Sarah Palin Should Run for Republican National Committee Chair

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

At long last it appeared, at least for a brief moment in time, that Sarah Palin might find her perfect fit in the rough and tumble of the political universe. Well, the United States of America's political universe anyway as Chairwomen of the RNC.

Sarah, an articulate and outspoken individual of the Tea Party movement, could perhaps better than anyone galvanize the "blue blood" conservatives and a  new generation of Tea party supporter/enthusiasts  into a force to be rekoned with.

Here is what Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips had to say:
"In order for the tea party, conservative movement to be successful, we have to have someone conservative running the GOP," Phillips told POLITICO. "She is the perfect candidate. If she does not try, I am afraid we will end up with just another establishment flunky running the party and the [Republicans in name] will control the party again."

"She has a track record of cutting wasteful spending, which has occurred under the watch of Michael Steele," he added. "Finally, she is simply a rock star. She can raise money like no one else out there that I can think of."

In his letter to Palin, Phillips pleaded, “We need you as [chairwoman] of the RNC. You have shown in the past no hesitation to take on the establishment. ... If we end up with establishment control of the GOP and their support for an establishment candidate in 2012, Obama and the socialists will have won."
 But alas such is not to be. Sarah Palin in her response to what I consider a rational and indeed brilliant consideration refused the bait. Here is what the LOGMTSQ {Lady of Great Media Talent and Star Quality} had to say in response:
"I respect the desire to have someone in charge of the RNC who understands the wishes of the conservative grassroots and understands that power resides with the people and not the vested interests in DC. However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more."
So it looks like the faithful will need to wait for another day to when Sarah will declare her full intentions for 2012. Or, did that just happen?

Read full stories here, and here.

Cross posted to the Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum
Update Via Memeorandum


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