The Madman of Iran Speaks of Need To Annihilate Israel... Again

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

There can be no doubt but of Iran's desire and intention to wipe the Israeli state off the face of the earth. At least not for those who listen to or read the hate filled rhetoric of the Iranian President. The hate that seethes from lips and hearts of many in the Middle East, as well as from the head of the Persian state is palatable.

The Jerusalem Post - In a speech published on his website Thursday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the ultimate goal of world forces must be the annihilation of Israel.

Speaking to ambassadors from Islamic countries ahead of 'Qods Day' ('Jerusalem Day'), an annual Iranian anti-Zionist event established in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini and which falls this year on August 17, Ahmadinejad said that a "horrible Zionist current" had been managing world affairs for "about 400 years."

Repeating traditional anti-Semitic slurs, the Iranian president accused "Zionists" of controlling the world's media and financial systems.

It was Zionists, he said, who were “behind the scene of the world’s main powers, media, monetary and banking centers.”

"They are the decision makers, to the extent that the presidential election hopefuls [of the USA] must go and kiss the feet of the Zionists to ensure their election victory,” he added.

Ahmadinejad added that "liberating Palestine" would solve all the world's problems, although he did not elaborate on exactly how that might work.

“Qods Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems," he said.

He added: "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.” {Read More}

Who could really blame the tiny state of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East from going nuclear on Iran? Israel and her people must live in a constant state of readiness, as well as fear because of Deranged Madmen the likes of Ahmadinejad.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "There can be no doubt but of Iran's desire and intention to wipe the Israeli state off the face of the earth."

    Have you ever known an Iranian, Les?

    Why don't you try this sentence?:

    "There can be no doubt Iran's puppet president's rhetoric involves wiping the Israeli state off the face of the earth." Blah blah blah.

    Nothing new there.

    It's easy to blame "Israel" for the every bad thing under the Arabian sun (remember, this rhetoric is not for Farsi consumption). It's another thing to convince the Iranian public.

    I really and truly believe the Iranians will get rid of these morons in our lifetimes, Les. Ahmadinejad is an embarrassing joke - a caricature of theocrats pretending to be statesmen - and the Iranians know it.


    1. @ jmj who said... "There can be no doubt Iran's puppet president's rhetoric involves wiping the Israeli state off the face of the earth."

      Excellent sentence! Concisely stated and more accurate. Hat's off to ya this time jmj.

      "Have you ever known an Iranian, Les?"

      Well if you mean in Iran the answer is no. But yes, I personally know many Iranians in the US. In fact I have very dear friends who are Iranian.

      I am glad to see you know that Iran is Persia as such not part of the Middle East, you also know Farsi is their language, my friend Farkondeh (sp?) would be impressed.

      I hope you are right jmj, I am not so sure. In fact I am doubtful. Bottom line, both Israel and the rest of the world has reason for concern.

  2. We know that Ahmadinejad and the mullahs are fanatical. What we haven't been able to ascertain is, are they suicidal, too?

    1. Maybe they are Will. Don't the get something like 70 virgins or something if they die as martyrs?

    2. Individually, they're suicidal, no question. I was just wondering if they would be willing as a country to face total nuclear annihilation (the U.S. and what would be left of Israel would no doubt retaliate vociferously). Hopefully, we'll never get that far.

    3. Who knows how far the deranged will go? Hopefully the sane in Iran ultimately prevail as jmj thinks they will. I'm not so sure they will.

  3. Iran (and other countries in the area) have been calling for the annihilation of Israel since 1948. What's different now? Is it a good enough United States security problem for America to attack, or invade Iran?
    Israel has defended itself successfully, without American troops. Israel has bombed Iran before, without America troops.
    The question is not, is the president of Iran nuts, of course he is. The question is, how far should America get directly involved? Israel has proven (past wars with their enemies) they can handle their own defense. America should stay out of it. If a friend asks for help, we help.

    1. I didn't say we should get directly involved.

      "Who could really blame the tiny state of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East from going nuclear on Iran?" is what I said.

      A wink and a nod, should it come to that is all we need do. Of course that and supplying the weaponry to Israel as needed.

    2. No, but that's what both Obama and Romney are planing. It's a mistake.

    3. Only if Israel is the aggressor. If Israel responds militarily in response to Iranian or Arab aggression the wink and nod (combined with arms support from the west) is a-ok.

  4. Either way, if Israel can handle their own defense (they can) America should not get involved.


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