Geniuses in Office

By: Bastiatarian

A post by Conservative Scalawag brought to my attention an article in the Santa Barbara Independent regarding an open-carry event that was held on Tuesday in that city. Not surprisingly, there were people protesting against our right to defend ourselves through whatever means necessary. There is a lot that could be said about those protesters, but I think that a comment by Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider gives a pretty good indication of the intellectual level of such individuals. She said: “We have no problem saying ‘no shoes, no service,’ why can’t we say ‘no guns, no service?’”

Schneider has demonstrated in the past that she is against the Second Amendment (and in general is a typical "liberal"), so we can assume that she was trying to speak out against guns (especially since she was in attendance at an anti-Second Amendment event at the time). What she actually did, though, was advocate refusal of service to individuals who were not in possession of a gun. Just as "no shoes, no service" means "If you aren't wearing shoes, we aren't going to serve you," "no guns, no service" very clearly means "If you aren't carrying a gun, we aren't going to serve you."

Think a bit before you speak, ma'am. Think.

Naturally, this is just one anecdote about one ignorant dolt. However, these anecdotes accumulate daily (my favorite recent one being the airhead in Wisconsin that didn't know that Arizona shared a border with Mexico), suggesting a definite pattern. Unfortunately, the idiocy isn't limited to Democrats (though the tendency is significantly deeper there). Washington, D.C., for example, is basically Moron City.

If we continue to vote idiots like this into office, regardless of what party they belong to, then we deserve the complete lack of intelligence that we see in government right now. I'm fond of the saying "There is a kind of stupid that you can only get in graduate school." There should also be one that says "There is an extreme kind of stupid that you can only get in political office."

I rarely listen to politicians speak anymore. The main reason is that they're all just so freaking dumb. It's like listening to someone with an intellectual handicap babble on, except that the intellectually handicapped don't come up with such stupid ideas.

We don't have to elect absolute geniuses to office, but can't we at least elect someone that can construct a coherent sentence?


  1. You are so correct. We don't have to elect geniuses to office. But we certainly should be electing individuals to office that have a great deal of common sense.

    And integrity.

    Unfortunately they seem to be harder to come by with each passing election cycle. Both the politicians and those who elect them.


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