The Descent of Maddow

I'm going to be honest with you, folks. When Rachel Maddow finally got her own show on MSNBC, I actually kind of liked it. I mean, yes, it was totally bald-faced partisan and all but at least she 1) seemed pleasant and 2) unlike Olbermann, actually had some people on who disagreed with her (treating them quite respectfully as well). Bottom-line here, the show was tolerable........................................................................................Unfortunately/obviously, I've completely soured. I've soured, folks, because the show has gotten even more partisan (good guys and bad guys permeate the narrative nightly), Maddow herself more snarky, and nobody EVER gets a chance to defend themselves (she claims to still invite Republicans but, really, who in the hell would want to go on there and have to debate the moderator?)................................................................................................Of course, what really put me over the top was the hypocrisy, one specific occurrence, in particular. Do you remember back during the health-care debate, when it looked like Congressman Bart Stupak was going to vote against the Democratic plan (concerns about funding for abortion - Mr. Stupak being pro-life), Ms. Maddow started conducting an investigation on him (the fact that Mr. Stupak lives at C street with a bevy of other socially conservative Congressman, their finances supposedly questionable). I certainly do. I do NOT, however, remember how it concluded.................................................................................................Yep, that's right, folks, when Mr. Stupak finally relented and voted FOR the bill, so, too, Maddow relented and ceased her investigation (at least as it pertained to Stupak). I mean, I don't how the rest of you folks feel but, to me, that is despicable, the leveling of scrutiny only on to others. As far as I'm concerned here, the woman totally lost credibility at that point....Put her on the frigging cartoon channel.

Editor's Note: WILL "TAKE NO PRISONERS" HART brings a serious no nonsense moderate perspective to the rough and tumble of political debate. Will blogs regularly at Contra O'Reilly. Will has graciously agreed to be a regular contributor at Rational Nation USA. We are fortunate to have him aboard and welcome his balanced perspective.


  1. I don't think that any Republicans would want to go on her show. She's good at getting background information. At least SHE calls her show a opinion show, no on at Faux will admit that they have ANY opinion shows at all. Even their so called news is opinion and propaganda. BTW no one at MSNBC sent out a "dog whistle" to get people killed. There are three families of police officers in Pittsburgh that wish that Glenn didn't have a television show. Shirley Sharrod, ACORN, the NAACP and other INNOCENT groups are constantly attacked by the Fascist at Faux for no reason. No they are trying to prop up a billionaire White supremacist that seem to be the only person on the face of the earth that didn't see the POTUS birth certificate.

  2. I don't think that I've ever said anything supportive of Fox News, kid. In fact, I've excoriated them numerous times. This, though, is about Maddow and HER inconsistencies. An Obama endorsed drone just killed 25 civilians. If that had happened under Mr. Bush, Ms. Maddow would have gone absolutely apoplectic.


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