More Examples of the Rabid Progressive Blogistan

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

It is indeed interesting to behold the apparent fear the rabid progressive left holds for the
conservative, or for that matter any rational views that oppose their own agenda.

My visitation to rabid progressive Blogistan has apparently resulted in actions to censor that which I respectfully and honestly post as comment on certain blog sites.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the rabid fascist progressives will stop short of nothing to stifle opposing views. Very reminiscent of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, the USSR, The People Republic of China, and so many more. Should these people ever come to power freedom and liberty will be only a dim memory.

Now for the example:

The beginning of the sad situation:
Octopus said...
Rational Nation - “While all the progressives have been busy obsessing over Mr. Beck's entertainment side show serious conservatives and Libertarians have put Mr. Beck on "ignore" quite some time ago.”

Your sarcastic crack motivated by “sand-in-your-face” identity politics is frankly OFFENSIVE because what you think of as “entertainment” is defamation, harassment, and public incitement that has caused pain and suffering to others. Here are the bare facts:

Man Shoots Two California Highway Patrol Officers - Accused Gunman Acknowledges Influence of Glenn Beck

Three Pittsburgh Police Officers Ambushed and Killed - Gunman Posted Glenn Beck Video on White Supremacist Website

Federal Prison for Man Who Threatened Senator Murray - Glenn Beck Cast Spell on Accused Man, Says Family

Federal Prison for Man Who Threatened House Speaker Pelosi - Mother of Accused Man Blames Fox News

Glenn Beck Fans Target Legendary Scholar with Death Threats

Death Threats Against League of Women Voters Linked to Glenn Beck

Murders, shooting sprees, domestic terrorism, private citizens hiding in fear, infamous intimidations and provocations broadcast on national television - all linked to Glenn Beck. But Rational Nation regards these provocations as “entertainment.”

For years, your side of the partisan divide applauded and defended this man when it suited your purpose. Now you dismiss him as an “entertainer” with your usual smug sarcasm.

Les, you have NO MORAL COMPASS whatsoever!

My response post at said progressive sight:

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

March 14, 2011 5:06 PM

Octo's comment comment following the deletion (Apparently he has administrative rights on the site as it is not his blog):

Octopus said...
Goodbye, Les. Threats don't get posted here.

My reply (this was copied from the site before posting in the likely event it would be deleted again):

Octo - I am not surprised. No threat was made. Rather a simple statement of fact.

But precisely as the fascist left always does you deleted a valid and correct statement.

Sad, quite sad. But I understand your fear of the truth. It does not play in your favor.

Now please report me to the authorities for my having stated this.

Apparently it is okay for you to make threats, based on nothing, as you have done in the past against me. However, when I respond to your statements made today with a simple statement that I will in fact seek proper legal remedies should you slander me again you quake and delete my comment.

Not to worry. We both know the truth, now don't we.

And the truth is it is you, not I as alleged by you, that has no moral compass.

Now, goodbye sir. I have wasted more time than I probably should have on a creature from the depth of the sea.

You once again show your true colors and intolerance of any view opposing your own.

So like the progressive sheeples. 

There is no explaining the apparent irrationality, or fear of opposing views some on the progressive (rabid) left have for rational conservative thought. Their agenda is to shut down opposing views from their own and in the process destroy those they feel threaten their ideology.

The progressive are cranking up the volume. Their tactics will be evermore Alinsky motivated and guided. The moral to the story? Moderates, Libertarians, and Conservatives PREPARE for the next election cycle. Choose candidates with a rational and reasoned agenda. The progressives will be undoubtedly launching new "take no prisoner" political tactics.


As expected Octy deleted the final comment {above} I left in Progressive Blogistan. What a surprize!

He left the following comment.
If you feel you have been unfairly treated and wish to carry out your threat, bring it on. Here is my address:

9580 Bermuda Triangle Way
Sargasso City Southwest
Postal Code: RIFT666-FU

Hm, Ya just gotta wonder about the stability of people like this.


  1. I agree with your conclusion. The democratic chickens flew the coop in Wisconsin because the voters blasted them in the last election, and they call the republicans there undemocratic.

    The louder they scream about something, the more you know they are doing it themselves. The psychological projection is stunning.

    Let me guess, you were splashing around in the Slosh Zone, weren't you? Squidward, Captain Crabbs and the gang are a barrel of laughs. They do love that delete button. It must give them some orgasmic rush of power...

    I blogged about a similar incident, Baned from a Leftwing Kook site

    I concluded that...

    Sinclair Lewis famously said: "Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible." That may have been true in 1935, but it is now outdated, since the bible and the flag no longer enjoy a prominent position in our left-dominated popular culture.

    Fascism is already creeping up on us in the form of left-think political correctness. It is enforced by narrow-minded people who ignorantly call themselves liberals. It is writ large in workplaces, academia, and popular culture. But for big fascism to work, it requires thousands of little mini-me fascists. And these petty tyrants already practice it in thousands of petty fiefdoms scattered across our nation.

    Of course, my favorite encounter is detailed in my blog post Eyeless in Left Blogistan

    A simpering liberal from that encounter still follows me around the blogisphere screaming "plagiarist!"

    Many on the left spend way too much time on personalities and not enough time on ideas.

  2. i've had the same confrontation with the man too, les, so don't feel alone.

  3. ...are you freaking kidding me?...

    *shakes head slowly*

    I'm speechless.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  4. Fascist this fascist that...another case of Godwin's Law.

  5. They've been playing this fascist card for so long that it's almost becoming white noise.

  6. JMJ - No threat. A statement of fact yes. No threat. Perhaps a straight forward warning. No threat.

    Went something like this. Octo was advised that should he slander again make slanderous or libel statements I would seek any and all appropriate legal remedies.

