Does The Choice Of Parties Really Make A Difference?

By: Les Carpenter 
Rational Nation USA

Today is Monday April 19th and the start of a new week with all the promise, and disappointment it brings with it. The biggest disappointment of course is the American inability to find  common ground from which to solve the problems of We The People.

I am an avowed independent  conservative and believe in the ideals expressed in the Jeffersonian field of political thought... IE: limited federal government, strict adherence to the constitution,  and the sovereign  rights of the several individual states.

To this end I will argue the merits and rational premise on which Jefferson based his beliefs and arguments. I freely acknowledge that Jefferson was, in an historical reference, a liberal. In my view he was in fact a radical in that he believed in the supremacy of the individual and the premise that government was the servant of the people it governed rather than the European belief that the governed were the servants of the state.

I also realize the greatest threat to American security and financial stability is the extreme views expressed by  the democrat/demican party and republican/republicrat party. In reality we have become a one party state.The difference between the two parties is merely a question of degrees. In other words... which party will lead this nation to the same socialist/statist ends the quickest? I  believe all of us know the answer to that rhetorical question.

I was in a rare and unusual mood today and decided to search the web for some rare possibility of bi-partisan  commentary. The following is an example of what I found at Democracy Is Not

"Because they are not readily visible to the public naked eye, a number of flaws in the system have gone unnoticed for many years, leaving most folks deceptively complacent, lulled into an ill-informed acquiescence to what they perceive as an otherwise robust and healthy American institution.
Two Parties—One Fiscal Agenda
It is instructive to observe not only the popularized differences between the two parties that control the
system, but also the historical patterns and deeds in which they participated with remarkable unity.  Throughout the many decades of their shared domination of American politics, with respect to monetary and fiscal policy (and its long-term effect on The People and their property), both parties have:
  • increased federal taxation (including the constitutionally questionable direct income tax)
  • increased the size of the federal budget
  • increased the size of the federal deficit
  • increased the size of the national debt
  • abandoned the fiscally responsible practice of using a balanced budget
  • played an active role in the increased size of the federal government
  • created and expanded federal bureaucracies and police agencies to impose innumerable arbitrary regulations and penalties, thereby hindering private commerce and free enterprise
  • engaged heavily in the practice of pork barrel (tax-and-spend favoritism) politics, including corporate welfare when and where it suited their agendas (i.e., getting or keeping power)
Despite what politicians from either party may say (or have said), neither party, in deed, platform, or policy, has opposed any of the above activities with any compelling measure of consistency or zeal since the late 1800s.  At the federal level, both the Democratic and Republican parties have engaged continuously in creating a bloated, power-grabbing national government at the direct expense of The Peoples liberty and their property (through excessive taxes and confiscatory statutes).  For example, both parties either largely supported or acquiesced to:
  • the creation of the Federal Reserve system in 1913, in which a private bank cartel was awarded unprecedented (and unconstitutional) control over U.S. monetary and fiscal policy
  • the (unconsitutional) outlawing of private ownership and coerced confiscation of gold by president Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933
  • the (unconsitutional) severing of U.S. monetary policy from the gold standard by president Richard Nixon in 1971
  • the plundering of U.S. citizens property through government-induced inflation, directly or indirectly resulting from the systematic implementation of the above three acts
Similarly, presidents of both parties (typically with congressional complicity) have:
  • repeatedly used executive orders and emergency powers to wage costly, unconstitutional, undeclared wars abroad against opponents that posed no direct threat to U.S. security
  • given away billions in aid and loans to foreign governments, much of which has never benefited the people over whom those governments rule
  • incurred ever greater national debt, the liability for which rests only with The People themselves, who, given no say in these actions, were instead persuaded to trust the government
I find the above words true and in some respect frightening. There is considerably more than is presented here at Rational Nation USA. I encourage all with a love of liberty who possess an open and clear mind to visit the sight I just discovered and consider the views presented.

