truth tellers'. The scary thing is I'm sure he sees himself as a big bad man, when all his posturing reveals him to be a scared little pipsqueak; who has to back up his posts by posting as Anonymous afterwards.

    It is frightening to see someone so angry at feminity.

    But, what's more frightening is the lack of substance.

    I can not wait to read the next response, but allow me to be prescient and paraphrase ecc102 next comment. Rawrrrr. Me Man You liberal nazi. Rawr you stink Rawr I love USA, Rawr Soros! Rawrrrrrr

  13. Gentleman - Perhaps it is time for everyone to view the left and the right as wings of an airplane: bi-plane.

    I'm sure you get my drift.

  14. @GeG,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and copy-pasting here at RNUSA! I always appreciate the publicity!

    I posted as "anonymous" because I was in a rush and for me to post as ecc102, I need to "login" at my blog so the Wordpress option will be available for me to comment thusly. I knew I could simply post as anonymous much, much quicker and be on my way. As an Alpha Male, I do not run from accountability. True, you couldn't help but view it as you did, for the victim shrieking mentality is ingrained in your broken psyche. Liberals are simply not known for being, shall we say, manly or having the ability to think like men. With liberals it is all about feelings, emotion, and victimhood. Take a look at OWS and tell me I'm off-base.

    Here's the deal: I respect Les more than I wish to slam you and hurt your sensitive feminine-based feelings. So, in full view of any who would read, I am walking away from furhter dialogues with you on any subject on this site. If, however, you would wish to further shriek at me like a chick, you know my blog address.

    Les, I apologize for being so insensitive to the liberals who visit here. You're a solid fellow, and I fear I may have been too harsh with the ladies of the left.

    As always, have the last word, GeG. Your kind always needs it. Go ahead. Type away.

  15. If this nation we love is to move ahead both the right and the left must cut the hyperbole, and forgive me the bullshit. It is time to focus on that which can unify us rather than divide us. It is time to disagree repectfully and constructively. Agreed?


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