Trump Drops F-bomb Several Times During Speech in Las Vegas

by the Left Coast Rebel

Trump is trumping China and raising the anti-trade rhetoric (sounding oh-so presidential):

"Listen you mother f***ers we're going to tax you 25 percent"

I'm no prude; but seriously, folks? A serious candidate wouldn't have gone there.

NSFW video of Trump's speech in Las Vegas wherein he drops the f-bomb, referencing the Chinese:

It's good to see that Trump has moved on from the birth certificate to the taxing-the-hell-out-of-the-Chinese and "take-their-oil" dual platform of unconservative, unlibertarian, populist ideas. Of course it's entertaining, but serious thought and a serious platform?

Of course not.

Maximum result for minimal effort = throwing around the f-bomb during a speech. Trump is clearly enjoying himself and basking in the sunlight of his notoriety.

But, the guy is peaking already and this may be one of his last headline-grabbing hoorays.

Hat tip Memeorandum, cross posted to LCR.


  1. I only know one thing, this guy is a joke. A total complete imbecile. He is certainly not presidential material.

    He acts more like a stand up comic in a two bit night club

  2. Certainly throwing around the f-bomb cements that. What a joke.

  3. Trump knows what "sells". He's a marketer. If he's serious about running, he'll go far, but he won't get the nomination. He'll bow out but tell his "followers" to vote for whomever he (Trump) wants and they'll do his bidding.

    Well, according to my Tarot Cards, that's my prediction...

  4. Interesting prediction, Pamela, thanks.

    Above all, like Les has said, Trump is not a limited government guy, in any sense so that is the real problem I have with him. I like that he's sticking it to Dear Leader better than anyone has (or has the guts to) but this nation can ill afford another Arnold Schwarzenegger leader in the WH.

    Arnold did more damage to my state than his liberal predecessor.

  5. >I only know one thing, this guy is a joke. A total complete imbecile. He is certainly not presidential material.

    Unfortunately, none of that stopped the current resident of the White House...

  6. Yes, Bastiatarian + the guy hates our freedoms too.

  7. "hates our freedom"...

    Whenever someone attaches "hates our freedom" to anyone, you know they're not serious people.

    You guys are goofing on Trump? You've got imagines and monikers from Ayn Rand and Bastiat!

    Guess what? To most people, you guys are just as far out there as Trump.

    Personally, I get this strange feeling that Trump is actualy doing something rather amazing - he's sinking the GOP in what would otherwise have been a sure thing 2012. If - IF - that's what he's doing, then Trump is more clever than anyone ever imagined.


  8. JMJ, You said...

    "Personally, I get this strange feeling that Trump is actualy doing something rather amazing - he's sinking the GOP in what would otherwise have been a sure thing 2012. If - IF - that's what he's doing, then Trump is more clever than anyone ever imagined."

    You actually just might have a point. Sadly......

  9. My question is, how long is NBC going to tolerate this? Better yet, how long are the sponsors going to tolerate it? This, folks, has gone waaaaay beyond what the I-Man ever did.

  10. Okay, okay, I would like to point something out that hasn't been addressed yet. (At least I don't think it has.)

    Trump is not a politician. He is a businessman. He's arrogant, brash, self-centered, constantly self-aggrandizing, and is not a politician who has learned how to be "Presidential material" or politically-correct.

    Quite honestly, I think this is why he scares Rove and the beltway GOP so much. Trump says what many people are thinking. Aside from the profanity, (which didn't offend me, my gosh, I say worse on a daily basis), Trump said he thinks the leadership in DC is stupid.

    Can anyone here argue with this? I mean, sure, sure, there are some less-than-stupid politicians in DC, but the majority are nincompoops.

    Trump has an issue with China. (crickets) I'm not arguing this. China is a threat. A very real threat. You liberals who all whine abut human rights, (yet scrape babies out of wombs...go figure), and you should be against China.

    If Trump were to say, "I think the best thing for Libya would be for someone to put a bullet between the eyes of MG.", I don't know so much that many people would complain.

    Trump has the luxury and the ability to say what many folks say behind closed doors. He is not a politician. Maybe we need a non-politician right now to shake things up a bit.

    No, I will not vote for Trump if it came to that. This is merely an outside the box observation.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  11. >Guess what? To most people, you guys are just as far out there as Trump.

    And that ignorance of the principles of liberty, fundamental rights, and legitimate government, on the part of the American people, is what gets us incompetent thugs like the Fop in Chief in office. The fact that most people have never heard of Bastiat, let alone read his work, says nothing negative about Bastiat, but it is a damning condemnation of those people. Popularity has never been a requirement for truth or value. The example of Justin Bieber should have taught you that.

    Maybe you should set aside your intense intellectual sloth and actually read Bastiat. If you've never read and understood Bastiat (and from the bizarre things you write it is clear that you haven't), you have no place in a discussion of economics or politics. Give it a try. Bastiat wrote in a very simple, straightforward manner, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you.

  12. >And that ignorance of the principles of liberty, fundamental rights, and legitimate government, on the part of the American people, is what gets us incompetent thugs like the Fop in Chief in office.

    Many do not understand this. The principals of which you speak are no longer taught in schools, or if they are they have been jaundiced to favor collectivism, statism, and reliance on government.

    The locomotive continues to race away from liberty and proper government and towards that one world order concept all statist power brokers have sought since Woodrow Wilson.

    In the end the people will end up getting exactly that which they unwittingly failed to recognize.

    But don't try to tell that to the "real believers" in the new order to come.

  13. Donald: I actually like Trump, always have. I don't believe I'll vote for him, however, I do like that he's NOT a politician because he doesn't have to ensure his political career and grease hands, line pockets or worry about stepping on toes. If we had MORE people on the Hill like THAT maybe we wouldn't be in this current mess. And yes, I do like that he's saying what we're all saying because again, the politicians are "afraid" they'll hurt their "image".

  14. Pamela - You know I love you, but how can you take this guy seriously?

    Maybe it's just me...


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