We are a nation comprised of conservatives, liberals, libertarians, anarchists, and more. If we are to solve our mutual problems we must find a way to talk with each other rather than at each other. If we fail to do so we will ALL face the same inevitable end.

Our destiny rests with the individual choices we make. So... what will it be? Liberty, and freedom or reliance on big brother government and the nanny state? The choice rests with us, We The People.

As an independent conservative I know where I stand. Do you?


  1. Well RN: I'm a Liberal. Albeit, if one looks closely at my writings, a Liberal with a conservative streak. I don't hide from calling myself a Democrat either. I think I stand for what the party stands for. Government that works to make lives better. We can argue about how much is necessary or too much.

    I think you are a Republican in the traditional sense of what reagan was trying to convey but not what it became under him and since him.

    Both parties are corporate whores. Since I was thirteen I've wroked on campaigns for Democratic candidates. I have friends that have worked on republican campaigns since they were kids. Yes. I do have friends that are republicans. We all agree politics has changed for the worse on every level. Grass roots means nothing to those in charge. Only who can donate, or arrange to get the most donations.

    I don't know your economic situation but mine is working class. I have a good union job and my wife is an RN. We're fine but millions aren't so fortunate to be in my situation. Not that it matters because the millions in circumstances similar to mine have no voice. We are slaves to whatever the big money lobbyists want Congress to do.

    Reagan said he didn't abandon the Democratic Party. It abandoned him. Although I still believe that was just a line he or his handlers came up with to answer a tricky question, it was prophetic in the sense that both parties have abandoned all but the wealthiest who don't need a government that looks out for them.

    I try to do my part on the blogs and on Facebook when debating with some locals. So do many others. Not that it does any good. No matter how profound or visionary whatever you and I say is RN, I doubt there are many Congressmen or Senators that give a rat's ass because we don't have 100 grand at their disposal.

    I hope yo keep up the fight on your side. I'll keep it up on mine but in all frankness, my head is tired from being beat against the same old wall.

    Continued success to you Rational Nation.

  2. Truth - I just spent the last 45 minutes responding to your comment here.

    Unfortunately I inadvertently hit a key that caused me to lose the entire response.

    I will not attempt to recreate my reasoned and thoughtful response.

    If I have been in a bad mood... so be it.

    I will continue to remain so as long as my positions are misrepresented by the Asshole Chairman TAO.

    To quote a famous phrase from a classic movie... :Frankly my dear I don't give a damn."

    I have lived the Amerindian ideal. I will likely be dead in 10 to fifteen years.

    So you see I do what I do not for me but rather for our grandson and those who will face the excesses of large government. Regardless of which party created the mess.

    So in conclusion... it is what it is. And that means I will, as you say continue the right fight. The innuendos and lies from the left will not deter me.

    I will simply ignore the BS. But by all means please continue to live in your chosen leftist world.

    As a conservative can only look in wonderment on the error of your ways while at the same time realizing it is your INDIVIDUAL right to be wrong.

    I will give you this Truth... You are a worthy adversary. Unlike Chairman TAO.

  3. I find the party labels to be basically useless. I'm still a Republican, but I think more and more about leaving everyday. Maybe I figure that if Ron Paul is a Republican, I can be too. But as you've shown in this post, RN, both parties have increased the national debt and taken us for a ride. It doesn't matter which one is in power.

    I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh very much anymore but I caught some of his show today. He was trying to refute Democrats' charges that Republicans are violent by basically throwing the same charge back at the Democrats. I shut it off because it just reminded me that most of the carping that passes for political discourse is just a huge waste of time.

    And that's the way our ruling class wants it. Keeping us divided and making sure one team's fans are pointing fingers at the other team's so we won't notice that both sides are robbing us.

    As Norman Mailer once said, "It may yet take an alchemy of Left and Right to confound the corporate center."

  4. Carl - Well said!

    I left the Republican party several years ago in spirit. I made it official three years ago when I registered as "conservative" in MA.

