Just Wacky Enough to be True

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

This story is so bizarre one could not make it up if one tried. A group of ten high school students that formed a Christmas Sweater Club to spread Christmas cheer and tidings find themselves in trouble.

h/t: The Blaze

There is something seriously wrong in this nation. It's called political correctness that fosters intolerance of traditional American values.

Read the story here.


  1. It's more than that. It is a hostility towards tradition and religion. I really believe this is part and parcel of the progressive long march.

    They want to obliterate these institutions they hate and supplant them with new ones that support their remaking of society and nation.

  2. Les: I don’t agree with “throwing” candy canes at people, but handing them out seems okay, and if ya don’t want one, then don’t accept it!

    As far as using it as a weapon...well, if that’s the case, then, like a commenter on your provided link said, take away pens and pencils, because THOSE are going to do a lot more damage than a piece of pointed candy. And let’s face it, ANYTHING (sharp fingernails anyone?) can be used as a weapon if someone is so inclined to do damage to another human being.

    It’s just all so bizarre anymore. I don’t know, seems people are constantly LOOKING for the boogey-man, and not just under the bed, but right out in the open.

  3. Here's the thing, at least IMHO...

    We are now, and always have been a Christian nation. The majority of our people remain so today. Our traditions and religious heritage in majority is Judeao/Christian and our laws reflect this reality.

    The recognition of this should offend no one. Religion is a personal thing between the individual and his or her God. If one is a non believer that is a personal as well.

    Neither the believer nor the non believer has the right to force, or attempt to fore their beliefs on the other. This is called tolerance.

    We hear a lot about tolerance. What of the tolerance for the majority that continue to share traditional American, Judea/Christian values.

    The effort by those who wish to squash that they are not comfortable with in the name of tolerance is in fact the height of intolerance.

    The agenda referred to by Silverfiddle is real, it is insidious, and it is wrong.

    And in the interest of intellectual honesty I am an avowed atheist. So those of you on the left that want to take on the right start here, with me. I am more than willing to debate your b*llsh*t with respect to this issue.

  4. Unfortunately, the experiences I have had with public schools over the past decade or so prevent me from being surprised in the least at this report.

    My oldest son was suspended for three days once for writing "I (heart) Japan" on a poster. (He was born in Japan.) The high school administration felt that it was offensive to the Chicano students and that it contributed to a Chicano riot that day during lunch.

    Imagine if he had also drawn a picture of Hello Kitty!

  5. I can not help but ask why so many supposedly rational and presumably intellectually capable people fail to recognize the negative reality they are creating.


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