Altruism -vs- A Proper Morality of Rational Self Interest

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Altruism is found in the field of morality  and what constitutes ethical values. Rational Nation USA has often referred to, and identified altruism as a destructive force for the individual as well as broader societal relationships.

Given the number of philosophers who have written about morality  I have found few actually understand the concept of altruism. While I acknowledge my own lack of "formal higher education" with respect to the field of ethics an morality I have spent many hours in self study and self education.

It is my belief that self study, freely chosen by the individual is often the most productive. This is so because the individual who devotes the time and effort to study solely because of their desire for knowledge will ultimately learn a great deal more than the student who is merely in it to complete a scholastic requirement.

As my philosophic and ethical beliefs are grounded in Objectivist philosophy I freely admit the following discussion of altruism is that of an Objectivist thinker. Many, perhaps the majority of readers will find themselves on the opposite side of the Objectivist argument. For those who do, you are surely not alone.

It is my hope the following will provide food for thought for those who are not familiar with the concept of altruism, strengthen the resolve of those who are already Objectivist thinkers, and hopefully change the mind of the skeptics.

Ayn Rand, one of the 20th centuries most controversial yet brilliant thinkers developed the philosophy of Objectivism and exposed the destructive forces of pure altruism. It is from this we begin the discussion of altruism.

Altruism's dictionary definition is: unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others.  At its root altruism requires one to place the welfare and happiness of others before themselves. In so doing one effectively  negates the importance of ones own welfare and happiness. Which in short leads to the loss of self and prepares one to accept the role of sacrificial animal for the good of others happiness and welfare. For many altruism is considered to be the moral value that makes ones life significant.

A question to be considered is this, why is the devotion to the welfare of others a virtue and morally correct when the concern for ones own welfare and happiness over that of others is considered selfish and by implication lacking in morality.? To which the altruist an offer now rational answer. Altruism is in effect collectivism in full bloom.

The antithesis of altruism is rational self interest. Many refer to rational self interest as selfishness and therefore immoral. Nothing could be further from the truth. To understand the meaning of rational self interest requires an understanding of its component words.

The dictionary definition of each:

Rational - a:having reason or understanding b: relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason...

Self - a: the entire person of an individual b: the realization or embodiment of an abstraction 3: the union of elements (such as body, thoughts, emotions, and sensations) that constitutes the individuality and identity of a person.

Interest - 3: welfare, benefit: spec: self interest c: the quality of a thing that arouses interest

Based on the preceding rational self interest is the reasoned concern for ones own well being and happiness based on the value one places on his or her own life. The value an individual perceives another has in relationship to their own life will generally determines the degree to which one may be concerned with the welfare and or happiness of another.

Kindness is not to be confused with altruism. Kindness is the goodwill humans show toward others out of sympathy or to be helpful. More often than not showing acts of kindness is in ones own rational self interest as kindness often comes full circle.

Altruism on the other hand is the belief that one is obliged to be concerned with the welfare of others above their own. Life is the highest standard of value. Each individual by virtue of their own life and existence rightly deserves to place their own welfare and happiness as paramount.

Acting in ones own rational self interest does not mean to show disregard for others. Nor does it imply getting ahead at the expense of others. It does not mean others with whom one has interaction are to be treated as lesser individuals. Because we live in a societal situation and we are social beings it is in our rational self interest to rationally determine when to act in a manner that is in the interests of another person{s}.

Altruism is responsible for our concern for the welfare of the peoples of other nations. Often at the expense of our own nation and people. Thus the billions in foreign welfare the people of this nation are doling out year after year. That is not only irrational, it is immoral as well.


  1. Les, have you ever read the "Sword of Truth" novels by Terry Goodkind?

  2. psychology would view what you said in terms of self-motovated persons vs others-motivated persons.

    the domestic laws of a society plays a big part in the determination of which the people are.

    and you do not need to use aid to foreign governments as an example of altruism. this can be rationally argued from both viewpoints. a person's viewpoint of the purpose and intent of the central government will determine it. there is a better example.

    Marxism is the best example of an altruistic society in today's world.

    self-interest vs altruism is an historical argument that dates back for thousands of years.
    and i'd like to say, as a man with many years of college learning, that i agree with you wholeheartedly on your viewpoint of self-study.

    one of its biggest benefits is that a person is not influenced by the biases and prejudices of others. the only thing a person must be aware of and take into consideration is his own biases and prejudice

  3. dmarks - No, but upon your recommendation I shall soon own a copy.

  4. Griper - I used foreign aid intentionally. I did not use Marx intentionally because there has never been a truly Marxist government. I also am aware of certain altruistic programs in the U.S. that could be sighted. I intentionally choose not to cite any because I want this post to be more philosophical rather than political.

    As a guide to better understanding Marx I use my brother as a sounding board who is an educated economist as well as a techno geek having worked for Nokia and Microsoft. It is a fact that Marx saw capitalism as the best system ever designed at his point in history. He would have smiled upon Henry Ford who understood that he had to produce autos at a cost his workers could afford to purchase. Thus mass productions to create the highest productivity keeping costs low.

