Is Rationality Lost On The Obama White House?

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip was unsustainable and urged a Gaza aid vessel sent by pro-Palestinian activists to divert to an Israeli port to reduce the risk of violence.

I am confused with the logic of this statement by our ever so intelligent and in touch with reality White House. I know I must be missing something here... And hopefully those who understand the un-intelligible uttering  of a otherwise clueless White House can help me.

It seems to me that if the USA, and the rational and reasonable international community supports the very action suggested by the USA in the above quoted statement there should be no problem. Unless of course the Pro Palestinian and Hamas terrorist faction is successful in their efforts to sway international opinion along the lines of extremist Islamic Jihadist mentality.

Just one lone man's opinion in the search for rational thought. I welcome your opinion, regardless of the political persuasion. Although I caution that irrational comments will be torn apart post haste.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. It sounds to me like they're trying to do two things.

    The Chairman BaO administration is decidedly anti-Israel, so they have to get a dig in on Israel. They do that by saying that "Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip was unsustainable," a not-so-thinly veiled criticism of the blockade. (Of course, another problem is that Israel has been sustaining it.)

    The administration also has to pretend to be for peace, and therefore supposedly morally superior to Israel, which is implied to be for violence. Accordingly, they weakly suggest that the terrorist vessels "divert to an Israeli port to reduce the risk of violence," as if they were suggesting something new.

    Also, because the statement is essentially from the standpoint of those who support the terrorists, it can also be seen as an attempt to link the terrorists with Chairman BaO's desired image of being rational and peace-loving. Poor, peace-loving terrorists.

    Basically what they're doing is insulting Israel, while attempting simultaneously to manufacture an image of taking the moral high supporting terrorists.

    In the context of Chairman BaO's world of deceit and Alinskyism, it makes perfect sense. In the full context of reality, however, the statement is, of course, utter lunacy.

  2. Bastiatarian - Well put! Thank you for so concisely stating the truth so accurately.

    And of course you are correct the entire statement is "utter lunacy", as is the presidency of the current pretender occupying the White House.


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