Monetary Policy and The Truth

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

 America has listened to, and for the most part accepted a line of self serving political and financial market BS for far to long. One of the few politicians and government leaders that are telling the people the truth is Congressman Ron Paul.

An honest politician with ethical and moral standards he is one of the few telling America the truth about our nations financial future. His book, "The Revolution, A Manifesto" explains in graphic detail the danger America faces if it does not change its past and current policies.

If you care about our nations future, please take the time to familiarize yourself with basic capitalist economic principals in general (if you do not already know the basics) and Ron Paul in particular. His vision for America is the right one at this point in our history.

Thank you.


  1. Always interesting to hear RP speak.I disagree with the significance of the gold sales/purchases but that's not important. What is important I believe is Paul's honesty.When he speaks of entitlements, he stresses Medicare and Medicaid rather than SS-which is accurate. The Medical ones are underfunded severely, SS is not.Wall St would LOVE to have SS privatized and handed over to them.Paul is too honest to fall in line with Obama and Bernanke and others of that ilk who want to do away with it.

  2. Social Security, if I understand it right will be broke if we continue on our current trajectory in the not to distance future.

    The S.S. "TRUST FUND" set by good old FDR began being raided and abused almost immediatelyl. Every administration since S.S's inception has been doing the same thing.

    No one anticipated the eventual rality that people would live longer and begin drawing more than they put into the system. Nor did they anticipate the shrinking ratio of working individuals to the retirement poulation. we have become accustomed to seeing the government created a program that can not sustain itself except by further government tweaking, and tweaking,and tweaking... forever or until it literally colaspes on itself.

    AsI said Ron Paul has some real common sense anwers, which he wxpresses well in his book. Problemis no one is rally listening.

    Oh well, we shall all pay the eventual price. And if not us certainly our children and grandchildren will.

    Unless we take the neccessary action and make the hard choices to reverse the slide all our social entitlement programs and the military industrial complex in pursuit of building the American ubrella of influence throughout the world has created.

    Oh...I shouldn't forget the need to do away with the "to big to fail" mentality of our fearless leaders who freely spend our money like there is no tomorrow.

    Contiuing the current trend will result in there being no tomorrow. At least not a tomorrow that holds the promise of a bright future.

    Governmnt programs designed by well meaning people have spiraled out of control. Government, the nanny state,and the militry industrial complex are primarily responsible for our mess.

    More government will not make it better. Ron Paul is the only person making any rational sense today. My bet is his ideas and solutions will die with him.


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