The Left Sees the World Through Group Identity, Collectivist Lenses: Rachel Maddow's High School Yearbook Photo

by the Left Coast Rebel

Far be it from me to criticize someone's appearance (wink, wink) but I found it highly strange and odd how the left-blogosphere is making such a big deal today out of a photo of MSNBC leftist talker Rachel Maddow yanked from her high school yearbook years ago:


I always find it so laughable, if not deplorable; when I see the left assuming the collectivist, group identity ideology. They are always the first, and nearly the last to scream, ''don't judge me, there aren't any absolutes, right or wrong, everything is a mellow shade of grey...''

Alas the second they see something like the (once) attractive Rachel Maddow pic from years back they scream, "look, she used to be hot and not so butch!"

Although I am not in the least surprised I must surmise, a question - why is it that the same people that scream 'tolerance' are always the first to cast judgment? Why is it that the first to scream 'racism' are also the first to notice one's skin color?

Why is it that anyone should care what Rachel Maddow looked like in high school?

It reminds me of a friend. Some time back I mentioned to a friend that I saw a segment on the Suze Orman show where a family was in dire straits or something....

"Did you know she's a lesbian!" was all that she could muster.

"Uh, yah, I assumed so but could care less....," is all I said.

She didn't get it. In her prism of university/media/Hollywood/liberal propaganda, group-identity cult, faceless souls are divided into sub-sectors of the population and then divided up according to the class/gender/ethnic/class/sexual identity model.

From there then, the individual assumes his value and worth. It's not a lifetime of achievement in finance (like Suze Orman) that means something - it's that she's a lesbian.

I find that sensibility beyond morally repugnant, don't you?

Cross posted to Left Coast Rebel, Proof Positive.


  1. So, what's your point?

    --That you have stupid friends?

    Or is this all just a catty attempt to get Maddow's picture out and around and then throw in a line about "lesbianism"

    Hmm...slow news day I guess...

  2. Tim - This is Maddow? Who would have guessed?

    Seriously your point, irrespective of the idiotic comment by the Chairman of the Progressive Collectivist Ideology Movement, was well stated and obvious to anyone taking the time to think for themselves.

  3. Tao, His point is quite clear. Maybe you should get some new glasses? They say after the mind goes the eyes are sure to follow.

  4. I notice that neither one of you were able to state what you consider the 'obvious'

    Lets call you choir boys!

  5. Tao,
    he grins as he says, the obvious huh? ok, here is the obvious.

    Reb clearly defined his friend as one with a liberal mindset. it is obvious that you have considered this person as being stupid.

    thus the obvious conclusion that one would come to is that those persons with same mindset are stupid.

  6. Trestin - Love the smackdown, ouch.

    Griper - I think you nailed it here.

  7. Naw, not a liberal if she pals around with LCR...

    Nice try....

    Or does LCR want us to believe that "..some of his best friends are liberals..."


    Imagination run wild to make a point....


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