Beck, Monkton, and The Copenhagen Climate Treaty

It isn't as we have enough to worry about already. If  Lord Monkton is correct the United States of America may cease to exist as a sovereign state.

According to Lord Monkton, the Copenhagen Climate Treaty, if signed by the United States, will sacrifice our sovereignty as an individual and independent nation. One result of the treaty would be to redistribute wealth from richer nations to third world countries and at the same time create a one world government.

Perhaps Obama is the catalyst, funded by the radical left, to change our nation forever. And if Lord Monkton is correct in his ascertains we may very well become like the Kenya of Barrack Obama's father. One thing is for sure, socialism and the one world government concept has this as its reward; to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator.


  1. we, in essense, have already given up our sovereignty. it was given up when we joined the United Nations.

    if you look at history, the world is going down the same path that our founding fathers set for us only on a larger scale.

    when the United Nations was founded, it was founded on the very same basis that this nation was founded, that though the States were united under one government, the states were meant to retain their sovereignty over the people of their states. they lost that soveignty in less than a 100 years. how long has it been since the UN was founded?
    it is history just being repeated only on a larger scale.

  2. and i might add one more thing. that path is the path of the collective mindset.

  3. All good points my fiend.

    My only point of question is this: is the world really going down the path our founding fathers set for their Republic and their posterity? I don't know.

    Accept that the founding fathers of this great nation were inheritors of the Age of Enlightenment Enlightenment. The path their nation has taken would, I am sure sicken them as it does me.

    We should, and I have held this position for 20 years, pull out of the UN and give the remaining signatories 60 days to pay the United States Treasury $250,00 rent monthly or face eviction within 30 days.

    Great comments Griper and thank you for visiting my humble blog as often as you do. You keep me honest.

  4. Typo correction, rent value to be $250,000.00

  5. he sits back and roars in laughter, i'm a "fiend" now, am i? lol

    you made my day with that typo,RN.

    i'll grant ya, it wasn't the intent of the founding fathers but, then again, it wasn't the intent of the founders of the UN either. its just the evolution of it. both were set up to address the problems of war.

    we have to look at the evolution of man to see it. first you have the family which in time grows to the point that the oldest is the patriarch and ruler of that family. then in time that family unites with other families and becomes a tribe usually with the oldest as ruler or rule is inherited. tribes then unite and becomes a city. rome is a good example here. then cities unite and become a State. then States end up uniting under one central government. now, whether or not these unions were voluntary or not is irrelevant because we are speaking of the end result.

    and war can be said as the cause of this evolution based on the concept of "in numbers there is strength." Self Defense being the rally cry or justification of it.

    power is another element in this. it always flows upward and tends to be concentrated at the top. i call this the "pyramid effect" which is nothing but the visualization of how power works.

    so, regardless, of which concept you use as a basis, wars or power, the end result is the same.

    and the real funny thing about all of this is the fact that when you look at it from the power angle it becomes a visualization of the pyramid scheme.

  6. Griper,

    your last and closing remark struck a chord. It is true, and awhile back back I did a post on the Illuminati as well as the pyramid scheme and how that props up the two party system in America.

  7. O, and by the way my Friend, I guess I am going to have to fire my proof reader.


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