Maher Responds to the Donald

by:Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

I am not a big fan of Bill Maher, nor do I agree with much that Crooks and Liars puts out for the public's perusal. However, priding myself on being fair and balanced I figured this one deserved a play here at RN USA. It is really funny, portrays the "Donald" perfectly, and besides he had it coming. That and personally I don't care for the "Donald." He may not be an Orangutan but he certainly is a buffoon.

Via: Memorandum


  1. I like the photo of Farquaad seen at the start.

  2. Trump versus Maher? Wow. I think that I'm probably going to have to pull an "Obama" here and simply vote, "present". Not a major fan of either.

  3. Point of Order:

    Maher issued the challenge. Trump picked it up and answered it. No spin. Just fact.

    Now Maher needs to honor his words. Simple. It's not as if the money is going to Trump; it's going to a charity or two.

    This is merely Maher being held to account for his foolish words. I support Trump in this. In this, he is not wrong.

    1. It was funny, very funny and I usually don't like Maher. Maybe it's because Trump is IMNHO just a pompous blowhard with a lot of money and no real personal attribute aside from his business acumen, such as it is.


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