There Is Yet Hope For The Future

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

VIDEO: Jason Mattera

It is promising to see young and knowledgeable individuals active in the fight for limited government, individualism and liberty. Jason Mattera is an up and coming conservative voice who gets it. He understands how critical it is for the conservative movement to counter the progressive socialist/statist blanketing of college campuses during national campaigns. He points out just how effective President Obama's camp was in enlisting support for his radical, and in this writers opinion Anti-American agenda.

The battle to win the minds of the younger generation in support of liberty, individualism, and limited government will not be an easy one. The deck is stacked heavily in favor of the progressive socialist/statist ideology. The government media complex which is largely leftist, as well as academia which we all know went progressive socialist years ago will be relentless in their efforts to indoctrinate the youth with the ideology that supports collectivism and statism.

Nonetheless, listening to young individuals such as Jason Mattera should give us all hope for a resurgent rational philosophy of governance in America. We need to support and encourage young adults like Jason as they are the hope for future generations of Americans retaining their uniquely American identity.

Young individuals with open and inquisitive minds like Jason's will seek the truth and not be swayed by the revisionist historians that gained favor through progressive activism during the 60's. Yes there is yet hope for this nation of ours. It rests in youthful individuals like Jason Mattera.

Via: Newsmax


  1. Obamazombies, I like that.

    I think young people will always be by nature naive and overly-idealistic, making the Democratic party a perfect fit for them.

    Getting out in the work force and seeing the big bite government takes out of your pay check is usually a wake up call...

  2. Silverfiddle - You are so correct.

    The entire mindless struggle between the ultra progessive socialist/statist mindset and the neo con ultra reactionary/statist mindset is taking it's toll on America.

    The unfortunate reality is that we have become a natio of sheeples led by politicians that are bent on destroying America not through desire, but rather through ignorance.

    I for one will never cast a vote for any politician running for President that does not come out in support of the Austrian School of Economics.

    The curent welfare state with it's interventionist foreign policy coupled with its monetary manipulation by the Federal Reserve is destroying America as as we watch.

    Perhaps when it is to late all will cry, "where did our liberty go". To which I will proclaim... "go back to sleep."


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