Democrats and Impeachment Talk...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Just wondering how many individuals realized the following tidbit of information. I'm willing to bet not many. I know I didn't.

THE HILL - Congressional Democrats have talked about the impeachment of President Obama 20 times more than Republicans have on the House and Senate floors.

Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word “impeach” or “impeachment” regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill.

Utterances on the floor from Republicans about impeaching Obama, in contrast, have been relatively rare. Only three Republicans in this Congress have raised the subject on the House floor, and the words have been used a total of four times by GOP members.
Most of the talk has come from House Democrats, with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas) alone using the words 18 times in two separate speeches late last month.

In the Senate, where the GOP hopes to retake a majority this fall, not a single Republican has mentioned impeachment on the floor over the last couple of years.

The figures highlight how impeachment has been a hot topic for Democrats, and one most Republicans want to avoid.

The campaign arm for House Democrats raised $2.1 million in online donations over a single July weekend while talking up the possibility that Republicans would impeach Obama.

Most Republicans have sought to avoid the topic, which they see as a lose-lose situation

So, it appears the democrats view keeping talk of impeachment on the front burner to be a great way to snag those donor dollars and ignite, or perhaps incense is a better word, the leftist base of the D party.

I guess when there ain't all that much positive going for your party going into an election year you take what you can get.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. True: I get dozens off e-mails seeking dem donations daily. The key words seem to be impeachment, Koch brothers, Karl Rove and someone named Palin. Not sure, but I presume the
    same goes on with GOP folks with perhaps key words like creeping socialism, taking guns, taxing
    churches, etc. Just a small part of big money in big politics, I guess.

  2. Yeah, you're probably right BB Idaho. But I gotta give credit where credit is due, the dems seem more effective of late at exploiting the absurd.

  3. The fact that they have not talked about it on the floor of Congress does not mean that they have not talked about it. They do talk in other places, you know.

  4. The Dems have found what could be a successful campaign strategy for the 2014 midterm elections.

    Many of the talking heads on FNC and many bloggers in the Right-side blogosphere make noises about impeachment. However, talking heads and bloggers do not set policy.

  5. Of course you are correct AOW. However, the talking heads and the bloggers hope to influence the general public and in turn they the policy makers as a result of all the noise they make.

    Life and politics in the USA is indeed a very interesting and sometimes beautiful thing to observe.

  6. Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word “impeach” or “impeachment” regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill.

    Utterances on the floor from Republicans about impeaching Obama, in contrast, have been relatively rare. Only three Republicans in this Congress have raised the subject on the House floor,

    the real qualifier is 'mention in Congress'. If the Dem's have 'uttered' it more, it is in perhaps in direct response to Tea-Types and GOP contenders that have brought up the subject on the stump or in vapidly produced media interviews. Example: THE SCREECHING of PALIN, BACHMANN, CRUZ...and other erstwile thinking folks. To strectch this into a 'Dems using impeachment as fund raising' is rather disengenous....of course they will, and I would too in the same situation.

    1. Wow. No wonder Congressional approval is low, when our legislators actually "mention in Congress" reactions to entirely toothless threats found in "THE SCREECHING of PALIN"..... a political has-been no where near the centers of power, who hasn't mattered on the national stage for years.

  7. adddendum....

  8. okjimm, it's all politics man. This is the USA. It is supposed to be this way, don't you know that?

    Dems and Repubs keeping the peons distracted with all manners of odious BS. It keeps em in power and controlling our lives from Washington DC. While they lie, cheat, steal, party, laugh their odious asses off at their subjects naivette and/or ignorance.

    Life and politics in the USA is indeed a very interesting and sometimes beautiful thing to observe. At other times it can be an ugly and odious thing to observe

  9. DMarks...please, it has not been just Palin....The South Dakota Republican Party has officially endorsed Impeachment, at turns it has been mentioned by Darrell Issa, Michael Burgess, Jon Kyl, James Inhofe, Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold,Kerry Bentivolio,Allen West and "On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing on the President that was formally titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws", which has been viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings."

    RN...of course it is politics.....but when someone is caught pissing in the kitchen sink, they should not be surprised when someone talks about it.

    1. OKJimm, go back and read what we both said. I know it is more than just Palin. I saw where you yourself named a list that Palin headlined, but I of course saw the others in this earlier list.

      Your revision of this comment is a little better, by the way, as it involves a lot of names in Congress. However, even here you are sloppy: you have included Allen West, a man not on the scene any more. I didn't check the other names, but will assume you weren't so careless to fill your "sound-the-alarrn" list with other political rejects.

      "but when someone is caught pissing in the kitchen sink, they should not be surprised when someone talks about it.

      The same applies, of course, to ObamaCo being caught doing certain things, and his political opponents talking about it.


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