Obama: I Lead, You Follow Message To Congress

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I am sure that everyone of rational mind will forgive me my indiscretion. President Obama sent a jobs bill {speech first with no specifics} to Congress three weeks ago.

Now, three weeks later the President is asking Congress to act and send his bill back. To this Congress ought to be replying... Really? I guess in a sense Congress has sent this exact message to the POTUS.

It seems that there are democrats, as well as republicans that are not ready to buy into another Obama initiative that will likely produce zero net results. Of this at a cost to those that are the most likely producers of jobs and increased national wealth.

The memory of Obama's failed bailout and stimulus packages are still fresh in the minds of those who no doubt are up for reelection in 2012. Reality sure does have a way of changing ones perspective. No?

Here then is the President's sorry pitch as to why Congress should act to pass his "Jobs bill."

My take on the POTUS's speech is this...

The President has an agenda. It is that of every progressive socialist collectivist that has ever uttered an opinion on the purpose of government. Which is... Government is the answer. Place your faith in the "goodness" of government and the nation will embark on an unrequited journey of "fairness" and "equality" for all the people.

This has been tried, many times over. it has failed in every instance. I shall leave it to you, my astute readership to decide for yourselves whether the POTUS is right, or whether he is blowing the same sedating and controlling smoke that progressives throughout history have blown.

Via: Memeorandum


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