Clips From Obama's State of the Union Address

There are probably many who, because of circumstances, were unable to watch the State of the Union Address Wednesday night. So the White House Blog has up on its site some brief video clips by subject. Rational Nation USA reposts them here for those of irs readership who may have missed the event.

As always the POTUS was eloquent in his delivery, and I suspect the clips were selected more for emotional impact than substance. If the entire sixty plus minute speech was in the vein of the clips above I am not sorry I was unable to see the speech.

But in the evolutionary process of Hope and Change a lot can happen in the next year. We will just have to be vigilant and keep our eyes and ears open to all the dangers inherent in rapid increases in government growth (which is what is heard in these clips) in the coming months and years.

The prior Administration was by no means fiscally conservative, had its share of misguided priorities, increased the size of government, and presided over the beginnings of the economic breakdown. This President while perhaps trying to regain economic stability is increasing government growth at a more rapid pace. Government growth is usually accompanied by a corresponding loss of liberty. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Conservatives of all stripes, Libertarians, Independents, and all who have the vision of a fiscally responsible and sane government should press on questioning that which does not sound right, yet be willing to support those things that make sense.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: The White House Blog


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