Ron Paul is Completely Wrong....


by the Left Coast Rebel

....on the issue of Obama's culpability regarding the Gulf oil spill. I understand that Ron Paul is attempting to make a philosophical point (in that the President should never be considered the end all to be all) but the philosophical point is beside the point considering what the press and poliltical machine sold Obama as. Heck, Obama himself thinks that he is the Messiah, can 'fix' America in his image (because he is an authoritarian and knows better than the peasants). Anything is fair game, in my opinion to show that Obama is fallible, and ludicrously elitist - not to mention ragingly incompetent. It is a valuable, teachable lesson for the American people to see this with their own eyes.

Ron Paul is wrong:
Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian Republican lawmaker from Texas, said that people were expecting too much from the president in his ability to react to the ongoing spill into the Gulf.

"I'm a pretty big critic of the president," Paul said during an appearance on "Imus in the Morning" on the Fox Business Network, "but I just don't see the justification for coming down hard on the president." "I think it represents the idea that the American people think the president is everything to everybody that he should fix an oil leak," Paul added.
Ron Paul would have been smarter here to say that Obama deserves all the blame he gets because he is part of an authoritarian regime that thinks they can micro-manage every aspect of American life. Perhaps he should have said that the oil spill shows that the Federal government has no business in the health care industry too.

Then again, there wouldn't be much chatter if he had said that.


  1. I partially agree with both of you. Obama didn't send the resources and was too 'in' with BP in the first place, took too much time to react, didn't lead properly, didn't communicate, etc. but I also agree that there is a danger in expecting the president to be able to work miracles. If we blame him for not doing things that are not really his job, then in a round-about way we're giving him more power. That doesn't 100% apply to this situation, but it's what this situation has me worrying about.
    Just like with expecting the president to be able to call all of the planes out of the sky on 911, which was not a power any president had before Bush, after we expected him to do it all presidents now have precedence to use that new power again. Through our expectations we can create a dictator.

  2. TKZ - I see your points and agree with you as well. I guess that I agree with Paul but disagree in the end as well...nuanced, right? Thanks for reading!

  3. Ron Paul is so wrong about so many things. He's wrong about denying US citizenship to individuals whose parents might have committed crimes. He's wrong about wanting to let Israel's enemies exterminate its people and about so much of foreign policy in general. He's wrong in saying that it is best to assume that if you see a black man, he's a criminal.

  4. dmarks - Generalizations of Ron Paul's positions with out any supporting documentation.

    I can see where you are coming from with these statements but to understand Paul's position one must look at his writings and statements in full.

    My opinions changed following a little studying of his brand of Libertarianism. And they changed in the positive direction.

  5. Dmarks - I agree with Les that Ron Paul holds many views that I embrace wholeheartedly. I'm not even sure where you came up with these 'positions' here.

    Your final assumption here is a useless trump card - at best.

  6. Ron Paul knows business is in power in America, so he understands the Corporate Monstrosities are responsible for this disaster. But, Conservatives hate Paul because he is anti-war and not a Chicken Hawk Warmonger. Conservatives love Cowards who claim false and stolen valor and champion war from the safety of their own homes.

  7. Grung_e-Gene - More generalizations without any basis in reality. Conservatives do not love cowards. You are simply pandering to the leftist BS that the unthinking chose to follow.

    The differences between a true conservative and a modern liberal is the ability of the conservative to think rationally rather than emotionally.


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