    As long as Ron Paul continues to be a republican I will likely find a home in his camp.

    It is why I use the phrase "independent conservative" to describe my political leanings.

    When Ron Paul, or others who share his political philosophy no longer exist in the republican party I may just have to think about a deserted island somewhere.

    Thank you for for your insightful and right on comments.

  5. Ah Rational...its your asshole buddy!

    You know, I am going to contribute to Ron Paul's campaign and I am going to vote for him...

    Then I am going to pray that he becomes president in 2012...and then I am going to watch him turn into GWB...OHB.....because at the end of the day he will be no different than the last two presidents we have had.

    If you want your country back, if you want a government that respects the individual and works for the citizen then attack corporations because it is their money and their connections that destroy government.

    If WE THE PEOPLE, which includes people like you and me do not unite...then nothing will ever change.

    But for that to happen then you will have to learn a whole new and influence have no values, no principles, and no party affiliation.

    WE THE PEOPLE lost our control of the government when we began to worship the owners, the stockholders, and the corporation as the creators of jobs...rather than realizing that it is demand that creates jobs.

    WE THE PEOPLE create the demand.

    WE THE PEOPLE traded locally owned stores on Main Street for Walmart. We traded our local bank for Wall Street and we traded our jobs, our unions for chinese jobs and cheap consumer goods.

    The first thing we need to do is take our money back, to make 'supply' respect 'demand,' and to make labor matter...

    Slay the corporation, slay Wall Street, and you will find that you will also slay big government...

    If you don't then Ron Paul as president will look alot like Barack Obama....

  6. Les, I could not have said it better so I won’t even try, and coming from me that's a lot.
    When Liberals get up in arms about what you said, then you know you have done something right.
    It’s always just fine and dandy for liberals to scream and march and use public forums to forward their agendas but no one else has that same God-given right. In their warped eyes anyone who disagrees with their platform is an idiot, or a moron, or a rightwing fanatic, like me.

  7. Mal - Thanks, I needed that about now.

  8. @ JUDGE TRUTH 101:

    "Government that works to make lives better."

    That goes against everything it means to be American, sorry. Government is not to be "in our lives" at all" but to protect our right to be unmolested by the State.

    "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Thomas Jefferson

  9. How will regulations be enforced without government anonymous?

    Is not a wise and frugal government something that would make citizens lives better?

    You contradict yourself and your movement.

  10. Interesting post and a great thread!

    Judge: You mischaracterize the argument. My right to swing my fist ends at the tip of your nose. Government should enforce that and stop telling me I can't swing my fists responsibly.
    First anti-smoking laws, now they want to regulate how much salt goes into processed foods.

    They've taxed tanning salons, why not coffee shops? Where does it end?

    And the answer is not to "Slay the corporation" it is to pry it loose from its pornographic embrace with a corrupt government. Free market means free: No bailouts, no special laws.

    Supply does respect demand. The marketplace gives us what we want when we want it. Nice sounding rhetoric, but ask Michigan how noisy labor unions and their gold-plated bennies are working out for them. Add on the snarl of government regulations and you have a failed liberal experiment that chases 70,000 jobs to greener pastures in the south.

  11. So we agree wth RN that corporations have a stranglehold on government.

    Lack of regulation and enforcement leads to dead miners and bailouts. Remember the savings and loan scandal that cost taxpayers over 100 billion back in the eighties Silverfiddle? It was okay when Reagan did it.

  12. Silverfiddle - Great points well said!

  13. Truth - Ah come on now, we are way past the point of a lack of regulations to protect minors as we have OSHA, thanks to Richard Nixon.

    Bailouts are as much a result of federal bureaucratic meddling in the market and crony capitalism than the lack of sensible oversight.

    The market, with proper and sensible oversight, where neither corporations nor the government benefit in any way should be the goal.

    I doubt that Obama, just like GWB and others before them both, will figure it out any better.

  14. OSHA which was largly underfunded and had no teeth behind any of it's regulations under republican administrations RN.


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