Chris Matthews Comes Up Short.... AGAIN

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

Once again Chris Matthews, MSNBC's resident blow hard gets it wrong. First the clip.

And now the facts presented by Noel Shepard at Newsbusters.

In reality the vast majority of the police and firefighter unions supported Walkers opponent, 310 of 314 to be exact.

Politifact, weighing in on this issue had this to say:
During the campaign last November, leaders of the Milwaukee Professional Firefighters Association and Milwaukee Police Association appeared in an ad supporting Walker and blasting his opponent, Democrat Tom Barrett. Walker also won endorsements from the West Allis Professional Police Association and the Wisconsin Troopers Association

Walker didn’t get the endorsements of two statewide unions, the Wisconsin Professional Police Association and the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin, which both backed Barrett.

For the record, the governor told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the charge that he was exempting police and firefighters was "ridiculous." He said he didn't recommend changing the rules for police officers and firefighters because he didn’t want public safety work disrupted.

We then contacted the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, the statewide union that endorsed Walker's opponent last year. Executive director Jim Palmer said the statewide organization is much larger than the local Milwaukee police union that endorsed Walker. The state group has approximately 11,000 members versus Milwaukee’s roughly 1,400, he said.

Similarly, the state firefighters association has more than 3,000, compared with the Milwaukee union’s 875.

So much for accuracy from Chris and crew at MSNBC. Typical leftist disinformation willing disseminated by the sheeples on the hard left.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Now give equal time Les...

  2. This is just petty trifling. You want to see real lies, watch FOX news for about three minutes. Yes, Mathews was mistaken, but his point was perfectly valid and any smart, honest person would see that.

    Firefighters and cops, regardless of their union positions, do often vote Republican. That "majority" you cited was razor-thin. And the real joke here, that apparently went right over your head, is that Walker asserted that 'he didn't recommend changing the rules for police officers and firefighters because he didn’t want public safety work disrupted.' I guess he's fine with the schools, roads, and other public services being disrupted. What a sleazy lowlife. Yet more proof that this is just reckless, pandering, rabble-rousing, partisan politics without a care in the world for responsible government. Conservatives lack the requisite competence to govern.


  3. JMJ,

    You said:
    "Yet more proof that this is just reckless, pandering, rabble-rousing, partisan politics without a care in the world for responsible government. Conservatives lack the requisite competence to govern."

    Okay, so...let's see...787 billion dollars to be added to our national debt, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac- Barney Frank, Obama Care -"Pass it and you can see what's in it", The World Apology Tour 2009, etc, etc,...

    Hello, kettle? This is pot. You are black.

    Your arguments reek of complete disregard to the incompetence of the Democrats/liberals/assorted America-haters all, and you have the ignorance to come here and actually spout such nonsense without claiming any ownership to the cluster f**k your Democrat Party is and showed themselves to be these last years.

    Yep, I just lost another 3 IQ points listening to your drivel, JMJ. Color me stupid, the great enlightened liberal, Jersey McJones, has spoken.

    Accountability is a mother, ain't it?

    Run long now before you get your butt handed to you again. Go on. I'm sure there is a wealthy white Republican you can slander somewhere.


    Donald in Bethel, CT

  4. And the jabs at FOX? *ahem*, have you seen the ratings? So a bunch of teat-sucking, weak and helpless union sissies don't like FOX? HA! So what? FOX News smokes your moronic MSNBC in reruns. Reruns. Your prime time line-up can't even beat Beck's reruns. Sad. So sad.

    Besides, have you seen the numbers on the accomplished reading abilities of eighth-graders in Wisconsin? The teachers there should be fired simply due to incompetence, let alone seeing them call in sick and getting false and fraudulent notes from doctors to excuse them. Again, sad. So very, very sad.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  5. TAO - I do believe you gave "equal time." Thanks for doing your part.

  6. JMJ - Partisan, look in the mirror and you'd be staring at it.

    Anon can be brusque and to the point to a flaw. But I must say he did counter you quit well.

    Anon wins the round.


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