Franken Another Fear Monger... Like TAO at Corrupting Conservatives Progressive Collectivist Blog

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

The newest ICON of  progressive collectivist thought, none other than former comedian (retract... still a comedian) Senator Al Franken addressed a convention of liberal bloggers and activists  Saturday evening. He implored the left to "fight to stay in power in the mid term elections."

Okay, I have absolutely no problem with this. However was it not just the other day that Kyra Phillips and John Roberts of CNN were calling for restraint and regulation on conservative bloggers? I guess censorship is just fine if it applies only to conservative rational thought. Progressive collective thought , which is almost always based on emotion rather than logic is just fine, and therefore need not be censored. Go figure.

Franken, warning of catastrophic disaster (my words) should the progressive collectivists lose control of the Congress had this to say:

"If Republicans take back Congress they'll implement a truly dangerous agenda. Everything is on the table from repealing healthcare reform to privatizing Social Security."

"Darrell Issa is promising to double his staff and embark on a witch-hunt in the hopes of bringing down the Obama administration."

"We have seen what happens when Republicans take control of Congress with a Democratic president and it ain't pretty."

"They hide behind big talk about deficits as if deficits suddenly appeared at noon on Jan. 20, 2009."

Okay, granted much of the countries fiscal problems began under GWB who never met a spending bill he didn't like. GWB was also lax on border control and was in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. GWB was responsible (along with a compliant Congress which included Democrats as well as Republicans) for involving the USA in a war that need not have been fought. And he was in charge during the economic meltdown tat is still affecting our nation.

However, almost nineteen months into the administration of "Hope and Change" we are seeing a continuation of the same policies that the progressive collectivists so readily denounced during the 2008 campaign. A rational analysis leads on to understand that the differences between  "conventional" republicans and the current crop of democrat  progressive collectivists is just a matter of degrees.

Voting for either entrenched republicans or entrenched democrats will, without a doubt, yield more of the same. The need to change the group of elitist congressmen and senators that control our nations welfare is clear. The only real possibility for change in direction is to vote in a group of individuals that truly have a mindset that is different from the progressive collectivists of the entrenched democratic or republican power structure.

Franken is part of the problem, so is Scott Brown from Massachusetts. The policies that have guided this nation during recent republican and democratic leadership, are the cause of our domestic fiscal problems and our international problems. It is time for change. Real change.

The hope for such change lies in voting for candidates with fresh new ideas. Candidates from the Libertarian Party, the Conservative Party, the Modern Whig Party, and candidates such as Rand Paul and Sharon Angle, and Allen Ward  from the Republican Party that think out of the box. IE: thinks differently than the old guard republicans such as John McCain, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich.

The Modern Whig Party and The Conservative Party may not have candidate running in your area. However, the point is to identify with a party that has ideas you are comfortable with that challenge those of the old guard progressive collectivist democratic and republican party platforms and support them and those who would run on the parties platform.

Real change requires a radical departure from the present. Often it requires a return to radical concepts of the past. Such as those held by our founding fathers. Franken somehow just doesn't measure up.

Cross posted at  Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum 


  1. "Okay, granted much of the countries fiscal problems began under GWB who never met a spending bill he didn't like."

    Les, don't justify their accusations like that.
    Every President enters into office facing problems that began sometime in the past and carried over from the previous administation. that is just the nature of politics.

    it takes the focus away from the proposed solutions of the sitting president. the debate is about liberal solutions to problems facing this nation not when or how the problems began or who is responsible for the creation of the problems.
    if we start debating over who's policies resulted into problems we would end up going all the way back to Lincoln, if not farther.

  2. Your faith in the Sharon Angles and Rand Pauls is troubling RN. WE tried governing with people that hate government in Bush and Reagan. It led to crippling deficits and deregulation and oversite which led to the Gulf oil gusher and Enron among other things.

    Give me a government that governs responsibly. The answer from the right always seems to be "less" when sometimes the answer is more.

    I want people I work with to care about where they work. Not hate it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. GRIPER - I do see your point, and understand the concern. The greater message however is that the administration of "Hope and Change" is making a bad situation significantly worse.

  5. Truth - And I am troubled by your support of, and faith in Reid, Piglosi, and Obama, and all the rest.


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