Passing Thoughts

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

Traveling the rut filled highway known as Progressive Blogistan one comes across the occasional progressive that displays at least a rational outlook on issues. They seem to closely mirror the "classical liberals" of an era apparently long forgotten. Sadly they are too few and far between.

Like the Neo Con Right, the most rabid of Progressive Blogistan {and in the congress} seem only capable of viewing issues from a limited and mostly flawed ideological viewpoint. It's a shame really because there are a lot of good idea's floating around that get lost in the vitriol coming from the most vocal among the extremes.

Watching the country vacillate between the Democrats and the Republicans, presumably to effect some sort of balancing act is fabulously interesting. And as we perpetually move from one election cycle to the next watching early polling data provides valuable insights for those watching. The blogoshere reflects the mood of the country actually. At least IMHO.

Principles are important. It is true that principles should not be compromised. Principles such as honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, ethical behavior, individual liberty, respect, etc. must be part of the foundation for any nation state to survive long term. Reflecting on this it seems our nation is heading on the downward trajectory of our history.

I am not pointing fingers. It is true that both political "extremes" contribute to the the perceived {at least mine}decline of America's greatness. We can argue all day long, and we have, about this or that right political and or philosophical postilion. In the meantime, to mark an example, we see the political parties deadlocked over the nation's budget. Perhaps this is by design. By continuing to pass short term continuing resolutions both parties can keep the government running, and continue to spend the nation into financial oblivion. Without the apparently nettlesome task of ever passing a budget.

Just a thought.

And now this.
"I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our
dependence for continued freedom. And to preserve their independence, we must not
let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between
economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude." --Thomas Jefferson

I for one still find great wisdom in the words of great thinkers and leaders. Perhaps it is time to consider the validity of Jefferson's as they relate to our nations current fiscal crisis.


  1. I guess that I'm pretty old fashioned, RN. I see the Dems proposing 4.7 billion in budget cuts and the Republicans 61 billion and I ask myself, "Man, why can't they just come together at 25-30 billion and pass a God-damned budget?" I mean, it's got to be better than this crisis every 3 weeks nonsense.

  2. Or maybe they could add them together for a 65.7 billion dollar cut, and we'd be about half way there!

  3. I read this a couple of times and didn't know how to respond. Then it hit me - you're confusing the "extremes" with the mainstream. That gets to a trait I notice among most conservatives I know: They tend to believe Democrats and the mainstream Left are very far Left, and the GOP establishment is far more liberal than it really is. It's complicated, but let me put it this way:

    Most "independent" voters', be they liberal, conservative, libertarian, my own included, discontent with government are mainstream, bipartisan laws and policy. The Police State, the Military Estate, Free Trade, the federal tax code, energy policy, the education system; these have been Republican and Democratic systems, with only small, effective variations from the beginning.

    It is not the "extremes" that bring us the status quo, but rather the mainstream, who do it by keeping our minds off the real arguments with diversion politics," as the "PIRATE SATELLITE" so brilliantly reminds us. (Great blog by the way, and he's a liberal who can tolerate anything. I like him.)

    And remember, it's not so much the "extremes" who create these diversionary subjects. If you are against Free Trade, you are labeled extreme. If you are against the War on Drugs, you are labeled extreme. If you think we should demilitarize, even if only by a quarter, you are labeled extreme. If you ask for a flat tax on income with no adjustments, you are considered extreme. If you ask for more consumption taxes, you are considered extreme. If you ask for a reduction in corporate taxes offset by transactional taxes or income taxes, you are considered extreme. You can't even tinker with the status quo without being considered extreme!

    It's not the "extremes" causing the problems, because we're not the "extremes" - We are the majority. We may not agree with everything I mentioned, or everything else, but we hold enough in common to make a better nation. I wish we'd vote more and do that.


  4. So JMJ, you re denying there is such a thing as fringe, or "extreme" elements in political ideology?


    Interesting as well you mention the "mainstream" as being responsible for diversionary tactics if you will. I might call them "lamestream."

    I shall have to ponder further your remarks. It is quite obvious they are driven with a liberal slant.


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