    Octo gas pulled played the "threat" card with me before. In fact I still have e-mail communication sent by him to me as scare tactic as he made statements that were fallacious.

    Bully tactics and I called him on it at the time.

    End of statement. Octo no doubt has sunk back to the depths of his watery blury world. As he can stink up any pool, or ocean for that matter, I'm staying on dry land.

  7. Oh. I get it. Yeah, I've had to do that myself a couple of times. It's a shame there are people out there who can't just enjoy a good argument.

    A few years back I got myself into hot water with some hot head over the Geno's Pizza "Speak In English" affair. I said it was sleazy. I still think it was. If you're too stupid to recognize and translate a foreign accent, then you shouldn't do business in a major American city. After that, I know I would never eat there.

    So what?

    Well, to one blogger it was a matter of honor and he wanted to personally fight. As I recall, I wrote him, personally, and told him first, he does not know me and for all he knows I could be a psychotic murderer, second, I could be much bigger, stronger, and a better fighter than he, and third, if he threatened me again I'd call the FBI. He never responded again.

    I like a good argument, and I do it face to face with some of my closest friends. I would not want to live in a world where we all agree on everything.


  8. Good story, Jersey. I never understood people challenging other in the blogosphere for the exact reasons you cite. You may indeed be arguing with a certifiable psycho.

  9. JMJ - Thanks for the story, I enjoyed it. And indeed it would be a very mundane and rather enjoyableness world if we did all agree on everything.

    JMJ and Silver - Of course you are both right with respect to the possibility you may be dealing with a certifiable psycho. It is one of the reasons my lovely bride thinks I am crazy for putting my real identity out on the internet.

    But like I told her, If I have something to say I stand behind it. I have never been one to live in fear of much. It may have something to do with the values my family instilled in me. Something like take ownership for what you say and do. Or don't say or do it. And then let the chips fall where they may. Ya can't control how anybody interprets the message.

    And soon appearing on this page will be further comment from the left.

  10. Editors error. The new comments from the left appear on my prior post on progressive blogistan.

  11. The blogosphere seems a bit more touchy than normal. I don’t know if it’s Cabin-fever or what, exactly, but I’ve been staying out of the fray lately. Hopefully I’ll be feeling up to the task of researching/posting soon, but right now I just can’t (my health issues--I call it "flares" and I can't handle the stress).

  12. Pamela - Perhaps it is "cabin fever." But whatever it is some have in progressive Blogistan I sure as h*ll never want to catch.

    What amazes me is that the far out left seems to be dominating the discussion in progressive Blogistan with more vitriol than I have seen in awhile, thus marginalizing the positive contributions more "classical liberals" or moderates of either party might offer.

    Oh well, such is the politics of the extreme. On both sides.

    I hear from a rational progressive that the comments I left on the "others" site have been deleted. Why am I not surprised. I guess that speaks for itself.

    Thanks for dropping in Pamela, always good to hear from ya. Hope to see you back soon.

  13. Good ol' "Jersey McJones" first made his foray into the blogosphere on, of all places, Hannity's old Forums back in 2002. They tolerated me briefly, then banned me. Though the Darths and Galts were almost universally intolerant of me, some of the other popular posters took a liking to me and enjoyed debating me. Some of them were pretty big conservative bloggers at the time. Just the same, the Darths and such were running the forum and banned me. I returned regularly over the course of a year or so, with different IPs and monikers, but I do have a recognizable style, and they'd ban me again.

    After a while, I gave up on Hannity and started blogging with other like-minded bloggers, including a stint at the old (, the now defunct but then pretty popular liberal blog. I got bored with that, though, because they were too partisan Democrat for me.

    I have been banned from countless sites, including Reason's Hit n' Run, which really bothered me, because I never said anything there that one would think a Libertarian couldn't handle. Though I did say, and have often said that Libertarianism is the politics of spoiled, white, suburban, teenage buys. ;) Okay! Okay! I know that's mean and not true, but of course I am being tongue 'n cheek. Again, you'd think Reason's bloggers would get that. Most disappointing is Hit n' Run's rather Christian and neo-conservative bent. I expected more from them.

    I had a few serious run-ins too. Aside from the guy that threatened to fight me (no big deal, I happen to be a pretty big guy who can fight if I have to), the Confederate Yankee came after my career! Luckily, I was well-liked at the company and the IT guys caught him, blocked him, contacted him, and put and end to that. You know you're doing okay with people if you can get IT guys to like you - especially if you're not one of them! They're some kind of cult, I think... LOL! Just kidding!

    My IT GUY heros over there knew my politics too, and though they didn't entirely agree with me, they found it intolerably sleazy for this guy to come after me at my job like he did, attempting to libel and slander me all for the terrible crime offending his sensibilities on a blog comment.

    I've had my comments deleted or simply blocked countless, countless, countless times on conservative blogs running the gamut, from Pam Geller to Another Black Conservative and everyone in between.

    So, you see, no one blogger ideology has anything over the other when it comes to supressing contrary opinion on their sites. I never did. The only comments I ever deleted were ones that were gratuitously profane, pornographic, or outright illegal.

    It's a personal, psychological thing. Some people are confident in their arguments, some people are open-minded, some people are both. Some people are none of the above.

    I'm glad this site is one of the "both," and I'm proud to be a regular reader and commenter.

    As a side not, I always used monikers, "Jersey McJones" being the mainstay since 2003 because of the nature of my work. Lately, it doesn't matter, as I'm working a rather menial job, but in the future I may well get back to more serious work and when I do I want it to be understood that I always separate my work from my political proselization. It's a practical and metaphorical separation. It's not necessary for everyone, or even most bloggers.



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