A Joke... "The Donad"

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

I am guessing there is the possibility as I post the following video I do so at  great peril to the health of this site. However, those that regularly read Rational Nation USA already understand the site is not a supporter of  "The Donald."  A man that is as blatantly opportunistic and as self centered an individual {in the worst possible way}, as anybody we can think of.

When the Objectivist  considers "The Donald" they certainly don't find objective and rational thought. The sooner he fades away the better.

As is proper {and right}, Rational Nation give a huge h/t to Progressive Eruptions for the following video.

Those of independent and objective thought should seriously consider the candidacy of Gary Johnson.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. As you're an Objectivist - let me ask you this? - you must find Trump's all-promotion-no-product brand of "capitalism" funny at best? No?

    Can you see that if people really take this jackass seriously, we as a society had better be careful with the welfare state? We're gonna need it.


  2. Gary Johnson is a dope smoker, and that will hurt his chances. I like what the man believes and he has a successful track record he can point to. I lived in New Mexico for five years, I have friends there and I go back to visit periodically. He did a great job as governor

  3. I'm looking at Trump as the dark horse.

    Rove and the beltway GOP puppets hate Trump because why? Because he might, (note: might), actually present a better case than their best. Remember, it was the beltway GOP that saddled everyone with McCain. I have very little faith in their ability to determine anything at this point. Their desire to simply win so they can gain power is eclipsing their values, or supposed values I should say.

    Don't get me wrong: Trump is an odd one. However, in the times I have heard him speak recently he has gained my attention simply because he is a non-politician possibly looking to gain an elected office. Interesting. Is he teflon? Heck no. The lame stream media will be on him faster than Gary Hart on an intern.


    I'm not ready, just yet, to discount the impact this fella might have on the GOP.

    Just an observation. NOT an endorsement. There are still some acts left in this play, and I am looking forward to each and every one of them.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  4. Given his polls, one wonders if there
    is a reprise of the 160 year old
    KnowNothing Party....

  5. He's fighting with Robert DeNiro now. HE'S TALKING TO HIM!


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