
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Rational Nation USA , on behalf of both the editor and the sites occasional contributors, want to thank all who have visited this humble site. It is the hope of the site owner that in some small way this site may have contributed to a questioning of the whole political and governmental environment in the USA. We are indeed in serious trouble and only We The People can right the ship we are all sailing on. The efforts expended over the last twenty months have been gratifying as well as eye opening. But as in most things there is a time when stepping back and taking a deep breath is necessary. Now is such a time for this site owner. After twenty months, over 1100 posts, and many sleepless hours of contemplation it is now time to do just that. Step back, relax, and enjoy the wonderful woman who I have neglected for those twenty months in the misguided belief that I might really be able to make a di...