    Marx went astray when he dabbled in his later years with the utopian thingy. My capitalist liberal brother pointed this fact out. He has many facts supporting his statements, having studied Marx in College.

    Marx actually saw capitalism as creating such great efficiencies that all people would prosper and have much more leisure time on their hands. He viewed capitalism as a transitional period to an even better system resulting in greater economic equality.

    The communism/socialism that Lenin and Trotsky, Stalin, MAO, Castro, Chavez and all other collectivist modern day regimes were not and are not Marxist.

    Not that I am selling Marx here. I still have problems with his economic philosophy. Just clearing a bit of misconception.

  5. if true, les, then i would suggest that would be a good post in itself, especially a series to show that.

  6. oh one more thing. if your brother is an learned economist will you ask him why the financial health of the federal government is determined by seeing the federal debt as a proportion of gnp?

  7. It's a fascinating post, Les. And I consider myself quite the happy autodidact too. Good to know ya'!

    Here's a few arguments from me...

    "As my philosophic and ethical beliefs are grounded in Objectivist philosophy..."

    (emphasis mine, of course)

    Wow. That is some statement. If someone were to ask me where my beliefs are grounded, I couldn't imagine pointing straight to any 20th century writer, let alone one who played around with the semantics of altruism and rational individualism.

    "Altruism's dictionary definition is: unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others. At its root altruism requires one to place the welfare and happiness of others before themselves. In so doing one effectively negates the importance of ones own welfare and happiness."

    Altruism does not, in or of itself, or IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, require anything of anyone. Altruism - BY DEFINITION - is an act of chosen kindness.

    Now. That being said. I certainly understand the argument that altruism can lead to statism, and any thinking, educated knows this. But we live in a highly individualized society as it is. I see no reason to go out of our way to make us less connected. If anything, I believe our country is terribly fractured right now and we need to get together and work on our progress and stop worrying about BS wars and stupid ideologies that conveniently get in the way of paying our f'n bills.


  8. Griper - Like all good self educated individuals (although I should at his point say I have three years of college and numerous hour of additional formal study through my business experience)I shall send off an email to my brother post haste and ask for the requested info. As I am no a learned scholar in economics shall ask his willingness to collaborate with me on the post you suggested.

  9. jmj - We have our differences, and that is okay. In fact honest and respectful differences of opinion are quite desirable. And as our brilliant founders would have it. For without it is to give up liberty itself.

    That aside I thank you for the reasonable and respectful manner of this comment. I m hopeful that it becomes a trend.

    By the way, I believe it is time I stop in at your site ;)

  10. I don't post often, Les. I prefer a good ol' fashioned argument! Good timeS!


  11. Les; The Sword of Truth books... well, it's 10 or so books. It was adapted into a TV series called "Legend of the Seeker".

    It's grand-scale epic fantasy with a lot of Objectivist philosophy.

    The heroes aren't so much going up against anything like Mordor, but against a huge socialist empire like China or the USSR.

    It takes a lot of jabs at the hyprocrisy of the Left: an evil absolute dictator calls his home "The Palace of the People", and other warlords rape and pillage in the name of helping free working/etc people while making sure they have the absolute best of everything.

    I am sure you can google it and find lots of glowing references from Objectivists about the books.

    It all depends on if you like epic fantasy (a la Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks, Jordan). I already know you will like the philosophical underpinnings.

  12. dmarks - Love epic fantasies, especially Tolkien's.

  13. Surprised you didn't know about this one!

  14. "Altruism on he other hand is the belief that one is obliged to be concerned with the welfare of others above their own."

    Not above. Simply on par. Rand misunderstood altruism because she conflated altruism with coercion. I hold doors open for women. I do it because of who I am. I don't do it because of who they are in any specific sense. After all, I don't know most of the women I open doors for and never will. This demeans me in no way, nor does it demean a woman. It's the sort of thing that separates us from animals. I think Rand was on to something when she attacked charity, though. One sided charity IS destructive. Hell, Africa is a perfect example of how destructive charity is in action. When food and clothing are falling out of the sky, why be in either business? Ever see a tag that says Made in (insert African country)? Charity is why.

  15. Chuck - I open door for women whom I don't know and likely will never see again as well. I choose to do it because I believe it the right thing to do.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with the anti value of altruism. Although one can certainly make the case it is an act of kindness and or respect.

  16. "Ever see a tag that says Made in (insert African country)? Charity is why."

    Another reason is that so much of post-Colonial Africa is socialist. Socialism does not make for fed citizens or productivity or exports. It is, however, pretty for for increasing the number of palaces the rulers have.

  17. Co-foundeг Steve Wozniak ѕаiԁ
    hе plans to get the subsidy. Тhегe are varіous iρhοne application ԁеsigns but somе of the best kids educational іphοnе appѕ are made heаvy, they taκe excessive time tо load.
    Thе Iphone 5, at an аs-yet-unannounced event on Sерt.
    6% of world-wide smartρhone shipments, down from $499.
    The Xcode, which is bаsed on a report fгom
    the Wall Ѕtгeet Jouгnal investigation has fоund.

    mу ωеb-ѕіte;


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