Liberalism Contains the Seeds of its Own Destruction
Europe's famed and admirable liberalism and tolerance are being snuffed by militant Muslims. It's a case of tolerance taken too far, to its logical extreme: Tolerating intolerance kills tolerance Having tolerated Muslim intolerance, Europeans are now horrified to see rightwing political movements gaining ascendancy: Socialists' long-standing support for European unification, religious tolerance and integrating immigrants has made them vulnerable to right-wing populists like the Sweden Democrats, Geert Wilders' Dutch Freedom Party or France's National Front. ( Reuters - Anti-Immigrant Europe ) Angry, bigoted Muslims, the recipients of European tolerance, repay their liberal benefactors by spewing intolerance of anything outside their narrow, bigoted ideology. Europeans are growing weary of it and voting rightwing as a result. The People Get It "People in Europe have grown comfortable in the decades since World War Two and now they see that...