
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservativism

Have fun trying to figure out what the politicians mean.

For the plain, and old folk like me it is simple common sense.

Live within your means, depend on none but yourself, expect no charity but be willing to give when needed and if you can, and ask nothing from your government for if you do sooner or later you will grow to depend on the government. When that happens, and it eventually will,  you lose your independence and self respect.

Oh, and another thing. Learn what austerity means and practice it daily.

Read an interesting article here.

Cross posted to the Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Les, I hate to get all "christian" on you, but...

    AMEN! And AMEN!

    If only more folks would say these things out loud.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  2. Good advice!

    BTW, I don't know if the problem is on my end or yours, but the last few days the left colume has covered the first few letters of the text.

  3. Les, totally unrelated, but I found this online and wanted to shoot it your way. You are very well equipped to do something with it if you wished.

    Most Americans say tax rich to balance budget: poll

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  4. Great anonymous citation! "Austerity" isn't a cheap show of commonality. It is the conservative management of affairs. Boehners stupid, cheap, easy "austerity" is nothing but a show for the common mass.


  5. Let the process begin. Start with Repealing Obamacare, Cutthe insane Spending, and Get Rid Of Barack Hussain Obama!

  6. Obama is the elected president of the United States. Are you suggesting a coup?


  7. Jersey, Jersey, Jersey....really?

    When a conservative says we should get rid of the current president, you silly liberals throw out either the R word or you wonder aloud if that conservative is looking to overthrow the government.

    And what would you really do, anyways, if someone did say they wanted to overthrow Obama? Would you alert the media? Would you alert the police? Would you alert the NAACP? What?

    Tedious, JMJ. I'm hoping you were just being facetious and I read it all wrong. But if you are serious, you are simply playing your role quite efficiently.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  8. What's the "R word?"

    Hey, I'm just asking. I don;t know what the heck goes on in the conservative mind these days. Personally, I think you've all gone over the deep end. The only "R" word I can think of is "ridiculous."


  9. JMJ - Now you are really reaching and showing the true colors of the tired worn out leftist cabal mentality.

    No one is suggesting a coup. We are a nation of laws. Power shifted in the house as it went more conservative with the 2010 mid terms. Get used to it.

    Obama is still the President, However, he must be replaced in 2012 in my opinion, and for many reasons you do not care to recognize or understand.

    I assure you that my position {or any other self respecting independent conservative} has nothing to do with race. But if I were a betting man I would bet my life that is the first thing that came to your mind. I am equally as sure that thought will remain lodged there for the balance of whatever time I have left on this earth.

    If I have misjudged your anticipated reaction to my comment my apology. It's just that I have grown very accustomed to the left's use of the R for most reasons conservatives object to Obama's political ideology and governance style.


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