Further Exposing the Left

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

I find myself once again amazed by the liberal progressive lexicon. WaPo in today's article entitled 'Don't ask, don't tell' has been repealed. ROTC still shouldn't be on campus' further exposes the liberal mindset for what is is. 
Now that asking and telling has ceased to be problematic in military circles, ROTC has resurfaced as a national issue: Will universities such as Harvard, Yale and other Ivy League schools be opened to Reserve Officers' Training Corps since colleges can no longer can argue that the military is biased against gays and therefore not welcome?

At Notre Dame, on that 1989 visit and several following, I learned that the ROTC academics were laughably weak. They were softie courses. The many students I interviewed were candid about their reasons for signing up: free tuition and monthly stipends, plus the guarantee of a job in the military after college. With some exceptions, they were mainly from families that couldn't afford ever-rising college tabs.

To oppose ROTC, as I have since my college days in the 1960s, when my school enticed too many of my classmates into joining, is not to be anti-soldier. I admire those who join armies, whether America's or the Taliban's: for their discipline, for their loyalty to their buddies and to their principles, for their sacrifices to be away from home. In recent years, I've had several Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans in my college classes. If only the peace movement were as populated by people of such resolve and daring.

ROTC and its warrior ethic taint the intellectual purity of a school, if by purity we mean trying to rise above the foul idea that nations can kill and destroy their way to peace. If a school such as Harvard does sell out to the military, let it at least be honest and add a sign at its Cambridge front portal: Harvard, a Pentagon Annex.
H/T's: Weasel Zipper and AoS

Cross posted to the Left Coast Rebel.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "ROTC and its warrior ethic taint the intellectual purity of a school, if by purity we mean trying to rise above the foul idea that nations can kill and destroy their way to peace. If a school such as Harvard does sell out to the military, let it at least be honest and add a sign at its Cambridge front portal: Harvard, a Pentagon Annex."

    Upon reading these words, the scene from the movie 300 popped into my head when the Spartan King was speaking to the artists and bakers and pottery makers who were coming to fight against King Xerxes. I remember the King of Sparta being amused at the desire for these wanna-be warriors to think they could actually fight.

    As a vet myself, I laugh at anyone who would deride the military from an intellectual viewpoint. The MOS I served in had no time for intellectuals, artists, boy-lovers, "journalists" or poets.

    We didn't need to have the time for them. We were too damn busy making sure they had the freedom to be liberal sissies and mock us. Colonel Nathan Jessup from A Few Good Men was not wrong.

    You liberal elitists who look down upon those of us who sacrificed for you and your kind, and call us simpletons and rednecks...you're welcome.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  2. If our freedoms were left up the the liberals America would be but a memory now...

  3. @Silver,

    True story. We wouldn't be America. We would be Northern Mexico.

    (I just couldn't resist...)

    Donald in Bethel, CT


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