Back Soon From Visiting The Hinterlands of Progressive Blogistan

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservative

There is nothing better to get your conservative {independent or otherwise} batteries charged than to visit the sites of rabid progressives. Especially when the intent was to perhaps find common ground.

Feeling actually a bit refreshed, and certainly with an ever clearer understanding of the almost lock box mindset of the rabid progressive, I am looking forward to a return to more active conservative blogging soon. Perhaps as early as this weekend.

Stay tuned. I am sure it will be real, and it most certainly will be real fun.

.... BIFF ....


  1. I hope you bring us some good stories!

  2. Please provide a list of rabid progressives...being one, I need a battery recharge as well. :)

  3. Silver - I believe I will pass on the stories. Rather, recharged I will just remain focused on the principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, the individual, capitalism, and all the rest that progressives seemingly have a problem with.

  4. BB - Idaho - Funny I didn't find you to be a rabid progressive the occasional times I ran across comments of yours on other sites. :)

  5. Are you saying that you've had enough liberal love, RN?.....P.S. They don't seem to care all that much for moderates, either.

  6. Will - Lets just say that after visiting the progressive side {again} I have come away realizing for them it is their way or no way. It reminds me of adults acting like the unruly and undisciplined hippie youth of the haze filled sixties. Some grew out of it, some never did.

    Yes I noticed that you took some heat as well. Unfortunate. Because if the country is ever going to find the workable solutions to it's pressing issues it will need people with the desire and patience to moderate both extremes. The rabid left and the reactionary right. I believe you fall into that category.

    On a personal note. Thanks for recognizing I am not the person some {well at least one}, for their own personal reasons, choose to make me out to be.

  7. Did you convert anyone Les?

    At least you got one progressive who actually spent some personal time getting to know you...most people who blog don't really care! You should appreciate that lone progressive, whoever they are!

  8. Hey, Les is always welcome over at my site, and the liberal links I have there would be happy to indulge him.


  9. TAO - In the spirit of civility. First my purpose was not to convert, even as I know yours is. It was to engage and see if there was any possibility of finding a common ground. There obviously isn't.

    Secondly, and admittedly not so civil, I don't really give a r*t* *ss about your back handed slaps at me or my integrity. But please keep them on our site, Democracy Central, where true biased Democracy reigns supreme. or would it be more appropriate to refer to your beliefs as anarchy? Never mind please don't reply.

    Check out my last comment on your recent post at DC. It is as magnanimous at it will ever get.

  10. JMJ - Thanks for your words, I shall take them as somewhat complementary.

    However, I am sure you can understand my sense of apprehension with visiting rabid progressive sites after my recent excursion into progressive Blogistan. Especially considering that most I have visited, and not unlike some reactionary sites I have visited, are so closed minded and fascistic that it borders on hysterical lunacy.

    You JMJ I more often than not find myself in disagreement with you. Yet we can dialogue and in a few cases you have influenced my thought.
    Therefore you are always welcome here.

    I'll leave it at that.

  11. Let's keeping searching for others who are willing and able to debate.

    Happy trails!


  12. JMJ - Of course.

    In a nutshell however, it is what it is.

    My energies shall henceforth be directed at not finding "common ground" but rather espousing that which I believe to be valid and rational.

    My new attitude, after spending time in the fog of progressive Blogistan is... to h*ll with spending time where there is only contempt for those with differing views.

    Now it is time for me to have fun once again. I leave the malaise to JC, BHO, and the rest of the left.

    .... BIFF ....


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