It's Time For Congressional Term Limits

As the Labor Day Festa's and family picnics came to a close I found myself thinking to the future. The future of America. A dismaying thought crossed my mind. The idea we are locked in a fierce political battle at this moment in our history. A political battle that if lost will change our country forever.

President Barrack Hussein Obama is living up to his promise. To radically change the face of the United States of America.While America was hungry for change after 8 years of the Bush - Cheney Administration it is becoming clear that the scope of this President's change is not what the American people expected or wanted.

There are signs the influence of conservatives to moderates are having an impact on the Administration and causing it to rethink it's strategy. Conservative and Libertarian bloggers are adding much to the debate and the politicians are being forced to take note. All this is positive and should give us liberty loving people heart. However, do not think for a moment those who hold to the socialist/statist agenda have changed or they won't hit back with great intensity.

Proponents of the socialist/statist agenda, both in Congress and across the country, are regrouping and will increase their propaganda efforts tenfold. Because we know this is coming we must increase our determined efforts twenty fold to hold their agenda from advancing further. Socialists/statist are very patient and will content themselves will small advances over time that will never be reversed. Look at the history of the USA from 1900 to the present.

So as we continue our efforts to educate on the evils of socialist/statist ideology and government, we must also focus our energies on how we can change things in Washington. We have a golden opportunity in 2010 to begin a truly modern day revolutionary change. If we as a people begin that change in 2010, a change to give the voice back to the people, then  in 2012 we can complete the revolutionary change at the ballet box and replace the current socialist/statist President. We can replace him with one who will truly respect and protect our liberties and the Constitution of the United States, as well as our American langue and culture.

The task is not simple. Candidates who hold the values of true consevativism must be found and then supported financially so they can get their message out. Candidates that represent your views and values need to be supported irrespective of the tag (R,D,I whatever) affixed to their name. This effort starts at the grassroots level in towns and cities all across this land.

Everyone talks about how badly the Congress is performing, how it no longer represents the people, and points to it's approval ratings which are in the tank. An observation I have developed over many years; most people complain about Congress and think the bums out to be thrown out of office. However over and over again we keep returning the same bums to office. Perhaps it is just me but I find this oddly strange. IT IS TIME TO VOTE THEM ALL OUT OF OFFICE, EVEN YOUR OWN REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS. Unless we as a nation find the will to do this nothing will truly change and you can be sure that the next socialist/statist administation will further restrict your liberties and rights as an individual.

Assuming we can prevail in this daunting task changes will need to be made by adding a Contitutional limitation on how long a person can serve in office. I offer the following for you consideration. If the grassroots all across America created the pressure on politicians we could get a much needed amendment on term limit. (here)

1) Congressman - 2 three year terms - total 6 years
2) Senators - 3 four year terms - total 12 years
3) President - Retain current law - total 8 years

Thus a politician aspiring to serve his country as the founding fathers envisioned could serve a total of 24 years. Under this plan it would require a person serve in all three branches of elective government. Since most never get to the Presidency they at most would serve for  18 years. End of the career politician.

The rationale for term limits is this, to prevent power hungry individuals and their special interests from controlling our lives through senseless and restrictive legislation.

We have a great opportunity to slow and stop the march to total socialist/statist rule in America. it will require accepting ridicule by the left, condemnation by those currently in power with the golden slipper to lose, and a fierce belief in the principals that founded this great nation, Liberty, Justice, Opportunity, Self Sufficiency, Limited Government. These remain truly radical concepts in a dangerous time of modern socialist/statist ideology.


  1. Great post - I fully agree with the concept of losing sight of the symbol behind the name, and vote on values and principles. There are good and bad from either side. It's the Progressives, which can be found on both sides, that are dangerous.

    I am a bit confused about term limits, though - everything I understand says that we need to have a Constitutional Convention in order to enact term limits - or scare the people in office to the point of believing it could happen, and then they'd vote for them. Either way - Agreed, 100%.

  2. Soloman - Thank you. My apologies for not leaving a reply comment earlier. It must be old age :-).

    I believe you may be right with respect to term limits, although I have not researched it.

    Thanks for stopping in at RN USA.


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